cmdrmcdonald / EliteDangerousDataProvider

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Add row in "Material monitor" and other things #275

Open Astilane opened 6 years ago

Astilane commented 6 years ago

Hello, while I work on translation of EDDI for french user, I try to add a row in the "Material monitor" I really not understand how to use pull requedt, so i put here

I make for this changes in differents file (sory, the files are the french versions, but i think that you will be able to understand and correct the work. As I am absolutly not a progammer, my work will surely be improved and optimized

In DataDefinitions : MaterialAmount.cs some changes (i put in txt) MaterialAmount.txt In MaterialMonitor: ConfigurationWindow.xaml I add one line Original:

                <DataGridTextColumn Header="Name" Width="*" IsReadOnly="True" Binding="{Binding Path=material}"></DataGridTextColumn>
                <utility:DataGridNumericColumn Header="Inventory" IsReadOnly="True" Binding="{Binding Path=amount}">


                <DataGridTextColumn Header="Name" Width="*" IsReadOnly="True" Binding="{Binding Path=material}"></DataGridTextColumn>
                <DataGridTextColumn Header="Type" Width="*" IsReadOnly="True" Binding="{Binding Path=Categorie}"></DataGridTextColumn>
                <utility:DataGridNumericColumn Header="Inventory" IsReadOnly="True" Binding="{Binding Path=amount}">

So, like I am not a programmer, I must first try to understand how it work before trying changes, and it take at less two weeks to make these little changes.

I add also some role also for ships, in the DataDefinitions/role.cs

        public static readonly string Salvage = "MediCorps";
        public static readonly string Fuel = "Fuel STAR.";
        public static readonly string Press = "Photo Reporter";
        public static readonly string Brothel = "Luxury Brothel";
        public static readonly string Race= "Race";
        public static readonly string SaveRescue = "Save'n Rescue";

And I put the ROLES.Add(xxx); for each, of course.... I like the idea to add many roles with many RPs.

Like I have more ideas, and I am not able to realise I put also here:

In the french forum, I start to ask to the differents leaders of players groups if they have a little sentence (in the tweeter style) to speech when a player enter in sytem or in station they control. It is possible with a test of faction and a new script with a test and all the sentences save), but what I think it : Is it possible to make like the private note in EDSM, that the official group could put Notes somewhere and with an API, that EDDI will be abble to read and speech this note and, for internationnal usage, if they don't put the speech in different langage, to use an API like google translate to have access to many countries? I know that i am not able to make before one hundred years, but, if someone think that can be interresting, why not (note, I do not participate in any player groups)