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Compile errors #1369

Closed madmax765 closed 7 years ago

madmax765 commented 7 years ago

Current behavior: classic Can not compile from may 5th and on

Expected behavior: 2 errors in build Steps to reproduce:

  1. did fresh pull Commits on May 5, 2017 626560be7a399a4f0a83f0ddc2713f6890bc4be4
  2. I did a fresh pull Commits on May 4, 2017 4e32c488ccec88c7cf9ada4eb450d663c9c4f2b3 an it compiles ok, So trouble starts on commints from May 5th

Client version: mangos-classic Commit hash: 626560be7a399a4f0a83f0ddc2713f6890bc4be4 Database version: Classic DB version 1.8 "Lunar Festival". For core Classic z2692. Operating system: windows 10 pro, VS community 2015 open, SSL 1.0.2k

1>------ Build started: Project: zlib, Configuration: Release x64 ------ 2>------ Build started: Project: framework, Configuration: Release x64 ------ 3>------ Build started: Project: genrevision, Configuration: Release x64 ------ 4>------ Build started: Project: g3dlite, Configuration: Release x64 ------ 5>------ Build started: Project: Detour, Configuration: Release x64 ------ 1> adler32.c 1> compress.c 1> crc32.c 1> deflate.c 1> example.c 1> gzio.c 1> infback.c 1> inffast.c 1> inflate.c 1> inftrees.c 2> ObjectLifeTime.cpp 2> EventProcessor.cpp 1> trees.c 1> uncompr.c 3> genrevision.cpp 5> DetourAlloc.cpp 1> zutil.c 4> AABox.cpp 4> Box.cpp 4> Crypto.cpp 4> format.cpp 4> Matrix3.cpp 4> Plane.cpp 4> RegistryUtil.cpp 4> System.cpp 5> DetourCommon.cpp 5> DetourNavMesh.cpp 5> DetourNavMeshBuilder.cpp 5> DetourNavMeshQuery.cpp 5> DetourNode.cpp 5> Generating Code... 3> Generating code 1> zlib.vcxproj -> D:\MadMax765\Downloads\mangos-classic-626560be7a399a4f0a83f0ddc2713f6890bc4be4\mangos-classic-626560be7a399a4f0a83f0ddc2713f6890bc4be4\win\VC140.\zlibx64_Release\zlib.lib 3> All 246 functions were compiled because no usable IPDB/IOBJ from previous compilation was found. 3> Finished generating code 5> Detour.vcxproj -> D:\MadMax765\Downloads\mangos-classic-626560be7a399a4f0a83f0ddc2713f6890bc4be4\mangos-classic-626560be7a399a4f0a83f0ddc2713f6890bc4be4\dep\recastnavigation\Detour\win\VC140\........\lib\x64_Release\Detour.lib 3> genrevision.vcxproj -> D:\MadMax765\Downloads\mangos-classic-626560be7a399a4f0a83f0ddc2713f6890bc4be4\mangos-classic-626560be7a399a4f0a83f0ddc2713f6890bc4be4\win\VC140.\genrevisionx64_Release\genrevision.exe 3> genrevision.vcxproj -> .\genrevisionx64_Release\genrevision.pdb (Full PDB) 2> framework.vcxproj -> D:\MadMax765\Downloads\mangos-classic-626560be7a399a4f0a83f0ddc2713f6890bc4be4\mangos-classic-626560be7a399a4f0a83f0ddc2713f6890bc4be4\win\VC140.\framework__x64_Release\framework.lib 6>------ Build started: Project: shared, Configuration: Release x64 ------ 6> Extract revision 4> Triangle.cpp 6> AuthCrypt.cpp 6> BigNumber.cpp 6> Hmac.cpp 6> Sha1.cpp 6> ByteBuffer.cpp 6> Common.cpp 6> Config.cpp 6> Database.cpp 4> Vector3.cpp 4> Vector4.cpp 4> debugAssert.cpp 4> fileutils.cpp 4> g3dmath.cpp 4> g3dfnmatch.cpp 4> prompt.cpp 4> stringutils.cpp 4> Any.cpp 4> BinaryFormat.cpp 4> BinaryInput.cpp 6> DatabaseMysql.cpp 4> BinaryOutput.cpp 4> Capsule.cpp 6> DBCFileLoader.cpp 6> Field.cpp 4> CollisionDetection.cpp 6> QueryResultMysql.cpp 6> SqlDelayThread.cpp 6> SqlOperations.cpp 4> CoordinateFrame.cpp 6> SqlPreparedStatement.cpp 6> SQLStorage.cpp 4> Cylinder.cpp 4> Line.cpp 6> Log.cpp 4> LineSegment.cpp 4> Log.cpp 4> Matrix4.cpp 6> Listener.cpp 4> MemoryManager.cpp 4> Quat.cpp 4> Random.cpp 6> Please define _WIN32_WINNT or _WIN32_WINDOWS appropriately. For example: 6> - add -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0501 to the compiler command line; or 6> - add _WIN32_WINNT=0x0501 to your project's Preprocessor Definitions. 6> Assuming _WIN32_WINNT=0x0501 (i.e. Windows XP target). 4> Ray.cpp 4>C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\Include\um\imagehlp.h(1873): warning C4091: 'typedef ': ignored on left of '' when no variable is declared (compiling source file ....