cmda-tt / course-17-18

🎓 Frontend 3 · 2017-2018 · Curriculum and Syllabus 📊
39 stars 64 forks source link

Assessment 3 data: @jessiegouw #517

Closed bl13pbl03p closed 6 years ago

bl13pbl03p commented 6 years ago

I'm going to visualize the amount of social contact that people in the Netherlands have with each other. My plan is to make an interactive abstract chart, if that doesn't work I will make an interactive bar chart. 💪🏼

Here is the link to the source. Sociale contacten en maatschappelijke participatie

wooorm commented 6 years ago

@jessiegouw What’s an “interactive abstract chart”?

wooorm commented 6 years ago

@jessiegouw Ping!

bl13pbl03p commented 6 years ago

I'm having a "writers block" for developers, sorry for the late response. Forget the abstract chart, I'm now busy making bart chart where you can toggle the chart in different categories.

For example, how many times people connected with their neighbours, how many times people connected with their family, how many times people connected with their friends etcetera.

Another thing I'm planning to add is a click function which shows the amount of people (in percent) per category.


wooorm commented 6 years ago

Oh okay, well good luck?!