cmangos / issues

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💬 [Support Request] AHBot Spam despite being disabled #3730

Closed physics-archive closed 2 weeks ago

physics-archive commented 2 weeks ago

Core Version


Support Request Details

I compiled cmangos for Debian 12 with no problems. The server runs on my internal network and communicates with clients. However, after a second launch, the server is spammed with empty ahbot queries, even if the module is fully disabled in ahbot.conf and no ahbots are online. Let me know if there are any known reasons why ahbot functionality would execute despite disabling them.

I'm recompiling and posting an update on whether this is reproduced. Posting a full server boot (with the bug present).

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Compile cmangos binaries with the following cmake parameters: cmake ../mangos -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/cmangos/run -DBUILD_EXTRACTORS=ON -DPCH=1 -DDEBUG=0 -DBUILD_PLAYERBOTS=ON -DBUILD_AHBOT=ON
  2. Configure mangosd, realmd and MySQL for localhost connectivity (or in my case, internal network)
  3. Install full database (I'm noticing I'm missing some tables, such as ahbot_* even though I chose a full install. I ran the relevant .sql scripts afterwards as cleanup.
  4. Launch server, close, and re-launch. Typical AHbot spam that there are 0 items, 0 new auctions, and checking again in 0 seconds.
  5. Disabling ahbot.config altogether does not stop the spam
  6. Does not occur every boot.

Crash Log

[CMaNGOS Classic World server v0.18] id(1) port(8085)

       _____     __  __       _   _  _____  ____   _____
      / ____|   |  \/  |     | \ | |/ ____|/ __ \ / ____|
     | |        | \  / |     |  \| | |  __  |  | | (___
     | |ontinued| |\/| | __ _| . ` | | |_ | |  | |\___ \
     | |____    | |  | |/ _` | |\  | |__| | |__| |____) |
      \_____|   |_|  |_| (_| |_| \_|\_____|\____/ \____/\__,_|     Doing emulation right!

Built on Jun 17 2024 at 15:36:40
Built for Linux_x64 (little-endian)
Using commit hash(4a3e2845458935721a8f16103d9592da15370b64) committed on 2024-05-15T00:59:14+02:00
Using configuration file ../etc/mangosd.conf.

<Ctrl-C> to stop.
World Database total connections: 2
MySQL client library: 3.3.8
MySQL server ver: 10.11.6-MariaDB-0+deb12u1
MySQL client library: 3.3.8
MySQL server ver: 10.11.6-MariaDB-0+deb12u1
Character Database total connections: 2
MySQL client library: 3.3.8
MySQL server ver: 10.11.6-MariaDB-0+deb12u1
MySQL client library: 3.3.8
MySQL server ver: 10.11.6-MariaDB-0+deb12u1
Login Database total connections: 2
MySQL client library: 3.3.8
MySQL server ver: 10.11.6-MariaDB-0+deb12u1
MySQL client library: 3.3.8
MySQL server ver: 10.11.6-MariaDB-0+deb12u1
Logs Database total connections: 2
MySQL client library: 3.3.8
MySQL server ver: 10.11.6-MariaDB-0+deb12u1
MySQL client library: 3.3.8
MySQL server ver: 10.11.6-MariaDB-0+deb12u1

Realm running as realm ID 1

Using World DB: Classic DB version 1.12.1 "Melting Pot v2". For Classic core z2815.
Using creature EventAI: ACID 1.12.x (Classic) for CMaNGOS-CLASSIC (1.12.X Client)

Using DataDir ./maps_extracted/
WORLD: VMap support included. LineOfSight:1, getHeight:1, indoorCheck:1
WORLD: VMap data directory is: ./maps_extracted/vmaps
WORLD: MMap pathfinding enabled

Loading MaNGOS strings...
Loading texts from mangos_string
>> Loaded 915 MaNGOS strings from table mangos_string

Loading spell_template...
>> Loaded 22374 spell_template records

>> Loaded 709 spell_cone records

Loading broadcast_text...
>> Loaded 11104 texts from broadcast_text

Loading world safe locs ...
>> Loaded 122 world safe locs
Initialize DBC data stores...
>> Initialized 52 data stores