\dep\src\g3dlite\Log.cpp) 4>C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\Include\um\imagehlp.h(3519): warning C4091: 'typedef ': ignored on left of '' when no variable is declared (compiling source file ....\dep\src\g3dlite\Log.cpp) 4> ReferenceCount.cpp 4> Sphere.cpp 6> PacketBuffer.cpp 4> TextInput.cpp 6> Socket.cpp 6> ProgressBar.cpp 6> ServiceWin32.cpp 4> TextOutput.cpp 4> UprightFrame.cpp 4> Vector2.cpp 6> Threading.cpp 6> Util.cpp 4> PhysicsFrame.cpp 4> FileSystem.cpp 4> uint128.cpp 4> g3dlite.vcxproj -> D:\MadMax765\Downloads\mangos-classic-626560be7a399a4f0a83f0ddc2713f6890bc4be4\mangos-classic-626560be7a399a4f0a83f0ddc2713f6890bc4be4\win\VC140.\g3dlitex64_Release\g3dlite.lib 6> md5.c 6> shared.vcxproj -> D:\MadMax765\Downloads\mangos-classic-626560be7a399a4f0a83f0ddc2713f6890bc4be4\mangos-classic-626560be7a399a4f0a83f0ddc2713f6890bc4be4\win\VC140.\shared__x64_Release\shared.lib 7>------ Build started: Project: game, Configuration: Release x64 ------ 8>------ Build started: Project: realmd, Configuration: Release x64 ------ 8> AuthSocket.cpp 8> Main.cpp 8> RealmList.cpp 8> WheatyExceptionReport.cpp 7> pchdef.cpp 8>C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\Include\um\dbghelp.h(1544): warning C4091: 'typedef ': ignored on left of '' when no variable is declared (compiling source file ....\src\shared\WheatyExceptionReport.cpp) 8>C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\Include\um\dbghelp.h(3190): warning C4091: 'typedef ': ignored on left of '' when no variable is declared (compiling source file ....\src\shared\WheatyExceptionReport.cpp) 8>d:\madmax765\downloads\mangos-classic-626560be7a399a4f0a83f0ddc2713f6890bc4be4\mangos-classic-626560be7a399a4f0a83f0ddc2713f6890bc4be4\src\shared\revision.h(6): warning C4005: 'VERSION': macro redefinition (compiling source file ....\src\shared\WheatyExceptionReport.cpp) 8> d:\madmax765\downloads\mangos-classic-626560be7a399a4f0a83f0ddc2713f6890bc4be4\mangos-classic-626560be7a399a4f0a83f0ddc2713f6890bc4be4\src\shared\revision.h(6): note: command-line arguments: see previous definition of 'VERSION' (compiling source file ....\src\shared\WheatyExceptionReport.cpp) 8>d:\madmax765\downloads\mangos-classic-626560be7a399a4f0a83f0ddc2713f6890bc4be4\mangos-classic-626560be7a399a4f0a83f0ddc2713f6890bc4be4\src\shared\revision.h(6): warning C4005: 'VERSION': macro redefinition (compiling source file ....\src\realmd\Main.cpp) 8> d:\madmax765\downloads\mangos-classic-626560be7a399a4f0a83f0ddc2713f6890bc4be4\mangos-classic-626560be7a399a4f0a83f0ddc2713f6890bc4be4\src\shared\revision.h(6): note: command-line arguments: see previous definition of 'VERSION' (compiling source file ....\src\realmd\Main.cpp) 8> realmd.vcxproj -> D:\MadMax765\Downloads\mangos-classic-626560be7a399a4f0a83f0ddc2713f6890bc4be4\mangos-classic-626560be7a399a4f0a83f0ddc2713f6890bc4be4\win\VC140....\bin\x64_Release\realmd.exe 8> realmd.vcxproj -> D:\MadMax765\Downloads\mangos-classic-626560be7a399a4f0a83f0ddc2713f6890bc4be4\mangos-classic-626560be7a399a4f0a83f0ddc2713f6890bc4be4\bin\x64_Release\realmd.pdb (Full PDB) 7> AccountMgr.cpp 7> AddonHandler.cpp 7> AggressorAI.cpp 7> CreatureAI.cpp 7> GuardAI.cpp 7> GuardianAI.cpp 7> NullCreatureAI.cpp 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\AccountMgr.cpp': No such file or directory 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\AddonHandler.cpp': No such file or directory 7> PetAI.cpp 7> ReactorAI.cpp 7> TotemAI.cpp 7> CreatureAIRegistry.cpp 7> CreatureAISelector.cpp 7> CreatureEventAI.cpp 7> CreatureEventAIMgr.cpp 7> escort_ai.cpp 7> follower_ai.cpp 7> guard_ai.cpp 7> pet_ai.cpp 7> precompiled.cpp 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\AI\ScriptDevAI\include\precompiled.cpp': No such file or directory 7> sc_creature.cpp 7> sc_grid_searchers.cpp 7> sc_instance.cpp 7> ScriptDevAIMgr.cpp 7> battlegrounds.cpp 7> alterac_mountains.cpp 7> arathi_highlands.cpp 7> blackrock_depths.cpp 7> boss_ambassador_flamelash.cpp 7> boss_emperor_dagran_thaurissan.cpp 7> boss_general_angerforge.cpp 