A flexible widget for user notification. Customize your text, button, duration, animations and much more. For Android devs, it is made to replace Snackbars and Toasts.
I am writing integration tests for my app
and within my cases, there are cases were a
A flushbar with title "Success" must appear and
A flushbar with title "Error" must appear
so my Finder instance is
Finder findSuccessMessage() {
return find.byWidgetPredicate(
(widget) => widget is Flushbar && widget.title == 'lb_success'.tr());
here is my integration test code
await tester.tap(find.byType(AppButton)); //press submit
await tester.pumpAndSettle(); //wait until the loader goes away
expect(findSuccessMessage(), findsOneWidget); //expect a successful result
the flushbar is indeed appear correctly, but the expect fails because it reaches that line of code when the flushbar goes away
Flushbar duration is 2 seconds
and when I try to remove the await tester.pumpAndSettle(); it checks for the success message immediately after pressing the button so the API did not yet return a response!
I am writing integration tests for my app and within my cases, there are cases were a A flushbar with title "Success" must appear and A flushbar with title "Error" must appear
so my Finder instance is
here is my integration test code
the flushbar is indeed appear correctly, but the expect fails because it reaches that line of code when the flushbar goes away Flushbar duration is 2 seconds
and when I try to remove the
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
it checks for the success message immediately after pressing the button so the API did not yet return a response!