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Failed to Convert PDF of Montgomery County (MD) Open Data Ordinance #3

Open seamuskraft opened 8 years ago

seamuskraft commented 8 years ago

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Bill No. 23-12 Concerning: Administration Open [[Government]] セdセ。エD。⦅MMZMMMZM__ Revised: 12/412012 Draft NO.6 Introduced: July 31.2012 Enacted: December 4.2012 Executive: December

  1. 2012 Effective: March
  2. 2013 Sunset Date: --'-"No>:<!n.1.:::,e'-----c::---,--::-- Ch. セLLaws of Mont. Co. 2012 COUNTY COUNCIL FOR MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MARYLAND By: Councilmembers Riemer and Andrews, Council President Berliner, and Councilmembers  Leventhal, Floreen, Navarro, and Ervin  AN ACT to: (1) require the County to make certain public data sets available on a single web portal on the internet; (2) require the ([Department of Technology Services]] County to develop a technical standards manual for publishing public data sets; (3) require the County to develop ([a Compliance]] an Open Data Implementation Plan; (4) require the County to include on the single web portal, a website that includes certain information on requests submitted to the County under the Maryland Public Information Act and the County's response to that request; (5) require the Chief Administrative Officer to report to the Council on the Executive Branch's [[compliance with]] responses to the Maryland Public Information Act; and (6) generally amend County law regarding administration. By adding Montgomery County Code Chapter 2, Administration Article XIV, Open [[Government]] Data Sections 2-152, 2-152, 2-153, 2-154,2-155,2-156,2-157, [[and]] 2-158, and 2-159 Boldface Heading or defined term. Underlining Addedto existing law by original bill. [Single boldface brackets] Deletedfrom existing law by original bill. Double underlining Addedby amendment. [[Double boldface brackets]] Deletedfrom existing law or the bill by amendment.
    • * * Existing law unaffected by bill. The County Council for Montgomery County, Maryland approves the following Act:

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27 BILL No. 23-12 Sec. 1. Article XIV (Sections 2-152, 2-152, 2-153, 2-154, 2-155, 2-156, 2-157, [[and]] 2-158, and 2-159) is added to Chapter 2 as follows: Article XIV. Open [[Government]] Data. 2-152. Title. This Article is known as the "Montgomery County セ[[Government]] Data Act." 2-153. Definitions. In this Article, the following words and phrases have the following meanings:  Agency means any department or ッヲヲゥ」・{{セ@department, division, board,  committee, commission]] ofthe County government.  Data means the final version of digital information:  Uti ill in セ@structured, statistical, or alphanumeric form (Le., list, table, graph, chart, or other non-narrative form) that can be digitally transmitted or processed; or ill.} in an unstructured, factual, or content form .G.b fact sheet, memorandum, press release, compliance guidance, manual, or other narrative form) that can be digitally transmitted or processed; and lhl regularly created or maintained Qy or on behalf of and owned Qy an agency that records セ@file, measurement, transaction, or [[determination]] final decision related to the mission of an agency. Data does not include any information provided to an agency Qy another government entity; or any image file, such as セ@design, drawing, map. photo, or scanned £QPY of an original document. [[Data includes statistical or factual information about the image file and geographic information system data.]] -2­ BILL No. 23-12 28 [[Department means the Department of Technology Services.]] 29 [[Determination means any agency's final decision about a person, 30 including: 31 ill eligibility for services or benefits; 32 (hl issuing セ@permit; 33 (£} registration, certification and licensing; and 34 @ liability for civil and criminal penalties.]] 35 Maryland Public Information Act or Act means the Maryland Public 36 Information Act, codified at Sections 10-611 through 10-630 of the State 37 Government Article ofthe Maryland Code. 38 Measurement means to guantify any characteristic of an observable event, 39 occurrence, or object .Qy comparison to セ@reference standard. 40 Qpen Data Implementation Plan means a plan developed by the Chief 41 Administrative Officer to implement this Article and as further described in 42 Section 2-158. 43 Open standard means セ@technical standard developed and maintained .Qy セ@ 44 voluntary consensus standards body that is available to the public without 45 royalty or fee. 46 Public data set means {{セ@comprehensive collection of interrelated data that 47 is available for inspection .Qy the public under any provision of law and is 48 maintained on セ@computer system セor on behalf of, an agency.]] data 49 idsmtified as eligible for publication by the Open Data Implementation Plan. 50 Public data set does not include any portion of セ@data set that is not subject 51 to disclosure under any Federal or State law, including the Maryland Public 52 Information Act. 53 Technical standard means: -3­ BILL No. 23-12 54 W the common and repeated use of セ@rule, condition, guideline, or 55 characteristic for any product or related process and production 56 method, and related management systems practice; and 57 {hl ill the definition of セ@term;

