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🐛 [Bug Report] TBC - Warlock's Affliction talent "Soul Siphon" does not work #3649

Open tehmasterer opened 6 months ago

tehmasterer commented 6 months ago

Bug Details

My warlock has 2/2 ranks in the talent "Soul Siphon" but I receive none of the bonuses from said talent. My Drain Life spell only does its base damage, when it should be doing much more with 2 ranks in the talent and my affliction spells applied to the target.

Soul Siphon Rank 2 Talent Requires Warlock Increases the amount drained by your Drain Life spell by an additional 4% for each Affliction effect on the target, up to a maximum of 60% additional effect.


Steps to Reproduce

  1. Apply Affliction dots to enemy
  2. Cast Drain Life
  3. Drain Life only does its base damage. 61 in this case at level 48.

Expected behavior

The bonuses applied from the talent.

Suggested Workaround


Crash Log

No response

Core SHA1 Commit Hash


Database SHA1 Commit Hash


Operating System

Ubuntu 22.04

Client Version

2.4.3 (The Burning Crusade)

LEO33SoFo commented 6 months ago

Confirmed, with and Though in my case with Drain Life (Rank 8).

cpevors commented 6 months ago

Also confirmed for me. On my Human and Undead Warlock, at all ranks of Drain Life, Soul Siphon does not increase Drain Life damage above base damage.

miraco commented 6 months ago

This Talent afaik got scripted here: But it seems that the check for SpellFamilyFlags fails, thats why it doesnt update the correct % to Drain Life spell