7> boss_high_interrogator_gerstahn.cpp 7> instance_blackrock_depths.cpp 7> boss_gyth.cpp 7> boss_overlord_wyrmthalak.cpp 7> boss_pyroguard_emberseer.cpp 7> instance_blackrock_spire.cpp 7> boss_broodlord_lashlayer.cpp 7> boss_chromaggus.cpp 7> boss_ebonroc.cpp 7> boss_firemaw.cpp 7> boss_flamegor.cpp 7> boss_nefarian.cpp 7> boss_razorgore.cpp 7> boss_vaelastrasz.cpp 7> boss_victor_nefarius.cpp 7> instance_blackwing_lair.cpp 7> blasted_lands.cpp 7> boss_kazzak.cpp 7> burning_steppes.cpp 7> boss_mr_smite.cpp 7> deadmines.cpp 7> instance_deadmines.cpp 7> dun_morogh.cpp 7> eastern_plaguelands.cpp 7> elwynn_forest.cpp 7> boss_thermaplugg.cpp 7> gnomeregan.cpp 7> instance_gnomeregan.cpp 7> hinterlands.cpp 7> ironforge.cpp 7> loch_modan.cpp 7> boss_baron_geddon.cpp 7> boss_garr.cpp 7> boss_gehennas.cpp 7> boss_golemagg.cpp 7> boss_lucifron.cpp 7> boss_magmadar.cpp 7> boss_majordomo_executus.cpp 7> boss_ragnaros.cpp 7> boss_shazzrah.cpp 7> boss_sulfuron_harbinger.cpp 7> instance_molten_core.cpp 7> molten_core.cpp 7> boss_anubrekhan.cpp 7> boss_faerlina.cpp 7> boss_four_horsemen.cpp 7> boss_gluth.cpp 7> boss_gothik.cpp 7> boss_grobbulus.cpp 7> boss_heigan.cpp 7> boss_kelthuzad.cpp 7> boss_loatheb.cpp 7> boss_maexxna.cpp 7> boss_noth.cpp 7> boss_patchwerk.cpp 7> boss_razuvious.cpp 7> boss_sapphiron.cpp 7> boss_thaddius.cpp 7> instance_naxxramas.cpp 7> redridge_mountains.cpp 7> boss_arcanist_doan.cpp 7> boss_herod.cpp 7> boss_mograine_and_whitemane.cpp 7> instance_scarlet_monastery.cpp 7> boss_darkmaster_gandling.cpp 7> boss_jandice_barov.cpp 7> instance_scholomance.cpp 7> scholomance.cpp 7> searing_gorge.cpp 7> instance_shadowfang_keep.cpp 7> shadowfang_keep.cpp 7> silverpine_forest.cpp 7> stormwind_city.cpp 7> stranglethorn_vale.cpp 7> boss_baroness_anastari.cpp 7> boss_cannon_master_willey.cpp 7> boss_dathrohan_balnazzar.cpp 7> boss_maleki_the_pallid.cpp 7> instance_stratholme.cpp 7> stratholme.cpp 7> instance_sunken_temple.cpp 7> sunken_temple.cpp 7> swamp_of_sorrows.cpp 7> tirisfal_glades.cpp 7> boss_archaedas.cpp 7> instance_uldaman.cpp 7> uldaman.cpp 7> undercity.cpp 7> western_plaguelands.cpp 7> westfall.cpp 7> wetlands.cpp 7> boss_arlokk.cpp 7> boss_hakkar.cpp 7> boss_hazzarah.cpp 7> boss_jeklik.cpp 7> boss_jindo.cpp 7> boss_mandokir.cpp 7> boss_marli.cpp 7> boss_renataki.cpp 7> boss_thekal.cpp 7> boss_venoxis.cpp 7> instance_zulgurub.cpp 7> example_creature.cpp 7> example_escort.cpp 7> example_gossip_codebox.cpp 7> example_misc.cpp 7> ashenvale.cpp 7> azshara.cpp 7> instance_blackfathom_deeps.cpp 7> boss_azuregos.cpp 7> darkshore.cpp 7> desolace.cpp 7> dire_maul.cpp 7> instance_dire_maul.cpp 7> durotar.cpp 7> dustwallow_marsh.cpp 7> felwood.cpp 7> feralas.cpp 7> boss_noxxion.cpp 7> moonglade.cpp 7> mulgore.cpp 7> boss_onyxia.cpp 7> instance_onyxias_lair.cpp 7> orgrimmar.cpp 7> instance_razorfen_downs.cpp 7> razorfen_downs.cpp 7> instance_razorfen_kraul.cpp 7> razorfen_kraul.cpp 7> boss_ayamiss.cpp 7> boss_buru.cpp 7> boss_kurinnaxx.cpp 7> boss_moam.cpp 7> boss_ossirian.cpp 7> boss_rajaxx.cpp 7> instance_ruins_of_ahnqiraj.cpp 7> ruins_of_ahnqiraj.cpp 7> silithus.cpp 7> stonetalon_mountains.cpp 7> tanaris.cpp 7> teldrassil.cpp 7> boss_bug_trio.cpp 7> boss_cthun.cpp 7> boss_fankriss.cpp 7> boss_huhuran.cpp 7> boss_ouro.cpp 7> boss_sartura.cpp 7> boss_skeram.cpp 7> boss_twinemperors.cpp 7> boss_viscidus.cpp 7> instance_temple_of_ahnqiraj.cpp 7> mob_anubisath_sentinel.cpp 7> the_barrens.cpp 7> thousand_needles.cpp 7> thunder_bluff.cpp 7> ungoro_crater.cpp 7> instance_wailing_caverns.cpp 7> wailing_caverns.cpp 7> winterspring.cpp 7> boss_zumrah.cpp 7> instance_zulfarrak.cpp 7> zulfarrak.cpp 7> areatrigger_scripts.cpp 7> bosses_emerald_dragons.cpp 7> go_scripts.cpp 7> guards.cpp 7> item_scripts.cpp 7> mob_generic_creature.cpp 7> npcs_special.cpp 7> npc_professions.cpp 7> spell_scripts.cpp 7> world_map_scripts.cpp 7> ScriptLoader.cpp 7> system.cpp 7> AuctionHouseBot.cpp 7> AuctionHouseHandler.cpp 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\AuctionHouseHandler.cpp': No