ill classification of セ@component;

ill delineation ofセ@procedure; 60 ill specification of dimension, material, performance, 61 design, or operation;

ill measurement of quality and quantity in describing any 63 material, process, product, system, service, or practice; 64 ® test method and sampling procedure; or

ill description of fit and measurement of size or strength. 66 Transaction means any interaction between an agency and any person 67 related to the mission of an agency. 68 Voluntary consensus standards body means セ@domestic or international 69 organization that develops and maintains セ@technical standard that uses セ@ 70 transparent deliberative process, permits the participation of any party, and 71 achieves general consensus, although not necessarily unanimity, of the 72 participating parties, including セ@process to attempt to resolve any difference 73 in viewpoint. 74 2-154. Public data set availability. 75 W [[An agency]] The County must make {{セ}}@some public data sets 76 available on セ@single web portal on the Internet within 1 year after this 77 Article takes effect. Every agency must make at least one public data 78 set available to .. be published on a single web portal within the 79 timeframe prescribed by the Open Data Implementation Plan. The

80 Open Data Implementation Plan must . assign and prioritize by

4­ BILL No. 23-12 81 subcategories the order in which public data sets should be published.  82 To prioritize public data sets in the Open Data Implementation Plan,  83 the Chief Administrative Officer must consider whether information  84 tilllbodied in the public data set:  85 ill can be used to Increase agency accountability and  86 responslveness;  87 aJ improves public knowledge ofthe agency and its operations;  88 Lll furthers the mission ofthe agency; 

ill creates economic opportunity; or  90 (2) responds t9 a need or demand identified by public consultation.  91 [[If an agency cannot make !! public data set available, the agency  92 must report to Executive and Council:  93 ill which public data set it is unable to make available;  94 ill the reasons why the agency cannot make the public data set  95 available; and  96 ill the date Qy: which the agency expects the public data set to be  97 available on the single web portal.]]  98 (Q) Any published public data set that an agency makes available on the  99 Internet must be accessible through !! single web portal that is linked  100 to or any successor website  101 maintained by" or on behalf Q£. the County.  102 W A public data set must be made available as specified in technical  103 standards [[identified Qy: Method セ@イ・ァオャ。エゥッョ}}セ@  104 @ A public data set must be published in !! format that permits  105 automated processing and must make use of appropriate technology to  106 notify the public

of all updates. 

