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Phases Not Working - All Phases Visable At All Times (MAJOR BUG) #142

Closed cmangos-bot closed 11 years ago

cmangos-bot commented 11 years ago

Created by @X-Savior on 2013-02-16 01:59:48 Closed on 2013-03-15 10:07:46

Just noticed we have a big bug in the core...

it seems all NPC's are visible from all phases at the same time. So you send command to switch phases and nothing happens (not sure if it not switching phases or that due to bug you see no change because all NPC are still visible.

I noticed this when looking at duplicate spawns from sniffs and realized they were not duplicates but spawns of same NPC from other phases.

This bug has pretty much halted all DB Development for Spawns until it is fixed.

cmangos-bot commented 11 years ago

Comment by @Paradox on 2013-02-17 02:28:38

Are you sure you didn't have GM on?

cmangos-bot commented 11 years ago

Comment by @X-Savior on 2013-02-17 03:22:16

Yes, I confirmed that GM was not on.

I suspect that the Modify Phase command may not be working also.... I got no confirmation in-game of phase change and no change in NPC.

A good example is I deleted all non phase 1 npc and then set another known phase value and all NPC's still remain.

Now this is also testing using the older version of the core since all the backporting began the VMAP extractor has been broken so I am completely unable to test the newer core until this is fixed.

But I suspect this bug still exists or functionality has not been implemented yet.

XFurry mentioned on IRC about a problem with phases also.

cmangos-bot commented 11 years ago

Comment by @Schmoozerd on 2013-02-17 01:06:06

turn gm off remove all auras (possible you simply have auras for many phases on your char..)

Also use .gps to see the actual phase of an npc

cmangos-bot commented 11 years ago

Comment by @X-Savior on 2013-02-18 08:06:35

Good call.

I checked and it shows I am currently in phase: 4294967295

NO CLUE how this has occurred and can not find ANY way to change it.

I am currently testing in Stormwind... I thought phases were working out in Northshire.

I will keep working on it...

Edit: I Checked again and using .modify phase # the phases are changing but no effect on NPC's. So it seems like there is a disconnect on NPC's and phases in Stormwind.

cmangos-bot commented 11 years ago

Comment by @Fabi on 2013-02-18 08:42:21

in stormwind are only auras as I know for the phasing thing?!

cmangos-bot commented 11 years ago

Comment by @VladimirMangos on 2013-02-18 09:26:18

in past also used for zone wide bufs after some events as i remmeber

cmangos-bot commented 11 years ago

Comment by @xfurry on 2013-02-18 09:47:09

Phases are handled depending on area and event. For example:

In Cataclysm, this mostly happens on the leveling areas, depending on quests (worgen or goblin).

If you see all phases at once, then you either have Gm on, or you have some phase aura applied or the npcs are spawned in the wrong phase. Unfortunately I can't test this issue using the latest revision because ytdb has some db_string errors which are crashing the core - and udb didn't provide an alternative DB yet.

cmangos-bot commented 11 years ago

Comment by @VladimirMangos on 2013-02-18 10:27:46

Edit: I Checked again and using .modify phase # the phases are changing but no effect on NPC's. So it seems like there is a disconnect on NPC's and phases in Stormwind.

Check applied auras to character. Posible you have some unexpected phase aura at it.

cmangos-bot commented 11 years ago

Comment by @X-Savior on 2013-02-19 06:20:25

I did not see any phasing auras.

I also used:

.unaura all

so there was no auras at all on player and still saw all npc in different phases (I tried 1,169,177 and ect) as these are known phases in stormwind.

XFurry, I will get you something to test with tomorrow.

cmangos-bot commented 11 years ago

Comment by @dman8686 on 2013-02-19 11:16:24

I am also having the same issue the op is having. I do not have gm on yet anywhere there is heavy scripting with phases all phases end up on all the time. This is also resulting in there being multiple npcs in one area since they change position based on the current phase.

cmangos-bot commented 11 years ago

Comment by @X-Savior on 2013-02-27 04:23:38

Do we have any progress on this? It is NOT an aura related issue... and it is causing significant issues in DB Development as I am seeing NPC's from all phases at same time.

I know the phasing system WAS working fine at one point (Prior to start of backports and bringing this core up to speed with the other Cores).

Right now ALl phases seems to always be merged together in display... does not matter what phase you set and go into... all NPC's from all phases are always visible.

We need some focus on this issue as I am completely unable to offer any kind of public alpha until this is fixed due to MASSIVE issues involved with this bug.

If Core Dev's require any data for testing purposes please let me know as I would be happy to provide it.

cmangos-bot commented 11 years ago

Comment by @Dramacydal on 2013-02-27 05:07:37

haven't looked at that problem yet but i can say than half a year ago in mangos there wasn't such bug

cmangos-bot commented 11 years ago

Comment by @X-Savior on 2013-02-27 07:20:31

yes, but we had this exact same bug when we transitioned from TBC to WOTLK as well. I remember at one point when UDB/Mangos had a MAJOR problem with GO's facing the wrong direction.

It seems like we have this problem every time to switch clients.

cmangos-bot commented 11 years ago

Comment by @X-Savior on 2013-03-08 05:57:50

This problem has occurred sometime after the core was switched to new repo and backporting from master began. The phase switching DID Work when the repo was still in version: 12331

So sometime between then and now it was broken.

cmangos-bot commented 11 years ago

Comment by @X-Savior on 2013-03-15 07:06:35

Ok this is strange... it will require more investigation.

In Northshire the phases are working properly... they switch and so go Creature and GO's... but when I was testing in Stormwind they were all messed up being mixed together.

In Stormwind I never saw any Auras present on player and even cleared them but it did not fix it.

cmangos-bot commented 11 years ago

Comment by @Dramacydal on 2013-03-15 08:27:58

-- In Northshire the phases are working properly... they switch and so go Creature and GO's... but when I was testing in Stormwind they were all messed up being mixed together. Then they must work properly everywhere else. Phasemasks do not come with sniffs, so I'm 99% sure creatures in stormwind are either simply duplicated or all in same phase.

cmangos-bot commented 11 years ago

Comment by @Fabi on 2013-03-15 09:59:16

As I know stomwind has no different phases directly. all switches in stormwind are handled with auras.

cmangos-bot commented 11 years ago

Comment by @X-Savior on 2013-03-15 05:10:23

I will do some investigating for sure.... There is SOMETHING up in Stormwind but I have not worked on any other zones to see if issues are present there but Phases seem to be working... sorry about this but there is still SOMETHING strange. It is possible incorrectly reported phase because all spawns from sniffs DO have phase dataand phases do align with phases seen in Northshire plus some more additional ones.

cmangos-bot commented 11 years ago

Comment by @Fabi on 2013-03-15 05:12:26

I see no phase change opcode in stormwind sniff for me, so there are no normal phase things, but changes over auras are there

cmangos-bot commented 11 years ago

Comment by @X-Savior on 2013-03-15 10:07:46

I will close this issue but we need to revisit it in the future.

There is an Aura in Northshire that makes all phases visible also... but I am working with it to figure out how it fits in with the quests and if some of the other duplicate spawns should be in those phases.