such file or directory 7> AuctionHouseMgr.cpp 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\AuctionHouseMgr.cpp': No such file or directory 7> Bag.cpp 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\Bag.cpp': No such file or directory 7> BattleGround.cpp 7> BattleGroundAB.cpp 7> BattleGroundAV.cpp 7> BattleGroundHandler.cpp 7> BattleGroundMgr.cpp 7> BattleGroundWS.cpp 7> Camera.cpp 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\Camera.cpp': No such file or directory 7> Channel.cpp 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\Channel.cpp': No such file or directory 7> ChannelHandler.cpp 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\ChannelHandler.cpp': No such file or directory 7> ChannelMgr.cpp 7> CharacterDatabaseCleaner.cpp 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\ChannelMgr.cpp': No such file or directory 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\CharacterDatabaseCleaner.cpp': No such file or directory 7> CharacterHandler.cpp 7> Chat.cpp 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\CharacterHandler.cpp': No such file or directory 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\Chat.cpp': No such file or directory 7> ChatHandler.cpp 7> CombatHandler.cpp 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\ChatHandler.cpp': No such file or directory 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\CombatHandler.cpp': No such file or directory 7> ConfusedMovementGenerator.cpp 7> Corpse.cpp 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\Corpse.cpp': No such file or directory 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\ConfusedMovementGenerator.cpp': No such file or directory 7> Creature.cpp 7> CreatureLinkingMgr.cpp 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\Creature.cpp': No such file or directory 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\CreatureLinkingMgr.cpp': No such file or directory 7> DBCStores.cpp 7> debugcmds.cpp 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\debugcmds.cpp': No such file or directory 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\DBCStores.cpp': No such file or directory 7> DuelHandler.cpp 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\DuelHandler.cpp': No such file or directory 7> DynamicObject.cpp 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\DynamicObject.cpp': No such file or directory 7> FleeingMovementGenerator.cpp 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\FleeingMovementGenerator.cpp': No such file or directory 7> FollowerReference.cpp 7> GameEventMgr.cpp 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\FollowerReference.cpp': No such file or directory 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\GameEventMgr.cpp': No such file or directory 7> GameObject.cpp 7> GMTicketHandler.cpp 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\GameObject.cpp': No such file or directory 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\GMTicketHandler.cpp': No such file or directory 7> GMTicketMgr.cpp 7> GossipDef.cpp 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\GMTicketMgr.cpp': No such file or directory 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\GossipDef.cpp': No such file or directory 7> GridMap.cpp 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\GridMap.cpp': No such file or directory 7> GridNotifiers.cpp 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\GridNotifiers.cpp': No such file or directory 7> GridStates.cpp 7> Group.cpp 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\GridStates.cpp': No such file or directory 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\Group.cpp': No such file or directory 7> GroupHandler.cpp 7> GroupReference.cpp 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\GroupHandler.cpp': No such file or directory 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\GroupReference.cpp': No such file or directory 7> Guild.cpp 7> GuildHandler.cpp 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\Guild.cpp': No