Using enUS DBC Locale as default. All available DBC locales: enUS

Loading cinematic...
>> Loaded 10 cinematic waypoint sets in 0 ms

Loading Script Names...
>> Loaded 405 Script Names

Loading WorldTemplate...
>> Loaded 2 World Template definitions

Loading InstanceTemplate...
>> Loaded 33 Instance Template definitions

Loading SkillLineAbilityMultiMaps Data...
>> Loaded 5072 SkillLineAbility MultiMaps Data

Loading SkillRaceClassInfoMultiMap Data...
>> Loaded 148 SkillRaceClassInfo MultiMap Data

Cleaning up instances...
>> Instances cleaned up

Packing instances...
>> Instance numbers remapped, next instance id is 1

Packing groups...
>> Group Ids remapped, next group id is 1

Loading Page Texts...
>> Loaded 1427 page texts

Loading Game Object Templates...
>> Loaded 10743 game object templates

Loading GameObject models...

Loading Spell Chain Data...
>> Loaded 2892 spell chain records (1786 from DBC data with 2 req field updates, and 1106 loaded from table)

Checking Spell Cone Data...
Loading Spell Elixir types...
>> Loaded 60 spell elixir definitions

Loading Spell Facing Flags...

>> Loaded 973 facing caster flags
Loading Spell Learn Skills...
>> Loaded 58 Spell Learn Skills from DBC

Loading Spell Learn Spells...
>> Loaded 9 spell learn spells + 4735 found in DBC

Loading Spell Proc Event conditions...
>> Loaded 154 extra spell proc event conditions +10 custom proc (inc. +8 custom ranks)

Loading Spell Proc Item Enchant...
>> Loaded 7 proc item enchant definitions

Loading Aggro Spells Definitions...
>> Loaded 103 spell threat entries

Loading NPC Texts...
>> Loaded 2446 npc texts

Loading Item Random Enchantments Table...
>> Loaded 27892 Item Enchantment definitions

Loading Item Templates...
>> Loaded 17718 item prototypes

Loading Item Texts...

>> Loaded 0 item pages
Loading Creature Model Based Info Data...
>> Loaded 10534 creature model based info

Loading Equipment templates...
>> Loaded 5318 equipment template

Loading Creature Stats...
>> Found 210 creature stats definitions.

Loading String Ids...
>> Loaded 0 script definitions from table string_id

Loading Creature templates...
>> Loaded 10384 creature definitions

Loading Creature immunities...
>> Loaded 242 creature_immunities definitions

Loading Combat Conditions, Unit Conditions and Worldstate Expressions...
>> Loaded 0 unit_condition definitions

>> Loaded 0 UnitCondition definitions

Table combat_condition entry 4523 has invalid worldstate expression 30517. Setting to 0.
Table combat_condition entry 5102 has invalid worldstate expression 34365. Setting to 0.
Table combat_condition entry 5375 has invalid worldstate expression 35631. Setting to 0.
Table combat_condition entry 5376 has invalid worldstate expression 35632. Setting to 0.
>> Loaded 0 combat_condition definitions

Loading Creature spell lists...
>> Loaded 0 creature_spell_list definitions

Loading Creature cooldowns...
>> Loaded 0 creature_cooldowns definitions

Loading Creature template spells...
>> Loaded 0 creature_cooldowns definitions

Loading ItemRequiredTarget...
>> Loaded 49 Item required targets

Loading Reputation Reward Rates...
>> Loaded 3 reputation_reward_rate

Loading Creature Reputation OnKill Data...
>> Loaded 470 creature award reputation definitions

Loading Reputation Spillover Data...
>> Loaded 12 reputation_spillover_template

Loading Points Of Interest Data...
>> Loaded 244 Points of Interest definitions

Loading Pet Create Spells...

>> Loaded 7 pet create spells from table and 332 from DBC
Loading Creature Conditional Spawn Data...
creature_conditional_spawn table is empty!

>> Loaded 0 creature_conditional_spawn entries

Loading Creature Spawn Template Data...
>> Loaded 72 creature_spawn_data_template entries

Loading Creature Spawn Entry Data...
>> Loaded 5550 creature_spawn_entry entries

Loading Creature Data...
>> Loaded 66323 creatures

Loading Gameobject Spawn Entry Data...
>> Loaded 5019 gameobject_spawn_entry entries

Loading Gameobject Data...
>> Loaded 47753 gameobjects

Loading SpellsScriptTarget...
>> Loaded 872 spell_script_target definitions

Generating SpellTargetMgr data...

