cmda-bt / be-course-18-19

🎓 Backend · 2018-2019 · Curriculum and Syllabus
15 stars 9 forks source link

Data (Feature) #52

Closed iamDistractech closed 5 years ago

iamDistractech commented 5 years ago



Thijs Spijker

Repo link

I made this assignment on a different branch. This allows me to conduct some usability testing on the master branch: Github Repo(IGDB-api branch)


I am trying to get the search function for games to work. A user should be able to:

  1. Search for a game (on the search page)
  2. Get a list of results (about 5 to 10)
  3. Add the game to the library using the add button

I got the API call to work. The query from the input field is sent to the API and results come back. Next step is displaying the results using the template engine and saving the result (for now in the temp file data.js).

Resources used

The IGDB api Docs

Any thoughts?

I liked experimenting with the API and getting results back. Had some trouble since the package I used to access the API hasn't been maintained for almost a year, but fixing the url allowed it to work again. I should probably seek alternatives for the package or write my own request. I won't do this, because for the assignment it isn't necessary.

iamDistractech commented 5 years ago

The node package I used is made on the old API, so to get everything working I have to change this. Fortunately the new API uses Apicalypse which is a minimal query language for RESTful API's and looks quite easy.

So I am currently getting the logic in place using the new API

iamDistractech commented 5 years ago

I have got the new API working and also learned a thing or two about promises