such file or directory 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\GuildHandler.cpp': No such file or directory 7> GuildMgr.cpp 7> HomeMovementGenerator.cpp 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\GuildMgr.cpp': No such file or directory 7> HostileRefManager.cpp 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\HomeMovementGenerator.cpp': No such file or directory 7> IdleMovementGenerator.cpp 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\HostileRefManager.cpp': No such file or directory 7> InstanceData.cpp 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\IdleMovementGenerator.cpp': No such file or directory 7> Item.cpp 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\InstanceData.cpp': No such file or directory 7> ItemEnchantmentMgr.cpp 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\Item.cpp': No such file or directory 7> ItemHandler.cpp 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\ItemEnchantmentMgr.cpp': No such file or directory 7> Level0.cpp 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\ItemHandler.cpp': No such file or directory 7> Level1.cpp 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\Level0.cpp': No such file or directory 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\Level1.cpp': No such file or directory 7> Level2.cpp 7> Level3.cpp 7> LootHandler.cpp 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\Level2.cpp': No such file or directory 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\Level3.cpp': No such file or directory 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\LootHandler.cpp': No such file or directory 7> LootMgr.cpp 7> Mail.cpp 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\Mail.cpp': No such file or directory 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\LootMgr.cpp': No such file or directory 7> MailHandler.cpp 7> Map.cpp 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\MailHandler.cpp': No such file or directory 7> MapManager.cpp 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\Map.cpp': No such file or directory 7> MapPersistentStateMgr.cpp 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\MapManager.cpp': No such file or directory 7> MassMailMgr.cpp 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\MassMailMgr.cpp': No such file or directory 7> MiscHandler.cpp 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\MapPersistentStateMgr.cpp': No such file or directory 7> MotionMaster.cpp 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\MiscHandler.cpp': No such file or directory 7> MoveMap.cpp 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\MotionMaster.cpp': No such file or directory 7> MovementGenerator.cpp 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\MoveMap.cpp': No such file or directory 7> MovementHandler.cpp 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\MovementGenerator.cpp': No such file or directory 7> MoveSpline.cpp 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\MovementHandler.cpp': No such file or directory 7> MoveSplineInit.cpp 7> packet_builder.cpp 7> spline.cpp 7> util.cpp 7> NPCHandler.cpp 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\NPCHandler.cpp': No such file or directory 7> Object.cpp 7> ObjectAccessor.cpp 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\ObjectAccessor.cpp': No such file or directory 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\Object.cpp': No such file or directory 7> ObjectGridLoader.cpp 7> ObjectMgr.cpp 7> ObjectGuid.cpp 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\ObjectMgr.cpp': No such file or directory 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\ObjectGridLoader.cpp': No such file or directory 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\ObjectGuid.cpp': No such file or directory 7> ObjectPosSelector.cpp 7> Opcodes.cpp 7> PathFinder.cpp 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\PathFinder.cpp': No such file or directory 