cmdrmcdonald / EliteDangerousDataProvider

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ship.cargocapacity returning always 0 #258

Closed Pryss closed 7 years ago

Pryss commented 7 years ago


It's in the title, it don't work with the VA commands. or maybe I have missed something :

{if ship.cargocapacity > 0:

   {if ship.cargocarried = 0:
    La soute est vide
    |elif ship.cargocarried >0:
    Nous transportons {P(ship.cargocarried)} tonnes de fret sur {P(ship.cargocapacity)}

|elif ship.cargocapacity = 0:
    Nous n'avons pas de soute


Darkcyde13 commented 7 years ago

'ship.cargocarried' is bugged and always results in 0. We are not sure if this will be fixed anytime soon.

'ship.cargocapacity' will not update immediately if you fit or remove cargo racks. It seems this only updates when you swap ships or load your game, but it does work once it has updated.

Pryss commented 7 years ago

Thanks for your answer.

By the way, do you know if there is a site where it can be possible to share personnalities ? Or to get some made by others ? I'm currently working on a French personnality, and would like to share it with other players.

Darkcyde13 commented 7 years ago

There is a site called Snafets ( that hosts files. The Elite section doesn't have many though, only 6.

Alternatively, you can post to the FDev forums, either in the main EDDI thread, or a second one (where I post my personality).

The main thread is -

The second one is -

Pryss commented 7 years ago

Thanks a lot.

Tkael commented 7 years ago

This is a duplicate issue. Since the problem is already reported here:, would you please close this duplicate so that we can keep the list clean? Thanks!