Loading Creature Addon Data...
>> Loaded 7553 creature template addons
>> Loaded 1785 creature addons
>>> Creature Addon Data loaded

Loading CreatureLinking Data...
> Loading table `creature_linking_template`
>> Loaded creature linking for 141 creature-entries

> Loading table `creature_linking`
>> Loaded creature linking for 1174 creature-Guids

Loading Objects Pooling Data...

>> Loaded 4262 objects pools

>> Loaded 168 creatures in pools from `pool_creature`

>> Loaded 786 creatures in pools from `pool_creature_template`

>> Loaded 20673 gameobject in pools from `pool_gameobject`

>> Loaded 822 gameobject in pools from `pool_gameobject_template`

>> Loaded 2985 pools in mother pools

Loading Weather Data...
>> Loaded 33 weather definitions

Loading Quests...
>> Loaded 4245 quests definitions

Loading Quests Relations...

>> Loaded 257 quest relations from gameobject_questrelation

>> Loaded 208 quest relations from gameobject_involvedrelation

>> Loaded 3826 quest relations from creature_questrelation

>> Loaded 3951 quest relations from creature_involvedrelation
>>> Quests Relations loaded

Loading Game Event Data...

>> Loaded 67 game events

>> Loaded 3186 creatures in game events

>> Loaded 11178 gameobjects in game events

>> Loaded 977 creature reactions at game events

>> Loaded 61 quest additions in game events

>> Loaded 1 start/end game event mails
>>> Game Event Data loaded

Loading Dungeon Encounters...
Loading WorldState Names...
>> Loaded 517 worldstate names

Loading Conditions...
>> Loaded 1208 Condition definitions

Loading Spawn Groups
>> Loaded 1099 spawn_group definitions

Loading Transports...
>> Loaded 9 transports

Creating map persistent states for non-instanceable maps...

Loading Creature Respawn Data...
>> Loaded 1 creature respawn times

Loading Gameobject Respawn Data...
>> Loaded 0 gameobject respawn time.

Loading SpellArea Data...
>> Loaded 5 spell area requirements

Loading AreaTrigger definitions...
>> Loaded 103 area trigger teleport definitions

Loading Quest Area Triggers...
>> Loaded 45 quest trigger points

Loading Tavern Area Triggers...
>> Loaded 42 tavern triggers

Loading AreaTrigger script names...
>> Loaded 58 areatrigger scripts

Loading event id script names...
>> Loaded 50 scripted event id

Loading Graveyard-zone links...
>> Loaded 190 graveyard-zone links

Loading taxi flight shortcuts...
>> Loaded 98 taxi shortcuts

Loading spell target destination coordinates...
>> Loaded 353 spell target destination coordinates

Loading SpellAffect definitions...

>> Loaded 135 spell affect definitions
Loading spell pet auras...
>> Loaded 24 spell pet auras

Loading Player Create Info & Level Stats...

>> Loaded 40 player create definitions

>> Loaded 0 custom player create items

>> Loaded 954 player create skills

>> Loaded 1497 player create spells

>> Loaded 215 player create actions

>> Loaded 540 level health/mana definitions

>> Loaded 2400 level stats definitions

>> Loaded 60 xp for level definitions
>>> Player Create Info & Level Stats loaded

Loading Exploration BaseXP Data...
>> Loaded 61 BaseXP definitions

Loading Pet Name Parts...
>> Loaded 260 pet name parts

Cleaning character database...

Loading the max pet number...
>> Loaded the max pet number: 0

Loading pet level stats...
>> Loaded 1560 level pet stats definitions

Loading Player Corpses...
>> Loaded 0 corpses

Loading Loot Tables...
>> Loaded 154416 loot definitions (4244 templates) from table creature_loot_template

>> Loaded 155 loot definitions (135 templates) from table fishing_loot_template

>> Loaded 12543 loot definitions (573 templates) from table gameobject_loot_template

>> Loaded 3974 loot definitions (180 templates) from table item_loot_template

>> Loaded 75 loot definitions (75 templates) from table mail_loot_template

>> Loaded 6910 loot definitions (1563 templates) from table pickpocketing_loot_template

>> Loaded 2802 loot definitions (774 templates) from table skinning_loot_template