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\Opcodes.cpp': No such file or directory 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\ObjectPosSelector.cpp': No such file or directory 7> Pet.cpp 7> PetHandler.cpp 7> PetitionsHandler.cpp 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\PetHandler.cpp': No such file or directory 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\Pet.cpp': No such file or directory 7> Player.cpp 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\PetitionsHandler.cpp': No such file or directory 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\Player.cpp': No such file or directory 7> PlayerDump.cpp 7> PointMovementGenerator.cpp 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\PointMovementGenerator.cpp': No such file or directory 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\PlayerDump.cpp': No such file or directory 7> PoolManager.cpp 7> QueryHandler.cpp 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\QueryHandler.cpp': No such file or directory 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\PoolManager.cpp': No such file or directory 7> QuestDef.cpp 7> QuestHandler.cpp 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\QuestDef.cpp': No such file or directory 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\QuestHandler.cpp': No such file or directory 7> RandomMovementGenerator.cpp 7> ReputationMgr.cpp 7> ScriptMgr.cpp 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\ReputationMgr.cpp': No such file or directory 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\RandomMovementGenerator.cpp': No such file or directory 7> SkillHandler.cpp 7> SocialMgr.cpp 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\ScriptMgr.cpp': No such file or directory 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\SocialMgr.cpp': No such file or directory 7> Spell.cpp 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\SkillHandler.cpp': No such file or directory 7> SpellAuras.cpp 7> SQLStorages.cpp 7> UnitAuraProcHandler.cpp 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\Spell.cpp': No such file or directory 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\SpellAuras.cpp': No such file or directory 7> SpellEffects.cpp 7> SpellHandler.cpp 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\UnitAuraProcHandler.cpp': No such file or directory 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\SQLStorages.cpp': No such file or directory 7> SpellMgr.cpp 7> StatSystem.cpp 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\SpellHandler.cpp': No such file or directory 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\SpellEffects.cpp': No such file or directory 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\SpellMgr.cpp': No such file or directory 7> TargetedMovementGenerator.cpp 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\StatSystem.cpp': No such file or directory 7> TaxiHandler.cpp 7> TemporarySummon.cpp 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\TargetedMovementGenerator.cpp': No such file or directory 7> ThreatManager.cpp 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\TemporarySummon.cpp': No such file or directory 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\TaxiHandler.cpp': No such file or directory 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\ThreatManager.cpp': No such file or directory 7> Totem.cpp 7> TradeHandler.cpp 7> Transports.cpp 7> Unit.cpp 7> UpdateData.cpp 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\Transports.cpp': No such file or directory 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\Totem.cpp': No such file or directory 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\TradeHandler.cpp': No such file or directory 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\UpdateData.cpp': No such file or directory 7> WaypointManager.cpp 7> WaypointMovementGenerator.cpp 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\Unit.cpp': No such file or directory 7> Weather.cpp 7> World.cpp 