5� BILL No. 23-12 107 ill Once  published,  a [[A]] public  data set must  be updated  as often  as is  108 [[necessary  to preserve  the integrity  and usefulness of the data  set to  109 the  extent  that the agency  regularly  maintains  or updates  the public  110  data set]]  required  by the  Open  Data Implementation  Plan.  111 ill A published  public  data  set must  be made  available  without any  112  registration or license  requirement  or restriction  on use.  However,  the  113  [[Department]] County may require  セ@third nmY providing  to the  114  public any public  data set, or application  utilizing that data  set, to  115  explicitly identify the source  and version  of the public  data set and  116 describe  any modification  made to that  data  set.  In this  Section,  117 registration  or license  requirement  or restriction  does not include  any  118 measure  required to:  119 ill assure access  to セpublic data set;  120  ill protect  the single  web site housing セ@public  data set from  121 unlawful  abuse or an  attempt  to damage  or impair  use of the  122  web site; or  123  ill analyze  the セof data being  used to improve  service delivery.  124  (g} A  published  public data set must  be accessible  to external  search  125  capabilities.  126  (hl Nothing  in this  Article  prohibits  an agency  from: ill voluntarily  127  disclosing information  not otherwise  defined as data;  or  ill making  128  voluntarily disclosed information  accessible through the single  web  129  portal.  130  ill [[After セ@public  data set has  been  available  on the  web  portal  for §  131 months,  an agency  must not change  or terminate  collection of data or  132  remove the data  set from  public  access  without  the approval  of the  133  Chief Administrative  Officer or the  Chief  Administrative  Officer's  -6­ BILL No. 23-12 134  designee.]] The Open  Data Implementation  Plan must  address  when  135  and how  an agency  may change  or terminate  collection  of data or  136  remove the public  data set from  public  access.  137  ill [[The  Chief  Administrative  Officer must assign  appropriate  staff to  138  manage the public  data sets.]]  The Open  Data Implementation  Plan  139  must address  appropriate  staffing to manage  the published  public data  140  141 2-155. Web portal administration. 142  !ill The [[Department  may take reasonable  measures]]  Open Data  143 Implementation  Plan must  address  measures  to maintain  bandwidth  144  availability  ofthe web  portal.  145  (Q} The  [[Department]]  County must conspicuously  publish the open  data  146  [[legalH policy in Section  2­156 on the  web  portal.  147  W The [[Department]]  County must implement  [[an on­line  forum]]  セ@ 148  mechanism to solicit  public  feedback  and encourage  public discussion  149  on open  data policies  and public  data set availability  on the  web  150  portal.  151 @ An agency  must consider  any request  that it receives  through the [[on­ 152 line fOI1l1l!]] public feedback mechanism to include セ@particular public 153 data set when making any determination as to priority for public data 154 set inclusion on the single web portal. An agency's consideration of 155 such a request must defer to the priority assigned to publication by the 156 Open Data Implementation Plan. 157 2-156. Open data [[legal)) policy. 158 !ill A public data set made available on the web portal is provided for 159 informational purposes. The County [[does not]] makes no express or 160 implied warranty the completeness, accuracy, content, -7­ BILL No. 23-12 161 merchantability,  or fitness  for any  particular  purpose or use of any  162  public data set made  available  on the  web  portaU[,.  and no warranty  is  163 implied  with respect  to any  public  data set on the  web  portaUL  164  (Q) The  County is not liable  for any  deficiency  in the  completeness,  165 accuracy,  content, or fitness  for any  particular  purpose or use of any  166 public  data set, or application  utilizing the data  set, provided Qy any  167  third party.  168 {£} This  Article  and the Open  Data Implementation  Plan [[does]]  do not  169  create  セ@private right of action to enforce  [[its]] their provisions.  170  Failure to comply  with this Article  01" the Open  Data Implementation  171 Plan must  not result  in liability  to [[an  agency]]  the County.  172 2-157. Internet data set policy and technical standards. 173  ill} Within  180 days  after this Article  takes effect,  the [[Department]]   174 County  must prepare  and publish セ@technical  standards  manual for the   175  publishing  of セ@public data set in raw  or unprocessed  form through セ@  176 single  web portal Qy an agency  to make  public  data available  to the   177  greatest number  of users and for the  greatest  number of applications.   178  The manual:   179 ill must  use open  standards  for web  publishing  and e­govemment,   180  whenever practicable;   181 ill must identify  the reason  why each  technical  standard was   182 selected and to which セof data  it applies;   183  ill may  recommend  or require  that data  be published  in more  than   184 one technical  standard;  and   185 ill must include セ@plan to adopt  or utilize セ@web  application   186  programmmg interface that permits  application  programs to   ­ 8 � BILL No. 23-12 187  request and receive  public data sets directly  from the web  188  portal.  189  (Q) The  [[Department]]  County must update  the manual  as necessary.  190 (fl The  [[Department]]  County must consult  with appropriate  voluntary  191 consensus standards bodies and, when  participation is feasible,  in the  192  public interest,  and  is compatible  with agency  and departmental  193  missions, authorities,  and priorities,  participate  with such  bodies  in the  194  development  of technical and open  standards.  195  2-158. [[Agency]] Open Data [[Compliance]] Implementation Plan. 196  .ill.} Within  .lli months  after this Article  takes effect,  the [[Department]]  197  Chief Administrative  Officer must [[submit]]  issue. via Method  (2)  ]  98  regulation. an Open  Data  {{セ@Compliance]]  Implementation  Plan [[to  199  the Executive  and Council  and must  make  the Plan  available  to the  200  public on the  web  portal.  Each agency  must cooperate  with the  201  Department in its  preparation  ofthe Plan]]!. The  Plan  must:  202  ill include セ@summary  description of セ@public data set under  the  203  control  of each agency  on or after  this Article  takes effect;  204  ill prioritize  the public  data sets for inclusion  on the  single  web  205  portal on or before  December  lL 2018, under  the standards  206  adopted  Qy the [[Department]]  County under Section  2­157;  207  and  208  ill create セ@timeline  for their  inclusion  on the  single  web portal  209  (Q) If セ@public  data set cannot  be made  available on the single  web portal  210  on or before  December  lL 2018, the Open  Data Implementation  Plan  211  must state the reason  why the set cannot  be made  available,  and, to the  212  extent practicable,  the date  Qy which  the agency  in possession of the  -9­ BILL NO. 23-12 213  public data set believes  that it will  be available  on the  single  web  214  portal.  215  ill [[To  prioritize  public data sets,  an agency  must consider  whether  216  information embodied in the  public  data set:  217  ill can  be used  to increase  agency accountability  and  218  responsIveness;  219  ill improves  public knowledge of the agency  and its operations;  220  ill furthers  the mission ofthe agency;  221 ill creates  economic  opportunity;  or  222  ill responds  to f! need  or demand  identified Qy public consultation.  223  @]] No  later  than July li,. [[2014]]  2015, and every  July lithereafter,  the  224  [[Department]] Chief A<iministrative  Officer must submit  to the  225  Executive and Council,  and post  on the  web  portal,  [[an  update ofl]  f! 226  report on the  Open  Data [[Compliance]]  Implementation  Plan [[to the  227  Executive and Council]]  until all public  data sets to be  published  have  228  been made  available  through  f! single web portal  as required Qy this  229  Article. The [[update]]  report must [[include]]  explain:  230  ill the  specific  measures  taken to make  f! public  data set available  231 on the  single  web portal  since the previous  [[update]]  report;  232  ill any  specific  measure  that will  be taken  before  the next  233  [[update]]  report;  234  ill [[an  update  to]]  the list of public  data sets,  [[if  235  necessruyl1 outlined  In the Open  Data [[Compliancel1  236  Implementation Plan should  be updated;  237  ill [[any  change  to]] whether  the prioritization of public  data sets  238  in the  Open  Data [[Compliance]]  Implementation  Plan should  239  be changed;  and  ­ 10­ BILL No. 23-12 240  ill [[an  update  to]] whether  the timeline  outlined  in the  Open  Data  241 [[Compliance]]  Implementation  Plan for the  inclusion of セ@ 242  public data set on the  single  web portal,  [[if necessaryl]  should  243  be changed.  244  [[W]] £ill If セ@previously  unidentified  public data set cannot  be made  245  available on the  single  web portal  on or before  December  lL. 2018,  246  the [[update]]  report must explain  why it cannot  and, to the  extent  247  practicable, specify the date  hy which  the agency  in possession of the  248  public data set believes  that the public  data set will  be available  on the  249  single web portal.  250  2­15[0012:  Public Information  Act Responses.  251 tru Definitions. In this  Section,  the following  words and phrases  have the  252  following meanings:  253 County means Montgomery  County and includes  any Executive  Branch  254  department or office  and any Legislative  Branch [[department  or))  255  office.  256 Legislative Bra.nch office means  any office  identified  in Section  lA­203  257  (b), the Board  ofAppeals.  and the Merit  System  Protection  Board.  258 InfOrmation request means  セ@request for documents  submitted to the  259  County under the Maryland  Public Information  Act.  260  !.hl The  Chief  Administrative  Officer must identifY  in the  Open  Data  261 Implementation  Plan what  data elements  and a schedule  to make  262  available on the  web  portal  for [[each]]  information  [[request submitted  263  to the  County  under]]  relating  to the  implementation of the  Maryland  264  Public Information  Act  セ@[[and]] the County  [[County's  response to  265  that request]]:.  ­ 11 ­ BILL No. 23-12 266  {£} The  Legislative  Branch must post alldaULelements.  as identified  by the  267  Open Data Implementation  Plan. on the  same  single  web portal  used by  268  the Executive  Branch.  269  [[Except as provided  in subsection  @1 the  web  portal  must include:  270  ill each  information  request submitted  to the  County;  271  ill the  date  when  the County  received  the information  request;  272  ill the  status ofthe information  request;  273  ill if the  information  request was not answered  within 30 days  after  274  the County  received.ih  the reason  for the  delay;  and  275  ill the  final  response  to the  information  request.]]  276  [[@ The  Chief  Administrative  Officer must not include  on the  web  portal  277  any electronic  mail address,  home address,  or telephone  number ofany  278  individual who submitted  セ@responsive document.]] 279  [[W]] @ The  Chief  Administrative  [[Officer]] Officer's report required  by  280  Section  2:­158 must [[report  quarterly  to the  Council  on the  Executive  281 Branch's  compliance  with the Maryland  Public Information  Act The  282  report must cite the statutory  exception  that supports  each denial  or  283  partial denial of an information  request]] include an update  on  284  implementation  of this Section.  285  ­ 12­ BILL No. 23-12 286 Approved: 287  288  Approved: 289 J--­ 290 This is a correct copy o/Council action. 291 セQョL@セ@;2/7,/re-

Linda M. Lauer, Clerk ofthe Council Date