>> Loaded 80 loot definitions (37 templates) from table disenchant_loot_template

>> Loaded 33188 loot definitions (547 templates) from table reference_loot_template

>>> Loot Tables loaded

Loading Skill Fishing base level requirements...
>> Loaded 57 areas for fishing base skill level

Loading Instance encounters data...
>> Loaded 240 Instance Encounters

Loading Npc Text Id...
>> Loaded 76 NpcTextId

Loading Scripts random templates...
Loading DB-Scripts Engine...
>> Loaded 850 script definitions from table dbscripts_on_relay

>> Loaded 411 script definitions from table dbscripts_on_gossip

>> Loaded 697 script definitions from table dbscripts_on_quest_start

>> Loaded 1894 script definitions from table dbscripts_on_quest_end

>> Loaded 33 script definitions from table dbscripts_on_spell

>> Loaded 37 script definitions from table dbscripts_on_go_use

>> Loaded 169 script definitions from table dbscripts_on_go_template_use

>> Loaded 453 script definitions from table dbscripts_on_event

>> Loaded 49 script definitions from table dbscripts_on_creature_death

>> Loaded 2262 script definitions from table dbscripts_on_creature_movement

>> Loaded 0 locales_areatrigger_teleport
>>> Scripts loaded

Loading Scripts text locales...
Loading Gossip Menus...
(Re)Loading Gossip menus...
>> Loaded 3877 gossip_menu entries

(Re)Loading Gossip menu options...
>> Loaded 2473 gossip_menu_option entries

Loading Vendors...
>> Loaded 170 vendor template items

>> Loaded 11825 vendor items

Loading Trainers...
>> Loaded 1239 trainer template spells

>> Loaded 27309 trainer spells

Loading Waypoint scripts...
Loading Waypoints...
>> Loaded 2762 paths, 50603 nodes and 0 behaviors from waypoints

>> Loaded 494 path templates with 15682 nodes and 0 behaviors from waypoint templates

>> Loaded 197 path templates with 6368 nodes and 0 behaviors from waypoint movement templates

Loading ReservedNames...
>> Loaded 0 reserved player names

Loading GameObjects for quests...
>> Loaded 692 GameObjects for quests

Loading BattleMasters...
>> Loaded 24 battlemaster entries

Loading BattleGround event indexes...
>> Loaded 1390 battleground eventindexes

Loading GameTeleports...
>> Loaded 269 GameTeleports

Loading Questgiver Greetings...
>> Loaded 214 questgiver greetings.

Loading Trainer Greetings...
>> Loaded 454 trainer greetings.

Loading Localization strings...
>> Loaded 0 creature locale strings. DB table `locales_creature` is empty.
>> Loaded 0 gameobject locale strings. DB table `locales_gameobject` is empty.
>> Loaded 0 Item locale strings. DB table `locales_item` is empty.
>> Loaded 0 Quest locale strings. DB table `locales_quest` is empty.
>> Loaded 0 NpcText locale strings. DB table `locales_npc_text` is empty.
>> Loaded 0 PageText locale strings. DB table `locales_page_text` is empty.
>> Loaded 0 gossip_menu_option locale strings. DB table `locales_gossip_menu_option` is empty.
>> Loaded 0 points_of_interest locale strings. DB table `locales_points_of_interest` is empty.
>> Loaded 0 locales questgiver greetings
>> Loaded 0 locales trainer greetings.
>> Loaded 66624 texts from broadcast_text_locale

