cmaycumber / config-plugin-react-native-intercom

Expo plugin for adding @intercom/react-native-intercom using expo config plugins
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Build properties set to incompatible values #51

Closed billinghamj closed 1 year ago

billinghamj commented 1 year ago


In #49, the readme was updated to tell people to set compileSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion to 33 or higher.

But this package/plugin already has that functionality built in! Except it's setting the value to 31.

In the app.json plugins array, it seems that precedence goes to the earlier items in the array.

So this works (builds with v33):

    "plugins": [
        ["expo-build-properties", { "android": { "compileSdkVersion": 33, "targetSdkVersion": 33 } }],
        ["config-plugin-react-native-intercom", {}]

But in the other order, it doesn't work (actually builds with v31):

    "plugins": [
        ["config-plugin-react-native-intercom", {}],
        ["expo-build-properties", { "android": { "compileSdkVersion": 33, "targetSdkVersion": 33 } }]

You could potentially fix this by updating the version in withIntercom.ts to 33, but to be honest I don't think it's really right for a plugin like this to be setting exact values for critical build settings which affect the entire project.

I'd suggest removing this package's use of expo-build-properties, and just leaving it as a documented requirement

billinghamj commented 1 year ago

Ah also, it turns out this has been forcing our minimum iOS version to v13, where we had it set to v15 😬