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\WaypointMovementGenerator.cpp': No such file or directory 7> OutdoorPvP.cpp 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\World.cpp': No such file or directory 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\WaypointManager.cpp': No such file or directory 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\Weather.cpp': No such file or directory 7> OutdoorPvPEP.cpp 7> OutdoorPvPMgr.cpp 7> OutdoorPvPSI.cpp 7> WorldSession.cpp 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\WorldSession.cpp': No such file or directory 7> WorldSocket.cpp 7>c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '....\src\game\WorldSocket.cpp': No such file or directory 7> BIH.cpp 7> DynamicTree.cpp 7> GameObjectModel.cpp 7> MapTree.cpp 7> ModelInstance.cpp 7> TileAssembler.cpp 7> VMapFactory.cpp 7> VMapManager2.cpp 7> WorldModel.cpp 9>------ Build started: Project: mangosd, Configuration: Release x64 ------ 9> stdsoap2.cpp 9> soapServer.cpp 9> soapC.cpp 9> MaNGOSsoap.cpp 9> CliRunnable.cpp 9> Main.cpp 9> Master.cpp 9> RASocket.cpp 9> WorldRunnable.cpp 9> WheatyExceptionReport.cpp 9>d:\madmax765\downloads\mangos-classic-626560be7a399a4f0a83f0ddc2713f6890bc4be4\mangos-classic-626560be7a399a4f0a83f0ddc2713f6890bc4be4\src\shared\revision.h(6): warning C4005: 'VERSION': macro redefinition (compiling source file ....\src\mangosd\Main.cpp) 9> d:\madmax765\downloads\mangos-classic-626560be7a399a4f0a83f0ddc2713f6890bc4be4\mangos-classic-626560be7a399a4f0a83f0ddc2713f6890bc4be4\src\shared\revision.h(6): note: command-line arguments: see previous definition of 'VERSION' (compiling source file ....\src\mangosd\Main.cpp) 9>C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\Include\um\dbghelp.h(1544): warning C4091: 'typedef ': ignored on left of '' when no variable is declared (compiling source file ....\src\shared\WheatyExceptionReport.cpp) 9>C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\Include\um\dbghelp.h(3190): warning C4091: 'typedef ': ignored on left of '' when no variable is declared (compiling source file ....\src\shared\WheatyExceptionReport.cpp) 9>d:\madmax765\downloads\mangos-classic-626560be7a399a4f0a83f0ddc2713f6890bc4be4\mangos-classic-626560be7a399a4f0a83f0ddc2713f6890bc4be4\src\shared\revision.h(6): warning C4005: 'VERSION': macro redefinition (compiling source file ....\src\shared\WheatyExceptionReport.cpp) 9> d:\madmax765\downloads\mangos-classic-626560be7a399a4f0a83f0ddc2713f6890bc4be4\mangos-classic-626560be7a399a4f0a83f0ddc2713f6890bc4be4\src\shared\revision.h(6): note: command-line arguments: see previous definition of 'VERSION' (compiling source file ....\src\shared\WheatyExceptionReport.cpp) 9>d:\madmax765\downloads\mangos-classic-626560be7a399a4f0a83f0ddc2713f6890bc4be4\mangos-classic-626560be7a399a4f0a83f0ddc2713f6890bc4be4\src\shared\revision.h(6): warning C4005: 'VERSION': macro redefinition (compiling source file ....\src\mangosd\Master.cpp) 9> d:\madmax765\downloads\mangos-classic-626560be7a399a4f0a83f0ddc2713f6890bc4be4\mangos-classic-626560be7a399a4f0a83f0ddc2713f6890bc4be4\src\shared\revision.h(6): note: command-line arguments: see previous definition of 'VERSION' (compiling source file ....\src\mangosd\Master.cpp) 9>LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'D:\MadMax765\Downloads\mangos-classic-626560be7a399a4f0a83f0ddc2713f6890bc4be4\mangos-classic-626560be7a399a4f0a83f0ddc2713f6890bc4be4\win\VC140\game__x64_Release\game.lib' ========== Build: 7 succeeded, 2 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

cyberium commented 7 years ago

Should be fixed. However cmangos will soon switch to full cmake support on all core. Meaning we will delete "win" folder and provided sln. I strongly suggest you to install cmake and try to setup it. It should from now generate a perfectly suited project file. Iam trying to find someone who will be able to do a video tutorial about that process to help new users. We should also update our wiki in next followings days.