>>> Localization strings loaded

Loading Meeting Stones...
>> Loaded Meeting Stone Entry:178824, Area:722, Level:37 - 46, Name:Razorfen Downs, Dungeon Type:1
>> Loaded Meeting Stone Entry:178825, Area:491, Level:29 - 38, Name:Razorfen Kraul, Dungeon Type:1
>> Loaded Meeting Stone Entry:178826, Area:2557, Level:56 - 60, Name:Dire Maul, Dungeon Type:1
>> Loaded Meeting Stone Entry:178827, Area:2100, Level:46 - 55, Name:Maraudon, Dungeon Type:1
>> Loaded Meeting Stone Entry:178828, Area:719, Level:24 - 32, Name:Blackfathom Deeps, Dungeon Type:1
>> Loaded Meeting Stone Entry:178829, Area:978, Level:44 - 54, Name:Zul'Farrak, Dungeon Type:1
>> Loaded Meeting Stone Entry:178831, Area:2017, Level:58 - 60, Name:Stratholme, Dungeon Type:1
>> Loaded Meeting Stone Entry:178832, Area:2057, Level:58 - 60, Name:Scholomance, Dungeon Type:1
>> Loaded Meeting Stone Entry:178833, Area:1517, Level:41 - 51, Name:Uldaman, Dungeon Type:1
>> Loaded Meeting Stone Entry:178834, Area:1581, Level:17 - 26, Name:The Deadmines, Dungeon Type:1
>> Loaded Meeting Stone Entry:178844, Area:796, Level:34 - 45, Name:Scarlet Monastery, Dungeon Type:1
>> Loaded Meeting Stone Entry:178845, Area:209, Level:22 - 30, Name:Shadowfang Keep, Dungeon Type:1
>> Loaded Meeting Stone Entry:178884, Area:718, Level:17 - 24, Name:Wailing Caverns, Dungeon Type:1
>> Loaded Meeting Stone Entry:179554, Area:1477, Level:50 - 60, Name:The Temple of Atal'Hakkar, Dungeon Type:1
>> Loaded Meeting Stone Entry:179555, Area:133, Level:29 - 38, Name:Gnomeregan, Dungeon Type:1
>> Loaded Meeting Stone Entry:179584, Area:1584, Level:52 - 60, Name:Blackrock Depths, Dungeon Type:1
>> Loaded Meeting Stone Entry:179585, Area:1583, Level:55 - 60, Name:Blackrock Spire, Dungeon Type:1
>> Loaded Meeting Stone Entry:179586, Area:1584, Level:48 - 60, Name:Blackrock Depths, Dungeon Type:1
>> Loaded Meeting Stone Entry:179587, Area:1583, Level:55 - 60, Name:Blackrock Spire, Dungeon Type:1
>> Loaded Meeting Stone Entry:179595, Area:717, Level:24 - 32, Name:The Stockade, Dungeon Type:1
>> Loaded Meeting Stone Entry:179596, Area:2437, Level:13 - 18, Name:Ragefire Chasm, Dungeon Type:1
>> Loaded Meeting Stone Entry:185321, Area:2159, Level:60 - 60, Name:Onyxia's Lair, Dungeon Type:2
>> Loaded Meeting Stone Entry:185433, Area:1977, Level:60 - 60, Name:Zul'Gurub, Dungeon Type:2
>> Loaded 23 Meeting Stones

Loading Auctions...
>> Loaded 0 auction items
>> Loaded 0 auctions. DB table `auction` is empty.
>>> Auctions loaded

Loading Guilds...
>> Loaded 0 guild definitions

Loading Groups...
>> Loaded 0 group definitions

Returning old mails...
>> Only expired mails (need to be return or delete) or DB table `mail` is empty.

Loading GM tickets...
>> Loaded 0 GM tickets

Loading CreatureEventAI Summons...
>> Loaded 38 CreatureEventAI summon definitions

Loading CreatureEventAI Scripts...
>> Loaded 11224 CreatureEventAI scripts

Initializing Scripting Library...
  _____           _       _   _____
 / ____|         (_)     | | |  __ \
| (___   ___ _ __ _ _ __ | |_| |  | | _____   __
 \___ \ / __| '__| | '_ \| __| |  | |/ _ \ \ / /
 ____) | (__| |  | | |_) | |_| |__| |  __/\ V /
|_____/ \___|_|  |_| .__/ \__|_____/ \___| \_/
                   | |
SD2: Loading Script Texts...
Loading texts from script_texts, with additional data
Entry -1000771 in table `script_texts` has BroadcastTextID 21649 but broadcast_text does not exist.
>> Loaded 1478 text templates from script_texts

SD2: Loading Custom Texts...
Loading texts from custom_texts, with additional data

>> Loaded 0 string templates. DB table `custom_texts` is empty.
SD2: Loading Gossip Texts...
Loading texts from gossip_texts
>> Loaded 29 string templates from gossip_texts

SD2: Loading Script Waypoints for 55 creature(s)...

>> Loaded 1400 Script Waypoint nodes.
SD2: Loading C++ scripts

Loading spell scripts...
>> Loaded 405 C++ Scripts.
Initialize game time and timers
Starting Outdoor PvP System
>> Loaded 2 Outdoor PvP zones

Starting Map System

Starting BattleGround System
>> Loaded 3 battlegrounds

Deleting expired bans...

