cmarkulin / hip-hop-humanities

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Project Update 10-26 #6

Open cdornn opened 2 years ago

cdornn commented 2 years ago

Project Update For 10-26

During this week's meeting, we mainly discussed and looked to the future of the project.

naiyaodhner commented 2 years ago

Sounds like a great solution for your markup load, I'm sure that will help make your midterm goals more realistic - maybe it will even allow more time to focus on your results analysis! Is anyone designated to do the schematron work yet for when that time comes? Also great way to split up work! Do you have rough plans of how you want the site to look yet? If you need any inspiration would you consider pulling from an album cover? That would look so cool!! Or maybe you could reference the subject matter through your menus - this is random and mighttt be just a bit confusing, but I was thinking about how you could show off your theme in your site layout and one idea I had was that if you have pages that show your songs lyrics with a view of the things that you marked up, you could have a dropdown menu called "playlist"/"track-list" or something like that to put it all in!! Good luck in this next busy week, so excited to keep up with your project :)

naf51 commented 2 years ago

I think its good to lower the markup load. In the Federalist Papers project we initially wanted to do all the papers that Hamilton wrote, which was about half of them (35ish) but we had to lower it to 24 because it took too much time and we want to be able do get into the analysis. Lowering the markup would also give you better results. If it is spread too thin then I feel like the results wouldnt be as accurate. It is nice that you are using Schematron in your project, it sounds like it will be useful and important for the accuracy of the markup. I like that you are getting into the design of the website! Are you drawing up plans of your design? There are so many routes to take since I feel that your topic gives you a lot of freedom and opportunities. Do you think you will have to update the content like the "Methods" portion of the site until the markup is complete?

amm492 commented 2 years ago

After reading the text on Oz, I think that using stylometry and PCA would be awesome to use for your project. Is this something you guys would consider? I think that it could clearly show differences in word choices depending on the artist or depending on specific songs.

pjc52 commented 2 years ago

This seems like a really strong idea that is continuing to be developed for this project. I think the nature of your research question means that it will hold up even if you limit the sheer number of artists that you work on, since the most interesting part of your project seems to be tracking individual artists' lyrical evolutions throughout their own personal career. I would be interested to see what kinds of analysis you end up doing and what your final website looks like, as I think you have an opportunity to get some really cool data and present it in a way that emphasizes the artistry of your corpus. To that end I am excited to see if you look into topic modeling or network analysis in your final project page.

darianmcginnis commented 2 years ago

Awww it sucks that you guys weren’t able to complete as much as you wanted. It’s much better to be able to complete your project so I’m glad you guys were able to come to a solution. You guys don’t want to be super stressed after all. On another note I’m super excited to see what you guys have to show for the hip-hop artists. I think its a very interesting project topic and you guys will be delving into a lot of songs that a lot of people like so it’ll be a big hit.