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Players Not Appearing to Other Players On Zone In #1970

Open BlessedCammi opened 5 years ago

BlessedCammi commented 5 years ago

🐛 Bugreport

Players are unable to see eachother when porting into a zone at the same time. This can happen in arena, bgs, dungeons or raids. The results vary but one example would be a player not being able to see anyone, but his team members can see him. I'll record some footage soon. ### Expected behavior

All members should be able to see eachother. (This is not a lock out or ID issue)

Version & Environment

Client Version: [] 2.4.3

CMaNGOS Repo & Commit Hash: []()

Database Repo & Commit Hash: []()

Operating System: [] Win

Steps to reproduce

  1. Get 5 characters online at the same time (number doesnt matter, just increases the changes of bug replication)
  2. Get them in a group together
  3. Use .tele group #locationofaninstance
  4. Have them all port in at the sametime
  5. repeat until u get the bug where 1 player cant see members in his group


BlessedCammi commented 5 years ago

Just an update on things I've noted while giving this a bit of time here and there. Reconnecting doesn't seems to update the player into the world if they aren't visable to others or the players cant see other players on the map. A relog does. Been looking at the differences in both the reconnect function and login and the login does specifcally add the object to the world which a reconnect doesn't.

cala commented 5 years ago

One simple question: could you try to replicate the issue with a group using a pet (warlock or hunter) and with the same team without any pet (you may need a full logout of people)?

Warlockbugs commented 5 years ago

The nature of the bug: If 2 players are zoned in into instance during the same world tick, they will not see each other until one of them will not try zoning out and in again. It's actually much harder to replicate locally where there aren't many active objects and action going on to slow down world updates significantly enough for these circumstances to occur.

cala commented 5 years ago

Alright. If this is related to world tick, the presence of a pet is irrelevant here. I'll see this in a separate issue.

BlessedCammi commented 5 years ago

Is there anyway to force another update whilst members are in the instance, I've been unable to do so. To be honest though I'm not sure where exactly this process takes place. I've spent a bit of time messing around with it previously but I didn't have much luck.

darklordsqk commented 5 years ago

LOL. Maybe a single tick allows a single player to be added to the world is an optional solution. XD

KansasGremlin commented 5 years ago

Perhaps I can advise that I have noticed the invisible character bug. I have been online with my son and with two computers side by side it can sometimes happen that one doesn't see the other. Sometimes a spell cast seems to make them appear again. One big bug that may have to do with this occurs with boats. The boat by Darnassus that only loops and Feathermoon that loops are good examples. I have had a character at each dock of Auberdine-Darnassus and while one person never saw the boat come, the other had no problem. Furthermore after 45 minutes I put the Auberdine player on the boat. When he arrived in Darnassus port, there was the character standing in the air with NO BOAT. When the dock character tried to walk onto the very visible boat for the Auberdine character, he falls in the water. So something caused the boat to not load in when it approached from a distance. This seems to be what caused my two characters to occasionally see one but not the other. There was no porting needed, simply one ran from a distance far enough away that they were not on the 'radar' overhead map. Perhaps this needs a separate ticket, but I think they all are of the same underlying issue.

Invisible Bug