Calculate next weekly quest reset time...

Starting server Maintenance system...
Loading Honor Standing list...

>> Loaded 0 Horde and 0 Ally honor standing definitions
Loading Spam records...

Starting Game Event system...
GameEvent 4 "Darkmoon Faire (Elwynn Forest) - July 2020 - Darkmoon Faire Open" started.
GameEvent 27 "Nights" started.
GameEvent 36 "Summer Season Fishing" started.
GameEvent 38 "Elemental Invasion: Water" started.
Next game event check in 1729 seconds.
Game Event system initialized.

Player::DeleteOldChars: Deleting all characters which have been deleted 30 days before...

Loading anticheat library
[Anticheat] Could not find configuration file ../etc/anticheat.conf.
Loading antispam system...
>> 211 blacklist entries loaded and normalized
>> 13 ASCII string replacements loaded
>> 42 unicode character replacements loaded
Loading Warden scan database...
>> 89 Warden scans loaded from world database
Loading scripted Warden scans...
>> 9 scripted Warden scans loaded from anticheat module
Loading WorldState

Initializing AI Playerbot by ike3, based on the original Playerbot by blueboy
AI Playerbot is Disabled. Unable to open configuration file aiplayerbot.conf
      CMANGOS: World initialized

SERVER STARTUP TIME: 0 minutes 3 seconds

AhBot is now checking auctions in the background

mangos>AhBot auction check finished. 0 auctions answered, 0 new auctions added. Next check in 0 seconds
AhBot is now checking auctions in the background
AhBot auction check finished. 0 auctions answered, 0 new auctions added. Next check in 0 seconds
AhBot is now checking auctions in the background
AhBot auction check finished. 0 auctions answered, 0 new auctions added. Next check in 0 seconds
AhBot is now checking auctions in the background
AhBot auction check finished. 0 auctions answered, 0 new auctions added. Next check in 0 seconds
AhBot is now checking auctions in the background
AhBot auction check finished. 0 auctions answered, 0 new auctions added. Next check in 0 seconds
AhBot is now checking auctions in the background
AhBot auction check finished. 0 auctions answered, 0 new auctions added. Next check in 0 seconds
AhBot is now checking auctions in the background
AhBot auction check finished. 0 auctions answered, 0 new auctions added. Next check in 0 seconds
AhBot is now checking auctions in the background
AhBot auction check finished. 0 auctions answered, 0 new auctions added. Next check in 0 seconds
AhBot is now checking auctions in the background
AhBot auction check finished. 0 auctions answered, 0 new auctions added. Next check in 0 seconds
AhBot is now checking auctions in the background
AhBot auction check finished. 0 auctions answered, 0 new auctions added. Next check in 0 seconds
AhBot is now checking auctions in the background
AhBot auction check finished. 0 auctions answered, 0 new auctions added. Next check in 0 seconds
AhBot is now checking auctions in the background
AhBot auction check finished. 0 auctions answered, 0 new auctions added. Next check in 0 seconds
AhBot is now checking auctions in the background
AhBot auction check finished. 0 auctions answered, 0 new auctions added. Next check in 0 seconds
AhBot is now checking auctions in the background
AhBot auction check finished. 0 auctions answered, 0 new auctions added. Next check in 0 seconds
AhBot is now checking auctions in the background
AhBot auction check finished. 0 auctions answered, 0 new auctions added. Next check in 0 seconds
Avg Diff: 49. Sessions online: 0.
Max Diff: 60.
AhBot is now checking auctions in the background
AhBot auction check finished. 0 auctions answered, 0 new auctions added. Next check in 0 seconds
AhBot is now checking auctions in the background
AhBot auction check finished. 0 auctions answered, 0 new auctions added. Next check in 0 seconds
AhBot is now checking auctions in the background
AhBot auction check finished. 0 auctions answered, 0 new auctions added. Next check in 0 seconds
AhBot is now checking auctions in the background
AhBot auction check finished. 0 auctions answered, 0 new auctions added. Next check in 0 seconds
AhBot is now checking auctions in the background
AhBot auction check finished. 0 auctions answered, 0 new auctions added. Next check in 0 seconds
AhBot is now checking auctions in the background
AhBot auction check finished. 0 auctions answered, 0 new auctions added. Next check in 0 seconds
AhBot is now checking auctions in the background
AhBot auction check finished. 0 auctions answered, 0 new auctions added. Next check in 0 seconds
AhBot is now checking auctions in the background
AhBot auction check finished. 0 auctions answered, 0 new auctions added. Next check in 0 seconds
AhBot is now checking auctions in the background
AhBot auction check finished. 0 auctions answered, 0 new auctions added. Next check in 0 seconds
AhBot is now checking auctions in the background
AhBot auction check finished. 0 auctions answered, 0 new auctions added. Next check in 0 seconds
AhBot is now checking auctions in the background
AhBot auction check finished. 0 auctions answered, 0 new auctions added. Next check in 0 seconds
AhBot is now checking auctions in the background
sAhBot auction check finished. 0 auctions answered, 0 new auctions added. Next check in 0 seconds
AhBot is now checking auctions in the background
erAhBot auction check finished. 0 auctions answered, 0 new auctions added. Next check in 0 seconds
AhBot is now checking auctions in the background
vAhBot auction check finished. 0 auctions answered, 0 new auctions added. Next check in 0 seconds
AhBot is now checking auctions in the background
eAhBot auction check finished. 0 auctions answered, 0 new auctions added. Next check in 0 seconds
AhBot is now checking auctions in the background
r AhBot auction check finished. 0 auctions answered, 0 new auctions added. Next check in 0 seconds

