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🐛 [Bug Report] Vanilla client receives unknown op_codes #3665

Open kjarex opened 7 months ago

kjarex commented 7 months ago

Bug Details

The server sends op_codes which the client doesn't understand. I'm not aware if any of those messages would be even relevant for the client (as in: it would appreciate the information but the message would have to be sent in a different format or at least using a different op_code) or if the information the server tries to send, has no meaning for the client at all.

I have attached one of those errors, and the op_code the client can't handle is 0x41d - according to the comment in opcodes.h the last/"biggest" code in Vanilla would be 0x342, so the client might be indeed right to complain.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Play Vanilla WoW for a while
  2. Receive Errors
  3. Read the errors
  4. Scratch your head and think "Odd. Those shouldn't be here!?"

Expected behavior

The client fully understands all the data it receives from the server

Suggested Workaround

Delete Blizzard's Error Application so it doesn't pop up and just set up a cron job to delete the error logs ever day

Crash Log

This is a CLIENT(!!!) error:

WoWBuild: 5875

Assertion Failed!

 App:         /Applications/WoW-1.12.1-enUS-Mac/World of
 File:        /Volumes/R2/usrbuild/xb/build/WoW_5875patch12.1/WoW/Source/Mac/../Net/NetClient/NetClient.cpp
 Line:        393
 Time:        2024-01-30 16.29.02 GMT

 Assertion:   "id < NUM_MSG_TYPES", id = 1053 (0x0000041D)


Thread 0 (Crashed)
  0 0x001cd145 
  1 0x00027c71 
  2 0x00027fde 
  3 0x00005050 
  4 0x0000571e 
  5 0x00285518 
  6 0x002841d5 
  7 0x0028576a 
  8 0x00428a52 
  9 0x000fc175 
 10 0x0000b3f6 
 11 0x001d50bd 
 12 0x001da46b 
 13 0x001da6f6 
 14 0x0000f1ed 
 15 0x00004085 
 16 0x92e4f9a8  InvokeEventHandlerUPP(OpaqueEventHandlerCallRef*, OpaqueEventRef*, void*, long (*)(OpaqueEventHandlerCallRef*, OpaqueEventRef*, void*))+001a
 17 0x92de8fdf  DispatchEventToHandlers(EventTargetRec*, OpaqueEventRef*, HandlerCallRec*)+07b2
 18 0x92de8176  SendEventToEventTargetInternal(OpaqueEventRef*, OpaqueEventTargetRef*, HandlerCallRec*)+0178
 19 0x92de7ff2  SendEventToEventTargetWithOptions+0028
 20 0x92e02f4e  ToolboxEventDispatcherHandler(OpaqueEventHandlerCallRef*, OpaqueEventRef*, void*)+0517
 21 0x92de9459  DispatchEventToHandlers(EventTargetRec*, OpaqueEventRef*, HandlerCallRec*)+0c2c
 22 0x92de8176  SendEventToEventTargetInternal(OpaqueEventRef*, OpaqueEventTargetRef*, HandlerCallRec*)+0178
 23 0x92e034f9  SendEventToEventTarget+0021
 24 0x92f83329  ToolboxEventDispatcher+0052
 25 0x92f831eb  RunApplicationEventLoop+00c0
 26 0x000041b6 
 27 0x00003172 
 28 0x0000308d 

Thread 1 
  0 0xa7cd8ab6  workq_kernreturn+000a
  1 0xa7d899c1  pthread_wqthread+019f
  2 0xa7d897aa  start_wqthread+0022
  3 0x001e4008 

Thread 2 
  0 0xa7cd71c2  mach_msg_trap+000a
  1 0xa7cd770f  mach_msg+002f
  2 0x9a3c7b17  glcDebugListener+01a0
  3 0xa7d8a5f8  pthread_body+0089
  4 0xa7d8d7f7  pthread_start+004e
  5 0xa7d897ce  thread_start+0022

Thread 3 
  0 0xa7cda7aa  psynch_cvwait+000a
  1 0xa7d8db46  pthread_cond_wait+02e2
  2 0xa7d8d1fa  pthread_cond_timedwait+001b
  3 0x0019f1c5 
  4 0x00089131 
  5 0x000b3809 
  6 0x000b39f6 
  7 0x951a3392  -[NSThread main]+0027
  8 0x951a323b  NSThread__start__+04c4
  9 0xa7d8a5f8  pthread_body+0089
 10 0xa7d8d7f7  pthread_start+004e
 11 0xa7d897ce  thread_start+0022

