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[Database quest] npc on skybraker #2599

Open firelook opened 2 years ago

firelook commented 2 years ago

Bug Details

they are sometimes on the ship skybraker and sometimes not (they disappear ? of fail down ?)

Steps to Reproduce

should be all the time on the ship

Expected behavior

No response

Suggested Workaround

No response

Crash Log

No response

Core SHA1 Commit Hash


Database SHA1 Commit Hash


Operating System


Client Version(s)

killerwife commented 2 years ago

I will need a bit more detail on how to reproduce this :/

Nytanath commented 2 years ago

Reproduced as of

.tele argenttournament, .gm fly on, .mod aspeed 10, fly to the gunships (having View Distance set to maximum in client video settings will help locate them) and they're both empty.

killerwife commented 2 years ago

Ok but when arent they empty? Thats also important. I wasnt aware that the gunships are spawned in.

Nytanath commented 2 years ago

They are spawned, I checked on the db. Then I restarted the server, teleported to Icecrown and flew to the Horde ship, the NPCs were inside. Alliance ship had NPCs inside, too. Sometimes I can talk with the NPCs and take their quests, sometimes the gossip window doesn't open.

I don't have a reliable method to reproduce it, but restarting the server and teleporting to the tournament before going to the ship seems to make them not spawn more often than not.