cmallwitz / Financials-Extension

Extension for LibreOffice Calc to access stock market data
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Turnover figures #20

Open casper43 opened 3 years ago

casper43 commented 3 years ago

Would it be possible to draw turnover figures from some data source?

cmallwitz commented 3 years ago

Let me take a look what is available/reported on site.

cmallwitz commented 3 years ago

Only place I can find references to turnover is on Yahoo but only in page source - I can't see it on page?

casper43 commented 3 years ago

I would be neat if this could be extracted somehow. Btw. can you draw free data from intrinio?

casper43 commented 3 years ago

I wonder where this site gets their turnover and EBITA figures from:

cmallwitz commented 3 years ago

No idea but these things do get published frequently - just not on Yahoo or the FT.

In terms of adding additional sources: I would like to actually do this but pick a provider good data coverage across markets and asset classes (so not just US and US$). For instance, I did look at e.g. Alpha Vantage - the problem is there "demo account" usage policies is useless. You could make a few hundred or thousand requests per day but not rapidly - so you can't make e.g. 20 requests per second and this is more or less what happens when you have a spread sheet with 20 symbols - Calc wants to update all cells immediately and the extension can't really throttle it in a meaningful way without blocking Calc itself.

I like too - maybe it would make sense to support a paid service (where the extension user has to put a "key" or API access file somewhere on disk) to get good quality data and fast access - maybe I should ask them to "sponsor" a key for me :-)

BTW: Getting data from Google is broken after site redesign. Although it now looks quite fancy it seems a nightmare to actually scrap data from web site and there isn't more data than on Yahoo/FT so I'm almost inclined to just drop Google support. I wonder if anybody is actually using Google...

casper43 commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the link. I'd say I'd rather pay some small fee than having to wait 5 Minutes or so. :)

I don't use Google with your extension, their solution is neat but only works with Google and they can do whatever they like with what we create.

All of my trackers I'm are from FT at the moment.

casper43 commented 3 years ago

Hi there. Any news on the front of a fast service?

cmallwitz commented 3 years ago

Not really :-)

casper43 commented 3 years ago

Problem is, that the data is just not reliable. :)