cmccrimm / Continuous-Wavelet-Transform

Continuous wavelet transform with support for Morse and Morlet waves and quick plotting functionality, similar to Matlab's built in cwt but faster and in some ways more complete.
MIT License
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Some problems on wavelets #1

Open zane-star-bot opened 1 year ago

zane-star-bot commented 1 year ago

dear Colin M McCrimmon:

Recently, I saw your program when I was reading the paper. I find your research is very valuable and meaningful. Unfortunately, I can't understand the meaning of the statements in this program. Can you give a program annotation or some relevant information. We look forward to your reply.

zane-star-bot commented 1 year ago

To be more accurate, I didn't understand these program statements.
function [ psihat, psi ] = morlet(s,w,wc) psihat = 2 (exp(-(1/2)(abs(w)s - wc).^2) - exp(-(1/2)wc^2)); psihat = psihat . (complex(exp(1i pi linspace(0,nw-1,nw)')) ones(1,ns)); psihat(2:end,s<0) = psihat(end:-1:2,s<0); %conj in time domain = conj reversal in freq domain psihat(:,s<0) = conj(psihat(:,s<0));