Thread 4 
  0 0xa7cda7aa  psynch_cvwait+000a
  1 0xa7d8db46  pthread_cond_wait+02e2
  2 0xa7d8b5d5  pthread_cond_wait+0019
  3 0x0019f2cb 
  4 0x0003287d 
  5 0x000b3809 
  6 0x000b39f6 
  7 0x951a3392  -[NSThread main]+0027
  8 0x951a323b  NSThread__start__+04c4
  9 0xa7d8a5f8  pthread_body+0089
 10 0xa7d8d7f7  pthread_start+004e
 11 0xa7d897ce  thread_start+0022

Thread 5 
  0 0xa7cd71c2  mach_msg_trap+000a
  1 0xa7cd770f  mach_msg+002f
  2 0x93460899  HALB_MachPort:+0077
  3 0x9343bd41  HALB_MachPort:+0031
  4 0x93438f25  HALC_ProxyIOContext:+05ed
  5 0x9343872c  HALC_ProxyIOContext:+00d0
  6 0x93468db6  invocation function for block in HALC_ProxyIOContext:+0014
  7 0x93438403  HALB_IOThread:+0047
  8 0xa7d8a5f8  pthread_body+0089
  9 0xa7d8d7f7  pthread_start+004e
 10 0xa7d897ce  thread_start+0022

Thread 6 
  0 0xa7cda7aa  psynch_cvwait+000a
  1 0xa7d8db46  pthread_cond_wait+02e2
  2 0xa7d8d1fa  pthread_cond_timedwait+001b
  3 0x0019f1c5 
  4 0x00432c95 
  5 0x000b3809 
  6 0x000b39f6 
  7 0x951a3392  -[NSThread main]+0027
  8 0x951a323b  NSThread__start__+04c4
  9 0xa7d8a5f8  pthread_body+0089
 10 0xa7d8d7f7  pthread_start+004e
 11 0xa7d897ce  thread_start+0022

Thread 7 
  0 0xa7cdc3fe  select_nocancel+000a
  1 0xa7cda375  select+004e
  2 0x00378a81 
  3 0x000b3809 
  4 0x000b39f6 
  5 0x951a3392  -[NSThread main]+0027
  6 0x951a323b  NSThread__start__+04c4
  7 0xa7d8a5f8  pthread_body+0089
  8 0xa7d8d7f7  pthread_start+004e
  9 0xa7d897ce  thread_start+0022

Thread 8 
  0 0xa7cdc3fe  select_nocancel+000a
  1 0xa7cda375  select+004e
  2 0x00378a81 
  3 0x000b3809 
  4 0x000b39f6 
  5 0x951a3392  -[NSThread main]+0027
  6 0x951a323b  NSThread__start__+04c4
  7 0xa7d8a5f8  pthread_body+0089
  8 0xa7d8d7f7  pthread_start+004e
  9 0xa7d897ce  thread_start+0022

Thread 9 
  0 0xa7cdc3fe  select_nocancel+000a
  1 0xa7cda375  select+004e
  2 0x00378a81 
  3 0x000b3809 
  4 0x000b39f6 
  5 0x951a3392  -[NSThread main]+0027
  6 0x951a323b  NSThread__start__+04c4
  7 0xa7d8a5f8  pthread_body+0089
  8 0xa7d8d7f7  pthread_start+004e
  9 0xa7d897ce  thread_start+0022

Thread 10 
  0 0xa7cdc3fe  select_nocancel+000a
  1 0xa7cda375  select+004e
  2 0x00378a81 
  3 0x000b3809 
  4 0x000b39f6 
  5 0x951a3392  -[NSThread main]+0027
  6 0x951a323b  NSThread__start__+04c4
  7 0xa7d8a5f8  pthread_body+0089
  8 0xa7d8d7f7  pthread_start+004e
  9 0xa7d897ce  thread_start+0022

Thread 11 
  0 0xa7cda7aa  psynch_cvwait+000a
  1 0xa7d8db46  pthread_cond_wait+02e2
  2 0xa7d8d1fa  pthread_cond_timedwait+001b
  3 0x0019f1c5 
  4 0x001cabe6 
  5 0x001cac56 
  6 0x000b3809 
  7 0x000b39f6 
  8 0x951a3392  -[NSThread main]+0027
  9 0x951a323b  NSThread__start__+04c4
 10 0xa7d8a5f8  pthread_body+0089
 11 0xa7d8d7f7  pthread_start+004e
 12 0xa7d897ce  thread_start+0022