madmax765 commented 7 years ago

well i did a fresh pull just of cmangos only, I stil get a error , but a different one now lol, I do usde cmake on trinty and sjyfire. but i have no clue on how to use it on cmanges. 7> CombatHandler.cpp 7>..\..\src\game\Chat\Level2.cpp : fatal error C1083: Cannot open precompiled header file: '.\game__x64_Release\game.pch': No such file or directory 7> DuelHandler.cpp 7>..\..\src\game\Chat\ChannelMgr.cpp : fatal error C1083: Cannot open precompiled header file: '.\game__x64_Release\game.pch': No such file or directory 7> HostileRefManager.cpp 7> ThreatManager.cpp 7> ScriptMgr.cpp 7> Bag.cpp 7>..\..\src\game\Combat\DuelHandler.cpp : fatal error C1083: Cannot open precompiled header file: '.\game__x64_Release\game.pch': No such file or directory 7>..\..\src\game\Chat\debugcmds.cpp : fatal error C1083: Cannot open precompiled header file: '.\game__x64_Release\game.pch': No such file or directory 7> Camera.cpp 7>..\..\src\game\Combat\CombatHandler.cpp : fatal error C1083: Cannot open precompiled header file: '.\game__x64_Release\game.pch': No such file or directory 7>..\..\src\game\DBScripts\ScriptMgr.cpp : fatal error C1083: Cannot open precompiled header file: '.\game__x64_Release\game.pch': No such file or directory 7>..\..\src\game\Entities\Bag.cpp : fatal error C1083: Cannot open precompiled header file: '.\game__x64_Release\game.pch': No such file or directory 7>..\..\src\game\Combat\ThreatManager.cpp : fatal error C1083: Cannot open precompiled header file: '.\game__x64_Release\game.pch': No such file or directory 7>..\..\src\game\Combat\HostileRefManager.cpp : fatal error C1083: Cannot open precompiled header file: '.\game__x64_Release\game.pch': No such file or directory 7> CharacterHandler.cpp 7> Corpse.cpp 7> Creature.cpp 7> CreatureLinkingMgr.cpp 7> DynamicObject.cpp 7>..\..\src\game\Entities\CharacterHandler.cpp : fatal error C1083: Cannot open precompiled header file: '.\game__x64_Release\game.pch': No such file or directory 7>..\..\src\game\Entities\Corpse.cpp : fatal error C1083: Cannot open precompiled header file: '.\game__x64_Release\game.pch': No such file or directory 7>..\..\src\game\Entities\Creature.cpp : fatal error C1083: Cannot open precompiled header file: '.\game__x64_Release\game.pch': No such file or directory 7>..\..\src\game\Entities\DynamicObject.cpp : fatal error C1083: Cannot open precompiled header file: '.\game__x64_Release\game.pch': No such file or directory 7>..\..\src\game\Entities\CreatureLinkingMgr.cpp : fatal error C1083: Cannot open precompiled header file: '.\game__x64_Release\game.pch': No such file or directory 7>..\..\src\game\Entities\Camera.cpp : fatal error C1083: Cannot open precompiled header file: '.\game__x64_Release\game.pch': No such file or directory 7> GameObject.cpp 7> GossipDef.cpp 7> Item.cpp 7> ItemEnchantmentMgr.cpp 7> ItemHandler.cpp