Starting on October 1st, with YAHOO as the source, GETREALTIME() began to fail and has continues to fail. It gives the following error message: "argument must be an int, or have a fileno() method". I've tried this many times and always get this error.
With FT as the source GETREALTIME() works okay, except that it does not return anything but #N/A for GOOG requests, unless the suffix :NSQ is added to it.
Starting on October 1st, with YAHOO as the source, GETREALTIME() began to fail and has continues to fail. It gives the following error message: "argument must be an int, or have a fileno() method". I've tried this many times and always get this error. With FT as the source GETREALTIME() works okay, except that it does not return anything but #N/A for GOOG requests, unless the suffix :NSQ is added to it.