cmdrootaccess / another-flushbar

A flexible widget for user notification. Customize your text, button, duration, animations and much more. For Android devs, it is made to replace Snackbars and Toasts.
MIT License
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Disable changing web address when flushbars are shown #50

Open andrewjallenuoft opened 2 years ago

andrewjallenuoft commented 2 years ago

On web, when a flush bar is shown it forcibly changes the web route to /flushbarRoute. Once the flushbar is dismissed the address reverts to what it was previously.

This is problematic because if the user refreshes the page while the flush bar is active (or takes any other navigation action dependent on the web address), then the page the user was on is lost.

The ideal solution would be to optionally disable the flushbars from changing the web address.

DiegoSalazar27 commented 2 years ago

Hello, there's any solution to this problem?

rohitprasad commented 2 years ago

hello, is there any workaround for this issue?

andrewjallenuoft commented 2 years ago

The original package can be modified to remove the FLUSHBAR_ROUTE changing when the flushbar is shown - not even sure why it's in there in the first place!

rockinroz commented 2 years ago

if you have the modified original package, kindly share the same, it would help me, thanks in advance