Thread 12 
  0 0xa7cdc3fe  select_nocancel+000a
  1 0xa7cda375  select+004e
  2 0x001ca042 
  3 0x001cb00a 
  4 0x000b3809 
  5 0x000b39f6 
  6 0x951a3392  -[NSThread main]+0027
  7 0x951a323b  NSThread__start__+04c4
  8 0xa7d8a5f8  pthread_body+0089
  9 0xa7d8d7f7  pthread_start+004e
 10 0xa7d897ce  thread_start+0022

Thread 13 
  0 0xa7cd71c2  mach_msg_trap+000a
  1 0xa7cd770f  mach_msg+002f
  2 0x9384e3e7  CFRunLoopServiceMachPort+0121
  3 0x9384db11  CFRunLoopRun+0b50
  4 0x9384ccc4  CFRunLoopRunSpecific+0248
  5 0x93865a8d  CFRunLoopRunInMode+0052
  6 0x92a8d5f4  -[__CoreSchedulingSetRunnable runForever]+0243
  7 0x92a8d22d  +[__CoreSchedulingSetRunnable _run:]+0081
  8 0x951a3392  -[NSThread main]+0027
  9 0x951a323b  NSThread__start__+04c4
 10 0xa7d8a5f8  pthread_body+0089
 11 0xa7d8d7f7  pthread_start+004e
 12 0xa7d897ce  thread_start+0022

Thread 14 
  0 0xa7cda7aa  psynch_cvwait+000a
  1 0xa7d8db46  pthread_cond_wait+02e2
  2 0xa7d8be5d  pthread_cond_timedwait_relative_np+001b
  3 0x9490e779  TSWaitOnConditionTimedRelative+0089
  4 0x9490e371  TSWaitOnSemaphoreCommon+01b1
  5 0x9490e539  TSWaitOnSemaphoreRelative+0018
  6 0x16ee1075  SDH_ComponentDispatch+52e7
  7 0xa7d8a5f8  pthread_body+0089
  8 0xa7d8d7f7  pthread_start+004e
  9 0xa7d897ce  thread_start+0022

Thread 15 
  0 0xa7cda7aa  psynch_cvwait+000a
  1 0xa7d8db46  pthread_cond_wait+02e2
  2 0xa7d8be5d  pthread_cond_timedwait_relative_np+001b
  3 0x9490e779  TSWaitOnConditionTimedRelative+0089
  4 0x9490e371  TSWaitOnSemaphoreCommon+01b1
  5 0x9490e539  TSWaitOnSemaphoreRelative+0018
  6 0x948c2557  AIOFileThread(void*)+0377
  7 0xa7d8a5f8  pthread_body+0089
  8 0xa7d8d7f7  pthread_start+004e
  9 0xa7d897ce  thread_start+0022

Thread 16 
  0 0xa7cd71fe  semaphore_wait_trap+000a
  1 0x173396b9  SGSoundComponentDispatch+5e5d
  2 0x16f4472d  Sound3ComponentDispatch+ee47
  3 0x17339473  SGSoundComponentDispatch+5c17
  4 0xa7d8a5f8  pthread_body+0089
  5 0xa7d8d7f7  pthread_start+004e
  6 0xa7d897ce  thread_start+0022

Thread 17 
  0 0xa7cd8ab6  workq_kernreturn+000a
  1 0xa7d899c1  pthread_wqthread+019f
  2 0xa7d897aa  start_wqthread+0022

Thread 18 
  0 0xa7cda7aa  psynch_cvwait+000a
  1 0xa7d8db46  pthread_cond_wait+02e2
  2 0xa7d8d1fa  pthread_cond_timedwait+001b
  3 0x0019f1c5 
  4 0x0037afe6 
  5 0x000b3809 
  6 0x000b39f6 
  7 0x951a3392  -[NSThread main]+0027
  8 0x951a323b  NSThread__start__+04c4
  9 0xa7d8a5f8  pthread_body+0089
 10 0xa7d8d7f7  pthread_start+004e
 11 0xa7d897ce  thread_start+0022

Thread 19 
  0 0xa7cd8ab6  workq_kernreturn+000a
  1 0xa7d899c1  pthread_wqthread+019f
  2 0xa7d897aa  start_wqthread+0022

Thread 20 
  0 0xa7cd8ab6  workq_kernreturn+000a
  1 0xa7d899c1  pthread_wqthread+019f
  2 0xa7d897aa  start_wqthread+0022
  3 0x00bbf080 

Core SHA1 Commit Hash

I don't know

Database SHA1 Commit Hash

I don't know

Operating System

Debian Buster

Client Version

1.12.1 (Classic)

Exxenoz commented 2 months ago

Sending of opcode 0x43d and the definition of other non existent opcodes was removed in

Issue can be closed.