cmda-bt / be-course-17-18

🎓 Backend · 2017-2018 · Curriculum and Syllabus 💾
47 stars 19 forks source link

Transfer assignment #500

Closed joostflick closed 6 years ago

joostflick commented 6 years ago

Cheat sheet



Receive data from a specified url


Does the same as GET but tells the server not to return a message-body in the response


Add something to an already existing resource


Place a resource somewhere. If there is something at that position replace it


Update a resource, either partial or as a whole


Speaks for itself, delete something

Status Messages

Some status messages I deemed useful:

2xx - Something went right

200 - OK

Request is succesful

3xx - What you're looking for is somewhere else

301 - Moved Permanently

The url you requested is permanently on another address

4xx - You did something wrong

400 - Bad Request

Server did not understand the request

403 - Forbidden

Although the server knows the client the client does not have the rights to visit this url

404 - Not Found

You requested a resource that the server is unable to find, possibly because of a wrong url

5xx - The server did something wrong

500 - Internal Server Error

Something went wrong on the server.

rijkvanzanten commented 6 years ago

Good job 😄