cmda-bt / pt-course-21-22

🎓 Project Tech · 2021-2022 · Curriculum and Syllabus
MIT License
38 stars 16 forks source link

Week 2 #72

Closed MelvinIdema closed 2 years ago

MelvinIdema commented 2 years ago



Melvin Idema



Repo link


In this week I followed the Git & Github Bootcamp course on Udemy to thoroughly understand how Git and Github works. I documented about my findings in my wiki. I also wrote an ExpressJS server and researched multiple Templating Engines. Than I wrote the front-end for my concept.

Last but not least I studied multiple READMe files from popular repositories and constructed my own.

Resources used

Git and Github Bootcamp Git from the bottom up Build your own Git How to write Git Commit Messages

choo size-limit Faker

📱 Het Concept

Any thoughts?

Lot's of fun!

samanthavz commented 2 years ago

Hey Melvin, ik zie dat je al week 3 hebt ingeleverd dus ik zal je daar alle feedback geven :)

MelvinIdema commented 2 years ago

Haha inderdaad, is goed. Dankjewel Sam!