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🐛 [Bug Report] Taming the beast / Beasts doesnt follow automatically #2946

Open belacrreh opened 2 years ago

belacrreh commented 2 years ago

Bug Details

When doing the quests Taming the Beast, your tamed beast wont follow automatically.

It will follow you though when you click on the Follow Button.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Create a Tauren or any race you want as a hunter
  2. .q add 6061
  3. Tame the beast
  4. See the failing result

Expected behavior

Pet should follow you automatically after taming.

Suggested Workaround

No response

Crash Log

No response

Core SHA1 Commit Hash

Database SHA1 Commit Hash

Operating System

Windows 11

Client Version

3.3.5a (Wrath of the Lich King)

Eriumango commented 2 years ago

also happens for the last pet on the elven quest, you can complete it but the tamed pet doesnt follow you

insunaa commented 2 years ago

This happens for every new pet on all cores, unless the pet is tamed while being somewhat far away from the player. Issue is being investigated

insunaa commented 2 years ago

It works on 3.3.5a at least now

AnonXS commented 2 years ago

does not work in tbc. grafik