Open kartoffelsup opened 7 years ago
About: •Stampede does not give a 50% speed increase
I checked sniffs: -- spell 45876 -- Effect 0: Id 6 (SPELL_EFFECT_APPLY_AURA) BasePoints = 1 Targets (22, 15) (TARGET_CASTER_COORDINATES, TARGET_ALL_ENEMY_IN_AREA) -- this should hit all enemies (works) Aura Id 12 (SPELL_AURA_MOD_STUN), value = 1, misc = 0 (0), miscB = 0, periodic = 0 Radius (Id 13) 10,00 Effect Mechanic = 12 (MECHANIC_STUN)
BasePoints = 0
Targets (1, 0) (TARGET_SELF, NO_TARGET) -- this should hit kodo self
Trigger spell (45901) Stampede. Chance = 101
Description: Increases movement speed by $s1% for $d.
ToolTip: Stampede!
-- ServerToClient: SMSG_SPELL_START (0x0803)
(Cast) CasterGUID: Full: 0x2010F0476018FF000000170000600193 Vehicle/0 R1084/S23 Map: 571 Entry: 25596 Low: 6291859
(Cast) SpellID: 45876 (45876)
-- ServerToClient: SMSG_SPELL_GO (0x1161)
(Cast) CasterUnit: Full: 0x2010F0476018FF000000170000600193 Vehicle/0 R1084/S23 Map: 571 Entry: 25596 Low: 6291859
(Cast) SpellID: 45876 (45876)
(Cast) CastFlags: 279296
(Cast) [0] HitTarget: Full: 0x2010F0476018FF000000170000600193 Vehicle/0 R1084/S23 Map: 571 Entry: 25596 Low: 6291859
-- ServerToClient: SMSG_AURA_UPDATE (0x091C)
UnitGUID: Full: 0x2010F0476018FF000000170000600193 Vehicle/0 R1084/S23 Map: 571 Entry: 25596 Low: 6291859
[0] HasAura: True
[0] SpellID: 45901 (45901) -- speed increese
[0] Flags: NoCaster, Positive, Duration (7)
[0] Duration: 5000
[0] Remaining: 5000
-- ServerToClient: SMSG_SPELL_GO (0x1161)
(Cast) CasterGUID: Full: 0x2010F0476018FF000000170000600193 Vehicle/0 R1084/S23 Map: 571 Entry: 25596 Low: 6291859
(Cast) CastID: 116
(Cast) SpellID: 45901 (45901) -- speed increese
(Cast) [0] HitTarget: Full: 0x2010F0476018FF000000170000600193 Vehicle/0 R1084/S23 Map: 571 Entry: 25596 Low: 6291859
Spell is casted by vehicle on itself (Targets (1, 0) (TARGET_SELF, NO_TARGET)
And now look what happens on CmangoS
WORLD: CMSG_PET_CAST_SPELL, Vehicle (Entry: 25596 Guid: 151044), cast_count: 19
spellid 45876, unk_flags 0
Sending SMSG_SPELL_START id=45876
Sending SMSG_SPELL_GO id=45876
Spell 45876 Effect1 : 64 Targets: Vehicle (Entry: 25596 Guid: 151044), -, -
Sending SMSG_SPELL_GO id=45901
Spell 45901 Effect0 : 6 Targets: Vehicle (Entry: 25596 Guid: 151044), -, -
Spell: Aura is: 31
Aura: construct Spellid : 45901, Aura : 31 Target : 1 Damage : 50
Holder of spell 45901 now is in use.
So it looks like, that spell uses correct targets on cmangos ... but somehow doesnt work on vehicle... I also casted 45901(for test) on player... and it works fine We need core devs to look why it doesnt work on npcs. Any idea?:)
What should be the speed of NPC compared to player:
The npc GetSpeedRate(MOVE_RUN)=2. As soon as I sit, going fast.
If you use this spell in acceleration:
At the moment there is no increase in speed by 50%, and conversely the speed is reduced in 2 times. Moreover, the multiplier speed NPC can be reduced from 2 to 1, if you get off after the expiration of the aura.
If this block to comment out
if (Unit* charmer = GetCharmer())
//SetSpeedRate(mtype, charmer->GetSpeedRate(mtype), forced); - the commented line
//return; - the commented line
spell 45901 will work correctly.
Perhaps this case should not fall under "if (Unit* charmer = GetCharmer())"
In this case should be handled the speed change?
Another similar one to this is the quest Grand Theft Palomino if you are on the horse and use Gallop your movement speed does not increase.
Confirmed issue with quest Grand Theft Palomino. When you first steal the horse, it just walks along. I don't know if it walks by default and you are supposed to click Gallop repeatedly for speed, but clicking it does not affect the horse. Also if attacked, the horse may stop responding to your control and just walk in whatever direction it feels like.
Once you use Torp's Kodo Snaffle on a Infected Kodo Beast you mount on it and need to ride it back. You can use Stampede to gain 50% speed for 5 seconds.
Current behavior:
Expected behavior:
Steps to reproduce:
Client version: 3.3.5 (12340) (Release)
Commit hash: cfb9da6cd2c1592720a076755f799a8b6a17c51e
Database version: WoTLKDB v1.0 'Echoes of Northrend' for CMaNGOS-WOTLK 12943 required_12946_01_mangos_spell_template
Operating system: Windows 10 (Bash on Ubuntu on Windows)