cmehay / docker-tor-hidden-service

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Docker-Compose Issue #83

Open 0ryX opened 2 years ago

0ryX commented 2 years ago

Hi I dont want to sound like a noob but I am having trouble getting docker compose to run any yml files. I've done some research and I cant find a whole lot of information using tor hidden services with docker or docker-compose so I was wandering if someone would want to walk me through the basics on how to get a file like this up and running??

Reading through other issues I saw that vanguards.yml is a new feature and that there are several other yaml files so would you need to specify which specific yaml file to run against docker-compose and those yaml files would also need to be edited??

I did however just do a docker pull command on goldy/tor-hidden-services container and can run that alone

EDIT I was able to build a container with the command: docker-compose -f docker-compose.v3.latest.yml up --build

I thought I might leave this up though incase anyone else has the same issue. Now I am trying to figure out how to get my onion address and customize yaml file to get a custom private key and secrets. I did find a website where they added: FROM patrickod/tor-hidden-service ADD ./start-tor /bin/start-tor RUN chmod +x /bin/start-tor ADD ./get-tor-hostname /bin/get-tor-hostname RUN chmod +x /bin/get-tor-hostname

#!/bin/bash HOSTNAME='/var/lib/tor/hidden-service/hostname' while [ ! -f $HOSTNAME ]; do sleep 1; done echo 'Your onion address is' $(cat $HOSTNAME)

To the image to reveal the onion address but I havent figured out which file that is I need to add it to, probably the dockerfile.

the website I am reading this from is

cmehay commented 2 years ago

Every step to achieve this is detailed in the readme.

There is a command you can run in the running container