Core SHA1 Commit Hash


Database SHA1 Commit Hash


Server Operating System

Debian 12

Client Version

1.1.12 (Classic)

Client Operating System

Windows. No client-side problems.

physics-archive commented 2 weeks ago

After recompiling / rebuilding, I have yet to see ahbot errors or spam, and get the following verification that ahbot is disabled (desired behavior for now): Initialize AuctionHouseBot... AHBot is disabled. Unable to open configuration file(../etc/ahbot.conf).

Originally, as shown in the above server-start logs, there's no confirmation that ahbot being loaded or disabled.

Note my mangosd binary has a different hash than the original: old sha1sum: 6a25aebc54508cd29c67eb366a1bbac940dd4cd4 new sha1sum: e2d235325f56ce1b2cf51642c92a7545d51aba94

Perhaps I misconfigured something during the first run and produced erratic behavior with ahbots. I'll close this in a week if this install remains stable.

If anyone has any insight on why ahbots were behaving like in my original post, I'd be grateful. Thank you!

physics-archive commented 2 weeks ago

Reopening issue#3730 for the following reason: closed by mistake!

insunaa commented 2 weeks ago

We have 2 separate AHbots: Legacy/Deprecated AHBot and new AHBot (controlled via aiplayerbot.conf) They are not compatible with each other. If you have compiled the server with the new playerbots enabled then you need to disable the old playerbots. AHBot can be enabled or disabled in the config files.

physics-archive commented 2 weeks ago

We have 2 separate AHbots: Legacy/Deprecated AHBot and new AHBot (controlled via aiplayerbot.conf)

They are not compatible with each other. If you have compiled the server with the new playerbots enabled then you need to disable the old playerbots. AHBot can be enabled or disabled in the config files.

Thanks for this reply.

In my problematic build, I disabled both legacy and new bots in ahbot.conf, but one of those seemed to load in spite of this. Could you tell from the console whether the module is legacy or new?

It's possible I compiled the first one without ahbots, but then why would legacy ahbots try to load even when legacy is disabled in ahbot.conf? Bug or maybe I'm missing something.

[My .conf files were definitely recognized correctly in the problematic build, since I had heavily altered the server configs and that always produced expected behavior.

insunaa commented 2 weeks ago

The log you posted tried to load the new AHBot that comes from the aiplayerbot.conf. Because you didn't have or didn't rename the aiplayerbot.conf file it tried to load default configurations and so it produces these errors image

physics-archive commented 2 weeks ago

It looks like I had AHBot off in my cmake parameters for that original build, and I'm thinking this leads to the behavior. To clarify -- I did have aiplayerbot.conf properly renamed and disabled completely. Same with ahbot.conf.

My recompiled/rebuilt version is still stable, so I'm thinking this is an issue with the build process. I'll close this since it's a support thread and I'm not longer in-need, but it is worth noting that the following configuration may lead to bugs on Unix:
