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Montgomery County Government Open Data
Operations Manual
Department of Technology Services Montgomery County Government, MD

© 2014 by Montgomery County Government, MD all rights reserved Page: 2
VERSION DATE DESCRIPTION AUTHOR 1.0 9/18/2014 Initial Release Department of Technology Services,
Montgomery County Government

   Page: 3  

Table of Contents

Message from the County Executive ............................................................................................ 4
1.0 Introduction .............................................................................................................. ......... 5 1.1 About dataMontgomery ................................................................................................. 5
1.2 Scope ..................................................................................................................... ....... 5 2.0 Policy Requirements ....................................................................................................... .. 6 2.1 The Montgomery County Open Data Act ...................................................................... 6
2.2 County Executive Policy ................................................................................................ 6 3.0 Governance and Business Process .................................................................................. 8 3.1 Open Data Program Governance and Staffing ............................................................. 8
3.2 Dataset Inventory Process ............................................................................................ 8 3.3 Establishing the Publishing Priority for Datasets ......................................................... 10 3.4 Revisions to Datasets and Priority Groupings ............................................................. 11
3.5 Policy for Dataset Changes or Removal ..................................................................... 12 3.6 Data Privacy ............................................................................................................... . 13 3.7 dataMontgomery Website Availability and Bandwidth................................................. 13 4.0 Dataset Inventory and Publishing Schedule ................................................................... 14 4.1 dataMontgomery Current State (through FY14) .......................................................... 14 4.1.1 Published Datasets ............................................................................................. 14 4.2 dataMontgomery FY15 Work Plan .............................................................................. 16 4.2.1 Datasets Scheduled for Publication in FY15 ....................................................... 17 4.2.2 Open Data Initiative – dataMontgomery Taxonomy ............................................ 19 4.2.3 Open Data Initiative – Budget Book Electronic Publication ................................. 20 4.2.4 Open Data Initiative – Financial Transparency.................................................... 21
4.2.5 Open Data Initiative – CountyStat Performance Dashboard ............................... 21 4.3 dataMontgomery Inventory for FY16 and Beyond....................................................... 22 5.0 Maryland Public Information Act (MPIA) Requests ......................................................... 39
Appendix A – openMontgomery Memorandum from CAO ......................................................... 40 Appendix B – Dataset Scoring Methodology and Outreach........................................................ 42
Appendix C – Dataset Prioritization Count (by Department)....................................................... 44
Appendix D – MPIA Response Publishing .................................................................................. 45 Page: 4
Message from the County Executive As County Executive I have made transparency one of my priorities and continually sought ways to keep residents better informed. In response to the Montgomery County Open Data Act, we have laid the groundwork for implementing a successful open data program by: creating an open data website called dataMontgomery, which launched in December 2012; and leading a
collaborative effort across county government and with residents to determine our open data
priorities. All of these efforts have resulted in an inventory and plan that puts Montgomery County on the forefront of the open data movement.
Our plan utilizes a precedent-setting method to inventory, prioritize and responsibly publish
datasets that is already becoming a model fo r other jurisdictions. This Operations Manual includes annual updates, a taxonomy project, providing a user-friendly framework to assist with
easily finding datasets, and an outlook for future years. Our open data program also includes groundbreaking initiatives such as:
• An electronic budget book application • An interactive, data-driven dashboard of the County’s performance metrics • A financial transparency suite, which will provide resident driven view of our finances and budget • A website that publishes Maryland Public Information Act responses

These initiatives are only the beginning. We’ve taken the lead as a transparent and responsive government and have not let up. From local civic groups to national policy organizations like the Sunlight Foundation, we are setting the tone for transparency not only in Maryland but across the country.

Ike Leggett, County Executive
Page: 5 1.0 Introduction

1.1 About dataMontgomery
A responsive and accountable County Government has long been among the County’s highest
priorities. On December 5, 2012, County Executive Isiah Leggett announced the “openMontgomery” initiative. This announcement was in concert with the Open Data Bill 23-12
introduced by Councilmember Hans Riemer. Th e full Council approved Bill 23-12 on December 4, 2012, and thereby enacted what is now the Montgomery County Open Data Act (see
Montgomery County Code §§ 2-152 – 159), with an effective date of March 18, 2013. Together these actions launched the dataMontgomery website as the County’s comprehensive single source of data supporting a path to even greater transparency, accessibility and efficiency in the future.
The dataMontgomery program seeks to provide resident s and constituents with direct access to County datasets in consumable formats, so they may be viewed, sorted and used in various ways, including being potentially leveraged in the development of new applications and services by interested parties. Providing this information offers the public an opportunity to review and analyze raw data, and the opportunity to use it for a variety of purposes.
Link to the openMontgomery web portal:

Link to the dataMontgomery website:

1.2 Scope
Montgomery County has already made avail able many high value datasets though the dataMontgomery website ( The Montgomery County Government Open Data Operations Manual will document the additional County datasets that are not yet available on the dataMontgomery website, but which will be published in the future.
This Operations Manual is available on Montgomery County’s openMontgomery web portal ( and will be updated no later than July 15, 2015, and every July 15th thereafter.

This Operations Manual has been prepared in compliance with the Open Data Act. The Operations Manual is intended to be a comprehensive inventory of the public datasets maintained by the Montgomery County Government as well as a commitment to make these datasets publicly available by the publication date s specified in this document. This Operations Manual is a living document and will be updated annually as additional datasets are identified and released in compliance with the Open Data Act.
The scope of this document covers the implementation process for publishing datasets. The
implementation process is the governance, business processes around indentifying the datasets in each department that are planned for publication and the list of candidate datasets for
publication. For information on technical publishing standards, please refer to the Montgomery County Government Technical Standards Manual for Publishing a Public Data Set ( ources/Files/dataMontgomeryDataPublishingTe chnicalStandards.pdf). Page: 6 2.0 Policy Requirements
2.1 The Montgomery County Open Data Act
The Montgomery County Open Data Act, codified in Sections 2-152 – 2-159 of the Montgomery County Code, sets a number of requirements for an Open Data Implementation Plan. As
detailed in Montgomery County Code Section 2-158(a), the plan must:
• Include a summary description of a public data set under the control of each agency on or after the bill took effect; • Prioritize the public data sets for inclusion on the single web portal on or before December 31, 2018, under the standards adopted by the County; and • Create a timeline for the inclusion on the single web portal.

If a public data set cannot be made available on the single web portal on or before December 31, 2018, this Plan must state the reason why the data set cannot be made available, and, to the extent practicable, the date by which the agency in possession of the public data set believes that it will be available on the single web portal. See Montgomery County Code § 2- 158(b).
Within 18 months after the Open Data Act took effect on March 13, 2013, the Chief Administrative Officer must issue to the Executive and Council, via Method (2) regulation, an Open Data Implementation Plan. See Montgomery County Code § 2-158(a). Subsequently, the Open Data Implementation Plan must be updated annually by July 15, 2015 and every July 15 thereafter until all public data sets to be published have been made available through a single web portal. See Montgomery County Code § 2-158(c).

Additionally, the Open Data Act also has a prov ision that covers Public Information Act Responses. See Montgomery County Code § 2-159. The provision requires this Open Data Implementation Plan to document which data elements are to be made available on the web portal for each Maryland Public Information Act request and a schedule for implementation.
In accordance with the Open Data Act, the Open Data Implementation Plan specifes: • “The list of public datasets will be described and maintained in the Operations Manual.”
See COMCOR • “A dataset publication timeline will be published in the Operations Manual, based on Budgeted resources.” See COMCOR • “The Director will publish and maintain policy and process details for MPIA Publishing in the Operations Manual.” See COMCOR • “On July 15, 2015, and every July 15 thereafter, the Director will publish an update to the Open Data Operations Manual on the Open Data web portal.” See COMCOR

2.2 County Executive Policy
One of the key initiatives of the current administration is to support an open government. This is
embodied in one of the provisions of the County Executive’s Mission Statement - “A Responsive Page: 7 and Accountable County Government”. The dataMontgomery program is a continuation of that
policy that is fully supported by the administration. On December 4, 2012, the Chief Administrative Officer officially kicked off the in itial survey of government datasets for all County departments (see Appendix A) in conjunction with the initial rollout of the dataMontgomery website. Finally, the ongoing governance and pr oject implementation has the support and guidance of the Chief Administrative Officer with an Assistant CAO chairing the dataMontgomery Steering Committee. Page: 8 3.0 Governance and Business Process
3.1 Open Data Program Governance and Staffing

Montgomery County’s Department of Technology Services (DTS) has established a multi- layered governance process for the Open Data project. The governance process used for this
project leverages the governance processes as defined in the County’s Enterprise Technology
IT Strategic Plan, Section 6: Governance, which can be viewed on-line on the Montgomery County Government website under the Department of Technology – Strategic Plan ( ).

The Open Data Steering Committee is chaired by an Assistant Chief Administrative Officer and
consists of the Director of the Department of Technology Services, the Director of the Public Information Office; the County’s Chief Innovation Officer (CInO); the CountyStat Manager; and a liaison from the Office of the County Attorney. Generally, the Steering Committee meets on a quarterly basis to review overall policy objectives and issues related to the County’s Open Data program.
The Open Data Workgroup is chaired by the DTS’s Open Data Project Manager and consists of representatives from the Department of Technology Services, the Public Information Office, the Montgomery County Police Department, the C ounty’s Innovation Program and CountyStat. Generally, the Workgroup meets on a bi-monthly bas is to review tactical issues with the County’s Open Data program, including dataset identification, prioritization and publication.
DTS has formed a matrixed Open Data Project Team tasked with overseeing the execution of the Open Data Implementation Plan. The DTS team consists of an Open Data Program Manager, an Open Data Project Manager, proj ect management staff from DTS Project Management Office and technical staff from the DTS Enterprise Service Bus Team. The Project Manager and project management staff generally work with the County’s Departments and Agencies to identify and prepare datasets for publication. The technical staff works with Departments to develop the programs to automate, wherever possible, the publication of the Departmental datasets onto dataMontgomery. The O pen Data Project Team is staffed at a level to support the publication of new datasets and development of new Open Data Initiatives, as
detailed in Section 4 of this document, as well as the ongoing operations of the dataMontgomery website.
Additionally, each County department has a Point of Contact (POC) who represents their department in the process of indentifying, documenting and eventually publishing the data from
their department. All of the POCs have access to training and education on open data topics
and have become the leaders in their departments for this open data initiative. Please refer to the next section of this document for more information on the data inventory process and the POC’s vital role in support of this effort.
3.2 Dataset Inventory Process
Montgomery County has 28 Executive Branch departments, offices and agencies, which
collectively employ more than 600 applications , databases, and spreadsheets from which “data” may be derived. Early efforts to collect datasets for inclusion on the open data platform Page: 9 included surveying departments on what they considered to be high value data, and researching
what information was requested most often by residents and the press via formal Maryland Public Information Act (MPIA) requests.
However, in order to comply with the Open Data Act’s requirement for a full inventory of government data, Montgomery County needed to develop a systematic approach to identify, inventory, prioritize and queue up datasets for publication.
Each County Department was asked to identify a Point of Contact (POC) with whom the
dataMontgomery Workgroup would interface. One POC was identified per Department, and
assigned the responsibility of compiling the dataset inventory for their Department. The team invested in each POC, educating them on open data concepts, joint data sharing and sensitive/confidential data awareness through webinars and office hours. POCs could be either technical or business people who own the data being proposed for publication. Monthly
meetings were held with all POCs to review expectations, answer questions, demonstrate the
value of open data, and educate them on different aspects of confidential and sensitive data. Once the POCs were established, a team was put together to assist them with their inventorying efforts. This team was comprised of CountyStat performance experts, the dataMontgomery project manager, a dataMontgomery project lead and the Chief Innovation Officer.
CountyStat hosted individual brainstorming sessions with each department, and sometimes individual divisions within larger departments, to draw out a list of dataset candidates. POCs were encouraged to bring others from their department (if technical, bring a business person, and vice versa). These brainstorming sessions used the following as jump-off points for discussion: the department’s website (the core mission of the department plus any reports or
information posted there); the department’s annual performance plan document that lists its Headline Performance Measures and other dat a; any existing inventory of systems, applications, databases, etc.; the existing dataMontgomery web portal; and the open data web portals of other governments. The outputs of th ese brainstorming sessions were captured and fed back to departments to stimulate further data exploration within their department.
To facilitate the collection of dataset candidates, DTS created an online intake form for
departments to submit the dataset candidates developed based on the brainstorming sessions and subsequent internal work. Initially, this fo rm yielded over 300 dataset submissions. A Gap Analysis was performed comparing submissions with department core function, systems, and performance measures. After being notified of the Gap Analysis and follow-up meetings with
team members, departments submitted additional datasets. To date, over 500 datasets were submitted for consideration.
At the same time as this internal view of data inventory was occurring, Montgomery County also looked externally to our residents. Community outreach events were conducted where
residents could engage in conversations with County staff regarding the datasets that interested
them and the potential ways they could put the data to use. In promoting these Town Hall events, presentations were made at many hi gh schools to help engage youth in the process. The feedback from these town halls was captured and reported out in the County’s Innovation Program blog as well as Twitter. Also, some subject matter-specific workshops were held on topics such as public safety and transit. For example, multiple Neighborhood Watch groups and
representatives from the Montgomery County Po lice Department (MCPD) met to discuss crime data priorities. This feedback was captured and made part of the prioritization process.
The Dataset Inventory Process and timeline is summarized in the table below. Page: 10

3.3 Establishing the Publis hing Priority for Datasets

Once all of the dataset candidates were collected and the outreach events were held, the datasets were subjected to a quantitative prioritization process. The goal of the prioritization process was to assign each dataset a “score” representing their value relative to each other. Every dataset’s value was independently rated on twelve criteria, six “internal” and six “external,” by CountyStat and the Chief Innovation Officer. Those criteria were:

Internal: • Is the dataset aligned with the department’s core function / Degree to which publishing this data furthers the core mission of the department? • Is the dataset a direct or indirect source of a department’s Headline Performance Measure(s) and/or Supporting Measure(s)? • Will posting the data result in administrative time saved for a department(s)? (i.e. will they be able to stop spending time responding to requests for this particular information?) • Is the data already collected and readily accessible so as not to require new or additional business processes?
• Is the data used across departments and does its publication facilitate collaboration? • Will publishing this dataset enable the retirement of a legacy system or database? Page: 11 External: • Is the data typically used when deciding policies that impact residents’ quality of life? • Will publishing this dataset allow a business or resident to perform a process more efficiently and/or effectively? • Is Montgomery County the only source of the data? • Does the data contribute to civic engagement? • Does the data create economic opportunity?
• Will publishing this dataset make the department more accountable and/or responsive by improving/increasing the public's knowledge of its operation? For additional information on the scoring values for prioritizing the datasets, the scoring methodology used and outreach efforts related to prioritizing the datasets, please refer to Appendix B of this document.

The result is a list that ranks the datasets in a manner that allows the CAO to manage the inventory pipeline and get the highest value datasets published first. After scoring and ranking the data sets, Montgomery County feels that this approach was effective in creating a well- balanced pipeline that reflects the priorities of the government and the community.

Please note that there are number of factors that affect the priority ranking of a dataset. While the value to residents is certainly a very significant factor in forming the priority ranking of a dataset, there are other internal factors which also affect the ranking. For example, datasets that improve the internal efficiency and communication within the government may rank higher.

Each dataset has been assigned a numerical score ranging from 0 to 100. Based on this numerical score, the County has established the following 5 priority groupings:

• Group P1: Datasets ranked 80 and above • Group P2: Datasets ranked 70 – 79 • Group P3: Datasets ranked 60 – 69
• Group P4: Datasets ranked 50 – 59
• Group P5: Datasets ranked 49 or lower

The priority groups will be used as a guideline in scheduling datasets for publication. As a general rule, the datasets with higher rankings will be scheduled for publication before datasets with lower rankings. However, there are certain factors which may lead to slight deviations in scheduling by priority groups. For example, if a highly ranked dataset resides on a source system scheduled for imminent replacement, publication of that dataset would likely be delayed until the new system comes online to avoid “rework” in developing interfaces for publication. In another example, if in the process of publishing of a highly ranked dataset it is discovered that the required interfaces could also be easily leveraged to publish a companion lower ranked dataset, then the decision will like be made to publish both datasets at the same time for efficiency.   3.4 Revisions to Datasets and Priority Groupings
The list of datasets scheduled for publication on dataMontgomery is not a static list. As new IT systems come online, the data contained in thes e systems will be inventoried and prioritized for publication on dataMontgomery. Page: 12 The priority rankings for a dataset may also change over time. A dataset with a certain priority
ranking today may be repriotized with a new priority ranking based on changes to any of the internal or external factors identified in Section 3.3, such as:
• A department may define a new headline measure that includes the dataset • A department identifies cost savings or impr oved efficiency gained from publication of the dataset • A dataset used by only one department becomes valuable to multiple departments • Citizens identify that publication of the dataset will make a positive impact on the community • Citizens or local businesses identify the dataset a creating an economic opportunity

Montgomery County will continue to solicit input from our citizens in a variety of ways, including:

• Public outreach events such as Town Halls, Hack-A-Thons, etc.
• Online feedback, including engageMontgomery
(link: • Feedback solicited from the dataMontgomery website. At the bottom of the main page, users are asked to “Suggest a Dataset” if they did not find they are looking for. These requests are sent directly to the dataMontgomery project team.

3.5 Policy for Dataset Changes or Removal
Every dataset published on dataMontgomery must be reviewed and authorized by the Department Head of the department owning the data prior to publication via a signed Dataset Publication Agreement. Datasets with data impacting multiple departments must also be
authorized by the County’s Open Data Workgroup. As part of this agreement, the department
agrees to update and maintain the source data in order to keep it as accurate and useful as possible.
For any structural changes required for a published dataset (adding or deleting data elements), the owning department must complete a formal Change Order which modifies the original
Dataset Publication Agreement. This Change Order requires the same signature level authority
as the original agreement to publish the dataset.
In the event that a department can no longer maintain a published dataset, the department must complete a formal Change Order to remove the dataset from dataMontgomery. This Change
Order requires the same signature level authority as the original agreement to publish the dataset.
The goal of any successful open data program is to provide limitless access to all published data. However, circumstances may dictate that a dataset should be removed from
dataMontgomery, such as data is found to be inaccurate or loses applicability/usability over
time. Any decision to remove a dataset from dataMontgomery will not be untaken lightly.
However, the County maintain the Right to Discontinue, as detailed in the Terms of Use, Section 6. (link: Page: 13 3.6 Data Privacy
In the interest of government transparency and accountability, Montgomery County’s open data program establishes the goal of publishing as mu ch government data as can be published. But what criterion are used to determine if a dataset is publishable and what safeguards are in place to ensure that inappropriate information is not published?
First and foremost, any data that is protected by any personal privacy legislation (HIPAA, MPIA etc.) will not be published on dataMontgomery. Additionally, any data collected by Montgomery County where publication of the data might pose a public safety threat will not be published on dataMontgomery. Please refer to Sections 7 & 8 of Appendix D – MPIA Response Publishing,
contained in this document, for a detailed listing of the types of information that must not be made public.
The dataMontgomery team has implemented a number of safeguards designed to ensure that this type of protected information is not published on the dataMontgomery website, including: 1. Every dataset containing data that has not been previously published on some other platform must be reviewed by the Office of the County Attorney staff assigned to support dataMontgomery. The legality of publishing the data in each dataset is part of this review.

  1. The dataMontgomery Steering Committee includes a member of the Office of the County Attorney staff.
  2. The dataMontgomery Workgroup includes a member of the Police Department staff.
  3. Prior to publication, every new dataset must first be released onto a private development area of dataMontgomery, where is must be reviewed and approved in writing by the Director of the department owning the data, certifying that the dataset is ready for publication.

3.7 dataMontgomery Website Availability and Bandwidth

The County has selected a leading cloud provider to host our single-source open data portal as a cloud service. The vendor is responsible for maintiaining 24 x 7 website availability, with minimal scheduled interruptions for internal maintenance. The vendor also is required to provide sufficient bandwidth robust response times to dataMontgomery users. Page: 14

4.0 Dataset Inventory and Publishing Schedule
4.1 dataMontgomery Current State (through FY14)
In the 18 months since the Open Data act was enacted, Montgomery County’s dataMontgomery
team has led numerous activities supporting the County’s open data program, including:
• Public launch of the dataMontgomery website; • Maintaining published datasets and keeping them current by refreshing the data according to the published data update frequency period; • Publishing over 20 additional datasets since the initial launch of the website in December 2012; • Conducting a comprehensive inventory of County datasets and prioritizing datasets for future publication (please refer back to Section 3.2 of this document for more information on the dataset inventory process and Section 3.3 of this document for more information on the prioritization of datasets); • Launching numerous Open Data Initiatives which rely initially on publishing data in raw form; then extending the presentation of that data in ways that are easier to understand and/or add to the goal of transparency and efficiency in government; • Conducting outreach sessions to the general public to solicit feedback on what data is valuable to residents. These outreach sessions include Town Hall sessions, data- centric focus groups (e.g. neighborhood crime, financial data, etc.) and a Hackathon on National Hacking Day; • Conducting webinars promoting Montgomery County’s open data program and progress to date; and • Developing a Public Information Act Responses publishing tool.

Section 4.1.1 of this document details all datasets currently published on the dataMontgomery
website. Section 4.1.2 of this document describes an Open Data Initiative – Budget Book Electronic Publication which will be launched at the end of FY14.
4.1.1 Published Datasets
Through the end of Fiscal Year 2014 (FY14), Montgomery County Government has made available 39 datasets, representing 13 County Departments, on the dataMontgomery website ( The County’s Fiscal Year runs from July 1 – June 30.
FY14 ended on June 30, 2014. These datasets, available today, are detailed in the table below.

Department Published Dataset Name Published Dataset Description Data Update Frequency

1   Board of Elections 2014 Early Voting Centers Map Map of 2014 early voting locations in Montgomery County as selected October 21,
2013, subject to approval by the Maryland State Board of Elections. One time submission

  Environmental Protection Reported Sanitary Sewer Overflows Sanitary sewer overflows reported to the Department of Environmental Protection by the
Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission or individuals in the County. Daily Page: 15

Department Published Dataset Name Published Dataset Description Data Update Frequency

3  Finance Real Property Tax Rates Real property tax rate for 2012 Annually

  Finance Spending Disclosure – Fiscal Year 2014 Summary information on payments made to
recipients (suppliers) that received $25,000 or
more in FY2014 One time submission

  Finance Spending Disclosure – Fiscal Year 2013 Summary information on payments made to
recipients (suppliers) that received $25,000 or
more in FY2013 One time submission

  Finance Spending Disclosure – Fiscal Year 2012 Summary information on payments made to
recipients (suppliers) that received $25,000 or
more in FY2012 One time submission

  Finance Spending Disclosure – Fiscal Year 2011 Summary information on payments made to
recipients (suppliers) that received $25,000 or more in FY2011 One time submission

  General Services Contracts Listing of all active County contracts Daily

  Health & Human Services Food Inspection This dataset includes food inspection results for non-mobile food establishments in Montgomery County that have an active license. Daily

  Human Resources Tuition Assistance This dataset includes a list of classes approved and paid through the County tuition assistance
program, including the title and description of
the course, the school the course will be taken at, the degree this class curriculum is a part of,
the Department and title of the requestor, the
dollar amount reimbursed to the employee. Twice Annually

  Human Resources Employee Salaries Salary information for all active, permanent employees of Montgomery County, MD as of
January 15, 2013. Annually

  Intergovernmental Relations Bills tracked by Montgomery County during the legislative session This list only includes bills introduced in the
Senate or the House of Delegates during
regular session of the General Assembly. The
Office also tracks all local and bi-county bills considered by the Montgomery County
Delegation, all bi-county bills considered by the
Prince George's County Delegation, and all bills introduced during special sessions Weekly (during legislative

  Liquor Control Alcoholic beverage license violations This dataset includes al ocohol violations as a result fo sale to minor compliance checks,
routine inspections and enformacement efforts. Monthly

  Management & Budget Fiscal Year 2015 County Executive Recommended Operating Budget Detailed line-item information for the County Executive recommended FY2015 Operating Budget One time submission

  Management & Budget Fiscal Year 2015 County Executive Recommended
Operating Budget – Internal Service Funds Internal Service Fund line-item budget data included in the CE recommended operating
budget for FY2015. Internal Service Funds (ISF)
are proprietary funds used to record activity (primarily goods and se rvices) provided by one department to other departments of the County government on a cost-reimbursable basis. One time submission

  Management & Budget Fiscal Year 2014 Approved Operating Budget Detailed line-item information for the Council approved FY2014 Operating Budget One time submission

  Management & Budget Fiscal Year 2014 Approved Budget - Internal Service Funds Internal Service Fund line-item budget data included in the approved operating budget for
FY2014. Internal Service Funds (ISF) are
proprietary funds used to record activity (primarily goods and se rvices) provided by one department to other departments of the County government on a cost-reimbursable basis. One time submission

  Management & Budget Fiscal Year 2013 Approved Operating Budget Detailed line-item information for the Council approved FY2014 Operating Budget One time submission

  Management & Budget Fiscal Year 2013 Approved Budget - Internal Service Funds Internal Service Fund line-item budget data included in the approved operating budget for
FY2013. Internal Service Funds (ISF) are
proprietary funds used to record activity (primarily goods and se rvices) provided by one department to other departments of the County government on a cost-reimbursable basis. One time submission

  Permitting Services Public Right Of Way Permit s Data for all Public Right of Way Permit applications, including status and work
performed. Daily Page: 16

Department Published Dataset Name Published Dataset Description Data Update Frequency

21  Permitting Services Electrical Bu siness Licenses Data for all Elec trical Business License Permit applications. Daily

  Permitting Services Residential Permits Data for all Residential Building Permits issued since 2000, including status and work
performed. Daily

  Permitting Services Mechanical Permits Data for all Mechanical Permit applications, including status and work performed Daily

  Permitting Services Electrical Building Permits Data for all Electrical Permit applications, including status and work performed. Daily

  Permitting Services Commercial Permits Data for all Commercial Building Permits issued since 2000, including status and work
performed. Daily

  Permitting Services Demolition Permits Data for all Demolition Permit applications, including status and work performed. Daily

  Public Information Office 311 Requests All MC311 Service R equests received (via email or phone) since July 1, 2012. Daily

  Technology Services Geographic Data: Health & Human Services (HHS) Facilities Address and locations for Health & Human
Services (HHS) Facilities in Montgomery County, MD. Annually

  Technology Services G eographic Data: Library Locations Locations of all Montgomery County, MD Public Libraries. Annually

  Technology Services Geographic Data: Post Offices Locations Address and Locations for Post Offices in
Montgomery County, MD. Annually

  Technology Services Cabl e Inspections This data se t provides information on inspections performed by the Montgomery
County Cable Office since September 1, 2010. Quarterly

  Technology Services Cable Complaints Th is data set provides information on cable complaints reported to Montgomery County, MD Cable Office Quarterly

  Technology Services Public Sc hools Locations Address and Locati ons of all Public Schools in Montgomery County, MD. Annually

  Technology Services Fire Stat ions Locations Address and Locati ons for all Fire Stations in Montgomery County, MD. Annually

  Technology Services Hospital Locations Address and Locations for Hospitals in Montgomery County, MD and the immediate
vicinity. Annually

  Technology Services Transmission Facilities Application Status & Location Information on all transmission facility
applications (new tower or attachments) filed
with the Montgomery County Cable Office for
telecommunications and radio & TV transmission sites, including the location of the
tower and the disposition of the application. Quarterly

  Technology Services Election Po lling Places - 2012 Geographic data: locations of election polling places for the 2012 election One time submission

  Transportation Parking Garage and Lot Locations Parking space inventory information for Montgomery County Public Parking Facilities Monthly

  Transportation Parking Garage Space Availability "Real-time" parking space availability for Montgomery County Public Parking Facilities.
Data includes only facilities equipped with
automated vehicle counting systems. Every few minutes

4.2 dataMontgomery FY15 Work Plan
Fiscal Year 2015 (FY15) runs from July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015. Section 4.2.1 of this document will detail the datasets scheduled for publication on the dataMontgomery website
during FY15. Sections 4.2.2 and 4.2.3 of this document describe several additional Open Data
Initiatives also scheduled for completion in FY15. Page: 17 4.2.1 Datasets Scheduled fo r Publication in FY15

The FY15 workplan for the dataMontgomery team includes publishing 57 datasets. Datasets are from the highest priority group, additional datas ets for which preparations had been started, and some datasets that are associated with the highest priority datasets scheduled to be published.
Please refer back to Section 3.2 of this document for more information on the dataset inventory process and Section 3.3 of this document for more information on the prioritization of datasets, including priority grouping.
The number of datasets scheduled to be published in FY15 is derived from the estimated
relative complexity (effort to publish) for each dataset, balanced with other dataMontgomery initiatives, such as financial transparency, and the approved budgeted resources for dataMontgomery.
The list of datasets scheduled for publication in FY15 is detailed in the table below. The table is
sorted by Department, then by priority (highest to lowest). The complete inventory of datasets is
published as a dataset on the dataMontgomery website. (link: unity/dataMontgomery-Dataset-Publishing- Plan/c3dr-fnib).

Department FY15 Scheduled Dataset Name FY15 Scheduled Description Priority Grouping 40 Finance Spending Data County payment data (Note that any information that is confidential under State or Federal law is excluded from disclosure.) P1

41 Finance Spending Disclosure – Fiscal Year 2015 The purpose of this Spending Disclosure dataset is to allow
the public to search and view summary information on
payments made to recipients (referred to as suppliers) that
received $25,000 or more in a fiscal year. Note that salary and benefit payments to employees, pension payments to retirees, and any information that is confidential under State
or Federal law is excluded from disclosure. P1 42 Health & Human Services Births characteristics Bi rth characteristics by age, race, ethnicity, education, prenatal care and birth outcomes P3 43 Health & Human Services Mortality Rates/Population
Health Measures PHS Planning and Epidemiology receives an annual data file of Montgomery County resident deaths registered with Maryland Vital Statistics Admi nistration. Using SAS analytic software, HHS staff apply programs that standardize, aggregate, and calculate rates for each cause of death category consistent with state and national categories and by
subgroups based on age, gender, race and ethnicity combinations. P3 44 Housing & Community Affairs Housing Code Enforcement Housing Code Enforcement case information, including violations identified P1 45 Liquor Control Liquor Store Locations County reta il stores with location, hours, inventory P1 46 Management & Budget CIP Project Status Capital Improvement Project listing and current status P1 47 Management & Budget Fiscal Year 2015
Approved Budget- Internal Service Funds This dataset includes the Internal Service Fund data included
in the annual operating budget. P1 48 Management & Budget Fiscal Year 2015
Approved CIP Budget Capital Improvement Project Budget P1 49 Management & Budget Fiscal Year 2015
Approved Operating Budget This dataset includes the Fiscal Year 2015 operating budget for Montgomery County.
P1 50 Management & Budget Fiscal Year 2015 County Executive Recommended CIP Budget Capital Improvement Project Recommended Budget P1 Page: 18

Department FY15 Scheduled Dataset Name FY15 Scheduled Description Priority Grouping 51 Management & Budget Fiscal Year 2016

Recommended Operating Budget This dataset includes the Fiscal Year 2016 County Executive
Recommended operating budget for Montgomery County.
P1 52 Permitting Services Agency Service Requests Complaints submi tted to DPS for investigation and possible enforcement P1 53 Permitting Services Commercial Fast Track Permits Commercial alteration permits issued through DPS' Fast Track process P1 54 Permitting Services Inspections Inspections performed for issued permits. P1 55 Permitting Services Plan reviews Plan reviews completed by permit P1 56 Permitting Services Special Protection Area
Review Data A Special Protection Area (SPA) is a geographic area designated by the County Council which has high quality or
unusually sensitive water resources and environmental
features that would be threatened by proposed land development if special water quality protection measures were not applied. This dataset tracks reviews for development in all SPAs P1 57 Permitting Services Stormwater Management
Concept Information Data A stormwater management concept is a statement or drawing, or both, describing the manner in which stormwater
runoff from a pro posed development will be controlled to minimize damage to neighbori ng properties and receiving streams and to also prevent the discharge of pollutants into surface waters. P1 58 Police Department Crime data Information would include crime data including type, date/time, location, race, gender, and arrest information. It
would not include victim, suspect or investigative report information. P1 59 Police Department Traffic Violati ons This dataset contains traffi c violation information from all electronic traffic violations issued in the County. any information that can be used to uniquely identify the vehicle,
the vehicle owner or the office r issuing the violation will not be published. P2 60 Public Information Office Maryland Public Information Act (MPIA)
Request Responses A dataset containing responses that fulfill MPIA requests. In
addition to the responses, the dat aset contains information about who made the request and the department(s) fulfilling the request. P3 61 Technology Services dataMontgomery Dataset Publishing Plan Complete listing of County datasets, including the owning department and fiscal year schedule. P1 62 Technology Services Geographic data:
Business Parks A business park is a number of businesses operating in multiple buildings planned and developed as a group. P1 63 Technology Services Geographic data: Bus
Stops, Metro Bus WMATA Metro Bus Stops P1 64 Technology Services Geographic data: Cemeteries All known cemetery locations P1 65 Technology Services Geographic data: Census Block Group The groupings of two or more Census Blocks P1 66 Technology Services Geographic data: Census Blocks The most basic population tabulation unit, typically corresponding to a city block P1 67 Technology Services Geographic data: Census
Tracts US Census Bureau defined population tabulation unit, roughly 6000 residents to a Tract P1 68 Technology Services Geographic data: Colleges & Universities Locations of Colleges & Universities P1 69 Technology Services Geographic data: Congressional Districts in
Montgomery County Districts for electing representatives to the US House of Representatives P1 70 Technology Services Geographic data: Councilmember Districts The 5 Councilmember Districts of the County P1 71 Technology Services Geographic data: County
Boundary The borders of Montgomery County P1 72 Technology Services Geographic data:
Election Precincts Election Precincts Shape file P1 73 Technology Services Geographic data: Federal
Government Facilities Locations of federal government facilities P1 74 Technology Services Geographic data: Fire
Hydrants Sources: WSSC, City of Rockville . Extensive Quality Control by MCFRS P1 75 Technology Services Geographic data: Fire Station Areas The regions that each fire station serves P1 Page: 19

Department FY15 Scheduled Dataset Name FY15 Scheduled Description Priority Grouping 76 Technology Services Geographic data: Legislative Districts in

Montgomery County State Legislative Districts falling inside Montgomery County P1 77 Technology Services Geographic data: Metro Stations METRO rail stations in the County P1 78 Technology Services Geographic data:
Neighborhoods County Technology Services and Police are developing a set of boundaries to delineate about 60 neighborhoods for the County. P1 79 Technology Services Geographic data: Parking
Districts Parking Districts in the County. P1 80 Technology Services Geographic data: Parking Lots Location of parking lots P1 81 Technology Services Geographic data: Police Beats Map of Montgomery County Police Beats. This is the second level Police service areas geographical units. P1 82 Technology Services Geographic data: Police
Districts The 6 Police Districts P1 83 Technology Services Geographic data: Police
Reporting Area (PRA) Map of Montgomery County Police Reporting Areas. This is the third level Police service areas geographical units. This dataset provides information on police reporting area data for the Montgomery County Police Department personnel to quickly identify police reporting areas for unit deployment and reporting purposes. P1 84 Technology Services Geographic data: Police Stations The 6 Police Stations P1 85 Technology Services Geographic data: Private Schools K-12 schools not run by MCPS. P1 86 Technology Services Geographic data:
Recreation Service Regions Department of Recreation divides the County into service Regions. P1 87 Technology Services Geographic data: Regional Services The 5 Regional Services areas of the County P1 88 Technology Services Geographic data: State & Municipal Facilities Buildings and facilities of the State or the cities. P1 89 Technology Services Geographic data: Street Centerlines Single-line representation of County roadways with hundred- blocks & various service area ID's P1 90 Technology Services Geographic data:
Swimming Pools, Public Swimming pools maintained and managed by Recreation and Parks. P1 91 Technology Services Geographic data:
Transportation Centers Major bus stops with bus bays and waiting areas P1 92 Technology Services Geographic data: Urban
Districts Economic Development defines three urban areas -- Bethesda, Silver Spring and Wheaton in the County. P1 93 Technology Services Geographic data: WSSC Map Grids A base-map tiling system developed by WSSC for the two county (PGC and MC) area that the bi-county public utility serves. There are 678 tiles (each measures 6000' by 4000' in Montgomery County. P1 94 Transportation Leafing Schedule Leafing Schedule: Posting Log P1 95 Transportation Parking Permit Rates Rates and statistics data P1 96 Transportation Ride On Service Delays/Issues Ride on delays, service interruptions, etc P1 Note : The number and order of datasets published in FY15 may increase or decrease based on the complexities and other factors encountered as detailed in Section 3.3 of this document.
4.2.2 Open Data Initiative – dataMontgomery Taxonomy

When publishing a dataset on the dataMontgomery website, each dataset may be assigned a Category and a set of keywords (referred to as Topics) in order to facilitate logical search results for users. Examples of Categories include: Community, Education, Financial, Geographic,
Government, etc. The keywords for Topic can be any free-form word or phrase to describe the
dataset. With over 500 datasets in the County’s dataset inventory, it is important to have a well Page: 20 defined structure of Categories and consistency in the use of keywords associated with the datasets.
Montgomery County’s Department of Public Libraries has volunteered librarian staff with digital
content and taxonomy experience to partner with the dataMontgomery team, review the County’s dataset inventory and propose a system of logical Categories and keywords that will best enable our residents to search and find datasets on the dataMontgomery website. This initiative is scheduled to be completed and deployed to the dataMontgomery website in Fiscal Year 2015.
4.2.3 Open Data Initia tive – Budget Book Elec tronic Publication

Montgomery County’s Office of Management and Budget (OMB) produces 4 major publications in a full Capital Budget Fiscal Year. These are: • County Executive Recommended Operating Budget • County Council Approved Operating Budget • County Executive Recommended Capital Budget • County Council Approved Capital Budget

Each of these is a large, bound paperback book detailed every aspect of the County budget.
Every year, OMB produced these books in paper copy and PDF formats (for display on the
County website). The process of preparing budget information was extremely time-consuming,
including activities such as aligning headers and footers, page numbering, fitting spreadsheets and maps to a fixed paper size and maintaining legacy IT systems to support production and publication. There was a lot of printing and reprinting, wasted paper and staff overtime.
Using the budget information already published on the dataMontgomery website, the County
worked with our open data vendor to develop a presentation format for the data that would
provide an enhanced view of the County budget and eliminate the need to publish the paperback books. The first release of the Budget Book Electronic Publication is scheduled for the summer 2014.
The goals established by OMB for the Budget Book Electronic Publication:
• Improved content – Additional maps, charts, spreadsheets and videos can be used to aid the presentation of budget information. Unlike a book or a PDF file, the Electronic Budget Book allows for improved context and an interactive experience with residents. • Enhanced accessibility – Residents with disabilities (ADA compliance) and mobile
device users can easily access the informat ion. Moreover, the information will be searchable and user friendly.
• Reduced Overhead – OMB staff no longer need to use legacy processes and systems to
prepare for publication of a book, print shop time is no longer necessary, paper usage will be greatly reduced
• Printable – All of the information in the Electronic Budget Book will be printable for those who prefer their own paper copies. Most people will likely print out the section they are interested, rather than the whole book.
Page: 21 4.2.4 Open Data Initiative – Financial Transparency

Many datasets published in their “raw form ” can be easily displayed and understood by the general public in a spreadsheet format or on a map. However, there are some more complex datasets where a more sophisticated method of presentation would promote better
understanding of the data. Complex financial data, such as the raw data supporting the
County’s budgeting, spending and contracts would greatly benefit from an enhanced presentation layer.
Montgomery County’s goal is to leverage the ope n data platform to provide data-driven, guided views to government financial data. A development partnership was formed with our open data vendor to create custom presentation layers with a guided view of budget, spending and contracts data. More sophisticated users and application developers will still be able to access this data in its “raw form” on dataMontgomery, as desired.
Three modules will be developed to create a guided, holistic view with downloadable data:
• Budget: showcasing multi-year views of our operating and capital improvement project budgets, including recommended vs. approved budget comparisons, funding source
breakdowns and maps of currently funded projects with their current status.
• Spending: showing county payments on a granular level, in multi-faceted views such as by department and expense type, with interactive trending graphs
• Contracts: highlighting payments to county vendors

This Open Data Initiative is an example that Montgomery County is progressing from just
showing our financial data to providing ways to:
• Promoting greater understanding of our data by educating users on how our data is structured and how we budget and spend money
• Improving access to our data by providing a guided pictorial view of how the County is budgeting and spending money
• Increasing interaction with residents and data users by providing multiple ways to access data, including the tools required for data analysis and collaboration

The initial release of the Financial Transparency modules is scheduled for Fiscal Year 2015.
4.2.5 Open Data Initiative – Co untyStat Performance Dashboard

CountyStat is a component of Montgomery County ’s results-based accountability system that promotes a culture of “managing for results”, while addressing one of the County Executive’s priority objectives: “A Responsible and Accountable County Government”. As a component of the County’s results-based accountability system , CountyStat requires decisions, actions, and policies that are driven by the extensive use of data, qualitative and quantitative analysis, and outcome-focused performance management. Page: 22 CountyStat relies on the strategic use of data and analytics to monitor and improve the performance, effectiveness, and efficiency of County services. All of the County’s executive branch departments have developed performance plans, containing data-supported “headline performance measures” that reflect each department’s core mission and strategies for how to improve and optimize performance. These “headline performance measures” are documented on the CountyStat website ( in the annual performance reports (PDF format) and a performance dashboard based on data reported by departments.
As Montgomery County moves more data online using the dataMontgomery website, it becomes more critical to represent performanc e metrics using this published data rather than quarterly summaries. Montgomery County has partnered with our open data vendor to replace CountyStat’s current Performance Dashboard with a more interactive, data-driven representation. The initial release of the CountyStat Performance Dashboard replacement is scheduled for Fiscal Year 2015.
4.3 dataMontgomery Invento ry for FY16 and Beyond

The prior sections of this document detailed the datasets already available on the dataMontgomery website and the datasets scheduled for publication in the coming fiscal year.
The remaining datasets identified in the dataset inventory process are detailed in the table
below. These datasets are scheduled for publication in FY16 or later, based on their priority rankings.
Datasets in the lowest priority categories will be evaluated to ensure resources expended to publish the dataset are justified before they are scheduled for publication. It is expected that not all datasets will be published.
The table is sorted by Department, then by priority (highest to lowest). The complete inventory of datasets is published as a dataset on the dataMontgomery website. (link: unity/dataMontgomery-Dataset-Publishing- Plan/c3dr-fnib).

For a count of the total number of datasets in each priority grouping, by department, please refer to Appendix C of this document.

Department Dataset Name (FY16 & Beyond) Dataset Description (FY16 & Beyond) Priority Grouping 97 Board of Elections Election calendar - dates and deadlines Election calendar - dates and deadlines P2

98 Board of Elections General Ballot Question Early, Election Day and Absentee Results Complete election results as certified, including early and absentee
votes as well as Election Day. P3 99 Board of Elections General Ballot Question Results by Precinct Ballot Question Results by Precinct P3 100 Board of Elections BOE-EMS (Election Management System) Polling Place and Poll worker Management System P4 101 Board of Elections G eneral Election Early, Election Day and Absentee Results This file contains complete electi on results as certified, including early and absentee votes as well as Election Day. P4 102 Board of Elections General Election Results by Precinct General Election Results by Precinct P4 103 Board of Elections BOE-Interactive Voice Response (IVR) activity logs Activities logged in Interactiv e Voice Response System P5 Page: 23

Department Dataset Name (FY16 & Beyond) Dataset Description (FY16 & Beyond) Priority Grouping 104 Board of Elections Candidate filing information Candidate filing information from state system P5

105 Board of Elections Election Judge training classes Election Judge training class information P5 106 Board of Elections Election Judges Information about Elec tion Judges such as demographic information, number assigned and languages spoken. P5 107 Board of Elections Election records (polling place and call center data) Election activity records (polli ng place and call center data) P5 108 Board of Elections Election Technical Support Volunteer List Election Technical Support Vol unteer Registration System (ETSVRS) P5 109 Board of Elections Polling Place Lookup Data Copy of street address file maintained for polling place lookup purposes P5 110 Board of Elections Precinct Voter Counts Precinct Voter Counts P5 111 Board of Elections Provisional ballots Acceptance and rejection reasons for provisional ballots. P5 112 Board of Elections Voter Registration Da ta Data from state MDVOTERS system P5 113 Board of Elections Voter registration transaction data Voter registration transaction data as generated from MDVOTERS
Monthly Statistical Reports P5 114 Board of Elections Voting equipment and materials inventory Voting equipment and materials data P5 115 Community Engagement Cluster Bethesda-Chevy Chase Regional Services
Center - Calendar Calendar of Events P2 116 Community Engagement Cluster East County Regional Service Center Location, hours of operation, services provided P2 117 Community Engagement Cluster Office of Community
Partnerships - Gilchrist Center Gilchrist Center's Locations, Hours of Operation, Programs and Services. P2 118 Community Engagement Cluster Sidney Kramer
UpCounty Regional Center Location, hours of operation, services provided P2 119 Community Engagement Cluster Silver Spring Regional Center Location, hours of operation, services provided P2 120 Community Engagement Cluster Bethesda-Chevy Chase Regional Services
Center - Annual Reports Annual Reports P3 121 Community Engagement Cluster Commission for Women Events Calendar of Events P3 122 Community Engagement Cluster Geographic data:East
County Regional Service Center Eastern Montgomery Regional Center Information P3 123 Community Engagement Cluster Office of Community Partnerships - Volunteer Center Volunteer Center - Registered Agencies P3 124 Community Engagement Cluster Bethesda-Chevy Chase Regional Services
Center Location, hours of operation, services provided Location, hours of operation, services provided P4 125 Community Engagement Cluster Commission for Women
Annual Report of Women's Legislative Briefing Commission for Women (CFW) Annual Report P4 126 Community Engagement Cluster East County Regional
Service Center - East
County Citizens
Advisory Board (ECCAB) Reports East County Citizens Advisory Board (ECCAB) Reports P4 127 Community Engagement Cluster MidCounty Regional
Center - Advisory
Boards and Committees Advisory Boards and Committees P4 128 Community Engagement Cluster MidCounty Regional Center - Location, hours of operation, services provided Location, hours of operation, services provided P4 Page: 24

Department Dataset Name (FY16 & Beyond) Dataset Description (FY16 & Beyond) Priority Grouping 129 Community Engagement Cluster Sidney Kramer

UpCounty Regional
Services Center -
Upcounty Citizens Advisory Board's Annual Report Upcounty Citizens Advisory Board's Annual Report P4 130 Community Engagement Cluster Silver Spring Regional Center - Citizen Advisory Board Annual Report Citizen Advisory Board Annual Report P4 131 Community Engagement Cluster Commission for Women

5.0 Maryland Public Information Act (MPIA) Requests
The Open Data Act specifies that Public Information Act responses and certain information about the request will be published on a web portal.
See Montgomery County Code § 2-159.

A MPIA publishing workgroup led by an Assistant Chief Administrative Officer and including
representatives from the Public Information Offi ce, the County Attorney’s Office, the Department of Technology Services (DTS), as well as repr esentatives from several other departments, was established. The workgroup developed the requirements and process for publishing MPIA
responses. The published list on the dataMontgomery web site will have a link to a repository that will contain the MPIA response. Users will be able to look at the request information and
then pull the full response from the repository.
DTS developed the specifications for and created a tool for publishing MPIA requests on the County’s open data portal. The tool was announced to all departments and made available in May 2014. The first set of MPIA responses are planned to be published on the portal in July

  1. Subsequent responses will be available on the portal as they are posted.
    The MPIA Implementation process is documented in Appendix D of this document.
    Page: 40 Appendix A – openMontgomery Memorandum from CAO

    Page: 41

    Page: 42 Appendix B – Dataset Scoring Methodology and Outreach
    The datasets were individually scored by the Chief Innovation Officer and the manager of
    CountyStat. The categories, six internally fo cused and six externally focused, conveyed between zero and ten points and are: Internal:

• Is the dataset aligned with the department’s core function / Degree to which publishing this data furthers the core mission of the department? (1-10 points)
• Is the dataset a direct or indirect source of a department’s Headline Performance Measure(s) and/or Supporting Measure(s)? (2 = No, 4 = Indirect/Supporting, 6 =
Direct/Supporting, 8 = indirect/headline, 10 = direct/headline)
• Will posting the data result in administrative time saved for a department(s)?
(i.e. will they be able to stop spending time responding to requests for this particular information?) (No = 0, Maybe/Minimal = 5, Yes = 10)
• Is the data already collected and readily accessible so as not to require new or additional business processes? (1 = significant effort, 5 = medium effort, 10 = minimal effort)
• Is the data used across departments and does its publication facilitate collaboration?
(No = 0, Yes = 5)
• Will publishing this dataset enable the retirement of a legacy system or database?
(No = 0, Yes = 5)


• Is the data typically used when deciding policies that impact residents’ quality of life? (Never = 0, Sometimes = 5, Always = 10)
• Will publishing this dataset allow a business or resident to perform a process more efficiently and/or effectively? (Doubtful = 0, Possibly = 5, Certainly = 10)
• Is Montgomery County the only source of the data? (No = 0, Yes = 5)

• Does the data contribute to civic engagement?
(Doubtful = 0, Possibly = 5, Certainly = 10)
• Does the data create economic opportunity? (No = 0, Maybe = 5, Yes = 10)

• Will publishing this dataset make the department more accountable and/or responsive by improving/increasing the public's know ledge of its operation? (No = 0, Yes = 5)

All scoring was conducted in as consistent a manner as possible. The externally focused
scoring categories relied heavily on the public input. The internally focused categories looked to the headline measures CountyStat uses to measure departments. CountyStat facilitated
meetings with each department to identify datasets and their internal usefulness. If a dataset
demonstrated its usefulness to the public or for measuring internal performance, it invariably Page: 43 scored highly. This process was the first of its kind in the country. The scorecard has been
requested by other jurisdictions as they embark on their own open data programs.
Extensive outreach was conducted to provide all re sidents an opportunity to inform this process. Two Open Data Town Halls were held (one in Bethesda and one in Germantown) to give
residents an opportunity to learn about dataMontgomery, speak with knowledgeable County staff, and provide their open data priorities. At the same time, a social media campaign was conducted using the hashtag #opendataMC to provide feedback opportunities to residents who could not make it to a live event. Also in the fall and spring targeted workshops were held on
several focused topics: public safety data, transit data, and financial transparency data. For
these workshops the County invited focus groups of active residents to provide feedback. For example, the Montgomery County Police Depar tment identified active Neighborhood Watch captains and invited them to participate in a workshop on crime data. For financial transparency, the Montgomery County Civic Federation and the Montgomery County Taxpayers League identified representatives to participate. Finally, representatives from the DTS, our open data portal vendor, and the Chief Innovation Officer conducted a series of outreach presentations at area high schools to educate them on what open data is, how they can use it, and to find out what data is important to them.
Due to the distributed nature of the scoring based on the variety of factors, if there was a
consensus that scoring should be changed in a particular category the overall ranking would change little. The value of data stems from a multitude of factors. For a public sector entity that must respond to internal factors as well as the needs of constituents, these criteria appropriately reflect the value of data. Page: 44 Appendix C – Dataset Prioritization Count (by Department)

FY16 & Beyond

Department Currently Published Scheduled FY15 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 Grand Total Board of Elections 1 1 2 3 12 19 Community Engagement Cluster 5 4 7 2 18 Community Use of Public Facilities 2 1 2

Consumer Protection 3 2 1 2 2 10 Correction and Rehabilitation 4 2 7 2 15 County Attorney 3 3 1 7 County Executive's Office 1 2 4 4 11 Economic Development 5 9 4 18 Emergency Management &
Homeland Security 1 3 1 2

Employee Retirement Plans 2 6 8 Environmental Protection 1 2 6 5 6 20 Ethics Commission 3 3 Finance 5 2 1 4 1 3 16 Fire & Rescue Services 1 2 2 4 9 General Services 1 8 10 9 2 1 31 Health & Human Services 1 2 2 5 1 1 12 Housing & Community Affairs 1 2 2 1 6 Human Resources 2 2 1 2 9 33 49 Human Rights 2 2 4 Intergovernmental Relations 1 1 2 4 Liquor Control 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 10 Management & Budget 6 6 1 1 14 Permitting Services 7 6 3 4 12 13 6 51 Police Department 2 2 3 3 1 1 12 Public Information Office 1 1 3 5 Public Libraries 3 44 2 49 Recreation Department 6 3 9 Technology Services 10 33 10 6 5 3 33 100 Transportation 2 3 2 8 8 5 3 31 Grand Total 39 57 49 73 92 119 124 553 Page: 45 Appendix D – MPIA Response Publishing 1. Assumptions 1.1. Purpose is to publish MPIA responses that have a high data value 1.2. County’s MPIA processing – no change, remains decentralized 1.2.1. Each department (data owner) receives and responds to requests
1.2.2. Each department follows their own internal processes for compiling, redacting and validating data 1.3. Response to MPIA request may be directing requestor to dataMontgomery
1.4. FOIA requests are treated as MPIA requests
1.5. Only responses to written requests will be posted

  1. Format – data published will be in same format as provided previously (DOC, XLS, PDF, TIFF, JPG, PST, etc.)
  2. The County publish MPIA responses and MPIA Request Information on dataMontgomery
  3. General Process 4.1. Department adds a request entry to the MPIA publishing application when the request has been determined to fall under the publishing guidelines under this plan and a
    response is ready to be posted 4.2. Upon completion of data collection validation process, Department adds files to MPIA publishing application that fulfill the request, enters MPIA Request Information, and
    sends requestor notice that response is available for download 4.3. Periodically (hourly) an automated process will transfer files and MPIA Request Information to dataMontgomery
  4. Departmental organizational units that will post MPIA requests and responses 5.1. Community Engagement Cluster (CEC)
    5.2. Community Use of Public Facilities (CUPF)
    5.3. Consumer Protection (OCP)
    5.4. County Council (CCL) 5.5. County Executive's Office (CEX)
    5.6. Economic Development (DED)
    5.7. Elections (BOE)
    5.8. Environmental Protection (DEP)
    5.9. Ethics Commission (ECM)
    5.10. Finance (FIN)
    5.11. General Services (DGS)
    5.12. Health & Human Services (HHS) – Office of Public Health only 5.13. Housing and Community Affairs (HCA)
    5.14. Human Resources (OHR)
    5.15. Human Rights (HR) Page: 46 5.16. Intergovernmental Relations (IGR)
    5.17. Liquor Control (LIQ)
    5.18. Management and Budget Office (OMB)
    5.19. Permitting Services (DPS)
    5.20. Public Information (PIO)
    5.21. Public Libraries (LIB)
    5.22. Recreation (REC)
    5.23. Technology Services (DTS)
    5.24. Transportation (MCDOT)
  5. Departments / organizational units which hist orically have sensitive data concerns will participate at a future date.
    6.1. Board of Investment Trustees (BIT)
    6.2. Correction & Rehabilitation (COR)
    6.3. County Attorney's Office (CAT)
    6.4. Emergency Management and Homeland Security (OEMHS)
    6.5. Health & Human Services (HHS) – Other units 6.6. Fire and Rescue Services (FRS)
    6.7. Police (POL)
  6. Per MPIA, data containing the following MUST NOT be published • adoption records • welfare records • letters of reference • library circulation records • confidential gift to library or museum • retirement records • certain police records when requested for soliciting or marketing legal services • personnel records • student records • risk based capital records (insurance) • certain Maryland Transportation Authority records • higher education investment contracts • recorded images from automated monitoring systems • MVA records containing personal information • records pertaining to arrest warrants • certain Maryland Transit Administration records • Maryland Department of Natural Resources' records containing personal information • application for renewable energy credit certification or claims for credits • criminal surveillance images • medical and psychological information • sociological information per adopted regulation • commercial information • home address/telephone number of public employee • financial information of an individual • information about security of an information system • licensing records • records of a transportation contractor's suspected collusive or anticompetitive activity • notary publics Page: 47 • license application containing social security numbers • personal information about a person that maintain an alarm or security system • records of senior citizen activities centers • records the disclosure of which the department believes to be contrary to the public interest, because disclosure to the general public would constitute an unwarranted
    invasion of personal privacy
  7. Other types of requests that will not be published 8.1. Requests limited to persons in interest
    8.2. A response to a request, when the response is issued in connection with a court proceeding 8.3. Standard documents already published elsewhere 8.4. Bids, Responses to RFPs 8.5. Requests related to routine business processes, examples: (Plats, plans, use and occupancy certificates, etc.)
  8. Types of requests that should be review ed to include data on dataMontgomery, such as… 9.1. Counts of transactions processed, pending, denied, approved, by type, time period, location, etc. 9.2. Counts records 9.3. Other Counts
    1. Process 10.1. Request is received by data owner
      10.2. Clarify-negotiate data scope requested, if required
      10.3. Retrieve, assemble (redact) data 10.4. Attorney review, if required 10.5. If meets criteria, 10.5.1. Post request information on MPIA publishing site 10.5.2. Post response on MPIA publishing site
      10.5.3. Incremental partial responses may be posted, but not required
  9. MPIA Request Information 11.1. Requestor Name
    11.2. Requestor Organization
    11.3. Request Description 11.4. Request intake 11.4.1. U.S. Mail 11.4.2. E-mail 11.4.3. Other 11.5. Lead Department
    11.6. Data owning Department(s) 11.7. Date Response posted
cmbirk commented 8 years ago

Thanks @seamuskraft . In the future it's more useful to point out what the issues are with the conversion instead of just including the text ( and also would be easier to read if included as a .txt file attachment because of its length ). Getting what the conversion issues are from your perspective is much more relevant. ( use three ticks : ` on a line before and after for the block quoting. )

Something like the following:

�[0mMontgomery County Government Open Data
Status of Women in Montgomery Status of Women in Montgomery
P5 133 Community Use of Public Facilities Available Public
Facilities List of all available public facilities with address P1 134 Community Use of Public Facilities Community use in public

That way I can break these out into individual issues and address accordingly.

seamuskraft commented 8 years ago

Got it. Thanks

On Jul 30, 2015, at 11:07 AM, Chris Birk wrote:

Thanks @seamuskraft . In the future it's more useful to point out what the issues are with the conversion instead of just including the text ( and also would be easier to read if included as a .txt file attachment because of its length ). Getting what the conversion issues are from your perspective is much more relevant. ( use three ticks : ` on a line before and after for the block quoting. )

Something like the following:

Getting weird symbols here: �[0mMontgomery County Government Open Data Obvious line break issues with text blocks not being broken up. Eg. Status of Women in Montgomery Status of Women in Montgomery P5 133 Community Use of Public Facilities Available Public Facilities List of all available public facilities with address P1 134 Community Use of Public Facilities Community use in public That way I can break these out into individual issues and address accordingly.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.