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💬 [Support Request] #3004

Closed ManaRealm closed 2 years ago

ManaRealm commented 2 years ago

Core Version


Support Request Details


Does anyone know how to use the x/y coordinates found within the wotlk db tables? I'm attempting to show some location(s) on a static sized map image within an HTML web page, similar to how WoWHead is showing location(s) here:

I've been extremely troubled trying to figure this out. Is there a image of the entire game's map that these coordinates work on, or am I looking in the wrong direction?

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Example x/y coordinates dats can be found in the table 'quest_poi_points'

Crash Log

No response

Core SHA1 Commit Hash


Database SHA1 Commit Hash


Server Operating System

Windows Server

Client Version

3.3.5a (Wrath of the Lich King)

Client Operating System

Windows 10

killerwife commented 2 years ago

Your problem is that the coords in creature/gameobject table are global map coordinates and you are thinking in terms of local zone coordinates, which arent a thing ingame. That being said, for trinitycore there are some php codebases which are able to show a db like on wowhead and they likely have the code for translating global coords to zone coords.

celguar commented 2 years ago Here's old aowow (not new for trinity core) code to calculate zone and coordinates. It may be bad, it has Russian comments but it worked decent back in the day. It uses dbc data loaded into sql tables, because zones have min max x/y coordinates and script has to find what zone a point is in based on min max coordinates + filter to choose smallest one e.g. for capitals. It's just a reference ofc, don't expect a copy paste to work. If you are good with php/sql you can figure it out I'm sure

killerwife commented 2 years ago

Closing this issue as celguar basically answered it.