cmda-tt / course-17-18

🎓 Frontend 3 · 2017-2018 · Curriculum and Syllabus 📊
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Assessment 3 data: @kyunwang #529

Closed kyunwang closed 6 years ago

kyunwang commented 6 years ago

Class 4 - Source

For Assesment 3 I have chosen the dataset from FiveThirtyEight about police killing in us

The data

The data format is CSV and has 34 columns and 467 rows. Not all of the columns will be relevant for me though.

Header Description Source
name Name of deceased Guardian
age Age of deceased Guardian
gender Gender of deceased Guardian
raceethnicity Race/ethnicity of deceased Guardian
month Month of killing Guardian
day Day of incident Guardian
year Year of incident Guardian
streetaddress Address/intersection where incident occurred Guardian
city City where incident occurred Guardian
state State where incident occurred Guardian
latitude Latitude, geocoded from address
longitude Longitude, geocoded from address
state_fp State FIPS code Census
county_fp County FIPS code Census
tract_ce Tract ID code Census
geo_id Combined tract ID code
county_id Combined county ID code
namelsad Tract description Census
lawenforcementagency Agency involved in incident Guardian
cause Cause of death Guardian
armed How/whether deceased was armed Guardian
pop Tract population Census
share_white Share of pop that is non-Hispanic white Census
share_bloack Share of pop that is black (alone, not in combination) Census
share_hispanic Share of pop that is Hispanic/Latino (any race) Census
p_income Tract-level median personal income Census
h_income Tract-level median household income Census
county_income County-level median household income Census
comp_income h_income / county_income Calculated from Census
county_bucket Household income, quintile within county Calculated from Census
nat_bucket Household income, quintile nationally Calculated from Census
pov Tract-level poverty rate (official) Census
urate Tract-level unemployment rate Calculated from Census
college Share of 25+ pop with BA or higher Calculated from Census

Why I chose this dataset and how it can be used to assessment 3's goals

The reason I chose this dataset is that such controversial subjects interest me. With this dataset, I would also like to get more insight into whether the subjects introduced in the news were correct or not. E.g. the conduct of white policemen against black people.

the dataset is very versatile as it contains many types of data:

The data can be filtered by date which will affect the locations plotted on a map with the topographical data. The categorical and numerical data also function as filters and/or indicators. With topoJSON or geoJSON I can plot the map of us as a starter and continue from there.

Razpudding commented 6 years ago

Sounds interesting! Go ahead!