cmda-tt / course-17-18

🎓 Frontend 3 · 2017-2018 · Curriculum and Syllabus 📊
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Assessment 3 data: @VincentKempers #510

Closed VincentKempers closed 6 years ago

VincentKempers commented 6 years ago

I want to use my twitter data for this assessment. You can find your twitter data here. The data is a bit dirty so it's going to be a bit hard to figure out. But it is going to be a challenge! scroll down

In the data you can find:

I want to do the following things with this data:

Here is an example of my data:

"918239532981669888","","","2017-10-11 22:18:59 +0000","<a href="""" rel=""nofollow"">Twitter for iPhone</a>","RT @JavaScriptKicks: The Complete HTML Cheat Sheet by codeburstio #javascript #html via JavaScriptKicks","918238577066217472","2638950678","2017-10-11 22:15:11 +0000",","
"916291183885905920","","","2017-10-06 13:16:56 +0000","<a href="""" rel=""nofollow"">Twitter for iPhone</a>","RT @SwiftOnSecurity: I installed Kaspersky on my computer and it detected the malware I was writing for the US government!…","916113919076388864","2436389418","2017-10-06 01:32:33 +0000",""
"915765817140269056","","","2017-10-05 02:29:19 +0000","<a href="""" rel=""nofollow"">Twitter for iPhone</a>","RT @wesbos: 🔥 Async functions can chain a .catch() to catch any errors without a try/catch","915610241907208192","815246","2017-10-04 16:11:07 +0000",","
"915765732058779649","","","2017-10-05 02:28:59 +0000","<a href="""" rel=""nofollow"">Twitter for iPhone</a>","RT @iamdevloper: &gt; I'm too nervous to quit my job, what if freelancing doesn't work out?
*6 months into contracting*
&gt; imma be a few minute…","915510126991331328","564919357","2017-10-04 09:33:18 +0000",""
"915456640509513728","","","2017-10-04 06:00:46 +0000","<a href="""" rel=""nofollow"">Twitter for iPhone</a>","Today’s vibe:","","","",""
wooorm commented 6 years ago
