cmallwitz / Financials-Extension

Extension for LibreOffice Calc to access stock market data
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No div yield or div data for ticker via FT #100

Open Durhammer3111 opened 3 months ago

Durhammer3111 commented 3 months ago

FT has the JAAA Janus ETF showing up in the FT query as JAAA:PCQ:USD . That works for price (21) just fine, but not for dividend (70) and annual yield (71). Admittedly, this is the first ETF I've tried, so might that be the issue, that FT doesn't make dividend stuff part of the quote?

Okay, after writing that, I tried the TIP ETF and got the same results. I don't see any of that information on the FT query results page, but don't know if there's another source like Yahoo stats. Yahoo has both ETFs dividend and yield info, as well as stuff FT doesn't get like market cap, PE, and Beta. So maybe this tidbit could be added to the readme, if nothing else can be done about it.

Thanks for the excellent extension!

Edit: after poking around some more, I can plainly see that FT simply doesn't have Yahoo-equivalent information for ETFs other than price and daily change ($ & %) values. No volume stuff, PE, Beta, dividend stuff, EPS, etc. And to be fair, Yahoo also does not show EPS or market cap values for ETFs, though it does have the other items mentioned.

This issue can be closed, but it sure would be nice to have a note about the shortcomings of trying to get certain data points for ETFs.