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[CLASSIC] All Hunter Pets Have The Same Stats #1679

Open bdebaere opened 5 years ago

bdebaere commented 5 years ago

All hunter pets get their stats from the information in SELECT * FROM pet_levelstats WHERE creature_entry = 1. No matter if it is a boar, tiger, turtle or raptor. Increasing these stats in this table, except for hp and armor, have no effect whatsoever as far as I can tell.

Are we certain this is correct? What's the use of taming one pet over the other if not for stat differences? Why doesn't increasing the stamina in pet_levelstats increase the health?

cala commented 5 years ago

@Phatcat did work on that topic last year (or the previous one, time flies by so quickly). I remember we had a discussion on pet stats initialisation before he released it in one of his patch. It was not perfect but still a nice improvement on the previous state and IIRC work was stop at the point of (re)implementing some stats initialisation spells for each kind of pet.

Since, pet system had a many changes, for good or ill, and I don't know if the current design is still what he had in mind.

Tobschinski commented 5 years ago

Didn't check if they are used or supposed to be used, but there's a bunch of Tamed Pet Passive (DND) spells modifying damage, health and armor. These are most likely the stat differences you were looking for.

killerwife commented 5 years ago

Yes, and they are automatically applied from DBC. But from my past experience with DBCs, I would not be surprised if they had mistakes. They are applied based on the type of pet. Generic ones are given to all (for example there is a generic one that handles orc racial passive), and particular ones to for example Crabs.

Phatcat commented 5 years ago

What tobs said, hunter pets all have the same stats and are modified through passives.

Phatcat commented 5 years ago

I guess since noone cares to dig it out from my pet patches or remember, here is the proof;

And here is me getting schooled on how stat modifiers are applied to pets after I initially tried to hardcode it in;

Now, that was a fun trip down memory lane, but this issue ticket is invalid and can be closed, thank you.

Phatcat commented 5 years ago

To further prove my point here are 3 screenshots of different pets, 2 complete different species of pets all in level 60 with almost* the exact same base stats;

You may notice the last pet, the wolf, has more armor, but both the cats have a higher dps, which, is their racial modifiers shown as shown in my previous comment here;

It would however seem that one of the base stats can be modified, since the wolf has a higher stamina count as compared to the felines, while retaining the same strength, agility, intellect, etc. I would assume that the petpassives based on species takes care of this (right here; A simple check of a wolf pet lvl 60 vs a feline pet lvl 60 should show if cmangos does it correct or not.

Also this website here; says it flat out; "All pets, no matter what their family, have the same base stats at each level."

The only exception are 'caster' pets, introduced in TBC; (and here;

Phatcat commented 5 years ago

Last comment on this one talking about them supposed to have the same base stats;

All pets, no matter what their family, have the same base stats at each level. (There are a few rare exceptions that have inferior attributes. We call these "caster" pets, and discuss them separately.) Sometimes you can easily see these stats on the pet's UI panel -- for instance, with strength or armor -- and sometimes you have to figure out the base stat by working backwards from the final stats -- as is the case with health. Since these base values are the same across all pets, they don't play any role in helping you choose a pet. But sometimes knowing the base values, especially for health, can be useful. So here's a handy table!

We are however not applying pet family modifier auras correctly (perhaps not at all), so atm there is absolutely 0 stat differences which is obviously wrong.

killerwife commented 2 years ago

I need an example of two pets that are meant to be different in vanilla.