cmdrmcdonald / EliteDangerousDataProvider

Apache License 2.0
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Open henpecked opened 6 years ago

henpecked commented 6 years ago

Good Evening Sir.

I just downloaded your EDDI and as I get at the configuration for the Companion App, I do not get any email reply with the code.

As I send data to companion app from Frontier from inside your EDDI, I get this message, that is been asked to me, by the program itself, to report to you:

Unexpected problem EddiCompanionAppService.EliteDangerousCompanionAppIllegalStateException: Service in incorrect state to provide profile (NEEDS_CONFIRMATION) in EddiCompanionAppService.Com.CompanionAppService.Profile() in Eddi.MainWindow.companionAppNextClicked(Object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

I sent correctly my Email and pw of registration of the game but no email of confermation code. NOT SURE WHAT CONFIRMATION CODE YOU MEAN FROM KEY FOR ELITE OR HORIZION OR ANY OF THE 10 CONFIRMATIONS I GET WHEN I LOG IN FROM PHONE WITH DIFFEREN VPN

Any help or hint?

Thanks in advance and keep going with your work, you are doing a really great job.



Tkael commented 6 years ago

You should have received an email from Frontier Developments (check the spam folder of the email address that is registered with Frontier Developments) containing a short verification code.The email subject line should read: "Authenticate with Elite: Dangerous". You need to copy and paste this verification code into EDDI so that EDDI can access your Frontier API data.

Tkael commented 6 years ago

Based on the screenshot you posted here (, the file containing information for this function may have become corrupted.

You can delete the file & reset EDDI so that it doesn't give this error:

  1. Close completely out of EDDI & (if applicable) VoiceAttack
  2. Navigate to %APPDATA%/EDDI. This is where your EDDI configuration files are stored.
  3. Delete 'Credentials.json'. This file contains configuration information on your connection to the Frontier API. Deleting it resets the configuration.
  4. Restart EDDI and re-enter your credentials to access the Frontier API
  5. Switch to your browser and check the email address that is registered with Frontier Developments (including the spam folder). You will receive an email with the subject "Authenticate with Elite: Dangerous"
  6. Copy the Verification Code from your email into EDDI. You should now see a confirmation in EDDI that "your connection the Frontier API is operational".