cmarrin / videomonkey

ffmpeg based video encoding tool for Mac OSX 10.6 and above
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Video Monkey 0.16 - sudden change in behaviour #110

Open DaveMcMillen opened 9 years ago

DaveMcMillen commented 9 years ago

Hi, I've been happily using Video Monkey for years, and suddenly today it halts on every encoding I try to start. All of the errors look similar to the following (from the console):

Begin transcode: 372 - VOY The Disease (Part 1 of 2).mp4 --> 372 - VOY The Disease (Part 1 of 2).mp4 [Command 0] [Command 0] Command to execute: [Command 0] "/Users/_/Downloads/" -threads 4 -y -i "/Users//Music/iTunes/iTunes Media/TV Shows/Opinionated Reviews (SFDebris)/Season 1/372 - VOY The Disease (Part 1 of 2).mp4" -s 432x320 -aspect 432:320 -r 29.97 -vcodec libx264 -b:v 500000 -pix_fmt yuv420p -async 50 -acodec libvoaacenc -ar 48000 -ac 2 -ab 128000 -vpre ffpresets/libx264-medium -vpre ffpresets/libx264-baseline "/Users/**/Movies/372 - VOY The Disease (Part 1 of 2).mp4" [Command 0] [Command 0] --> dyld: Library not loaded: /System/Library/Frameworks/VideoDecodeAcceleration.framework/Versions/A/VideoDecodeAcceleration [Command 0] --> Referenced from: /Users/**/Downloads/ [Command 0] --> Reason: image not found [Command 0] ============================== [Command 0] | Command ran in 0 seconds [Command 0] ============================== [Command 1] [Command 1] Command to execute: [Command 1] "/Users/_/Downloads/" "/Users//Movies/372 - VOY The Disease (Part 1 of 2).mp4" -W --title "372 - VOY: The Disease (Part 1 of 2)" --tracknum "" --year "" --stik "" --albumArtist "" --TVSeasonNum "1" --copyright "" --album "" --genre "" --description "" --TVEpisode "" --advisory "" --TVEpisodeNum "372" --artist "" --TVNetwork "" --encodingTool "Lavf52.93.0" --contentRating "" --comment "" --disk "" --TVShowName "Opinionated Reviews (SFDebris)" --artwork REMOVEALL [Command 1] [Command 1] --> AtomicParsley error: can't open /Users/***/Movies/372 - VOY The Disease (Part 1 of 2).mp4 for reading: No such file or directory [Command 1] --> AP error trying to fopen: No such file or directory [Command 1] ============================== [Command 1] | Command ran in 0 seconds [Command 1] ==============================

FAILED with error code: 1

The odd thing is, I haven't knowingly changed anything in my system ... But there's this error message about not being able to find a library, and then not being able to open the file. Any suggestions on what this might be? Thanks!

DaveMcMillen commented 9 years ago

The odd paths like "/Users//Downloads/" are because I deleted my user name out of the console output. I replaced it with "***", but that seems to have cut it out completely. It should be "/Users/username/Downloads/".