cmdrmcdonald / EliteDangerousDataProvider

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"Ship name" and "Ship ident" not working #277

Open yucatan opened 6 years ago

yucatan commented 6 years ago

I am creating a Voice Attack (version 1.6.7) profile and started playing with the integration with EDDI (version 2.3.0)

I have some commands which should reply with informations about the current ship such as its name and ID (ident). However, only one of my ships (a Fer-De-Lance) have the name and ID correctly retrieved when I use {TXT:Ship name} and {TXT:Ship ident}. When I am using any other of my ships (a Python, a Diamondback Explorer, etc) all I get from those variables is "not set".

Am I doing anything wrong? Is this a bug in EDDI? Or would it be a bug in the way the game registers the ships' names and IDs?

I had noticed this problem before I started using the variables in VA. When I change ships (in shipyard), EDDI doesn't speak the name of those ships, always pronoucing their ship model instead. Only my Fer-De-Lance get the name (pronounced as expected)

yucatan commented 6 years ago

Interesting, I just opened EDDi and clicked the "Ship monitor" tab. Only 3 ships are shown there: Fer-De-Lance, Sidewinder and Dolphin.

My Cobra MKIII, my python and my Diamondback Explorer are not shown. Oh, and the Dolphin doesn't have its name or Ident.

Syrrianyl commented 6 years ago

One time it make the same for me, I go to the station and make the exchange to take all ships, before return to the one i want to use, and after, they where all shown correctly.

Tkael commented 6 years ago

First, you should know that the original developer (jgm) has stepped away from this project for the time being. Several of us are trying to carry on his work and have forked the project to

Second, this is a known issue caused by changes from Frontier Developments to the Companion API (and already included on our issues list). Essentially, Frontier has removed information that they provided previously on docked ships, engineering mods, & cargo. We're hoping that the changes to the Companion API in released with the beta builds of E:D 2.4 may allow us to restore some functionality where there are known bugs like this one, but the full extent of the changes Frontier is making to make to the Companion API are not currently known and we're still trying to understand how jgm put the code for the Companion API together in the first place. :-) In any case, we definitely want this fixed too.