cmelion / generator-ng2-webpack

An opinionated tool for scaffolding an app using angular2 and webpack
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Add npm/yeoman task to make a component routable. #7

Open cmelion opened 8 years ago

cmelion commented 8 years ago

Not all components will have routes associated with them. Provide a generator task for adding a component to the route config (possibly a task to remove a component as well).

The user will be presented a list of components (that do not already have routes) to choose from.

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pavanpodila commented 8 years ago

I think route should be a subcommand

cmelion commented 8 years ago

@pavanpodila agreed

pavanpodila commented 8 years ago

Also we can place routes inside a /routes folder at top level (peer of components). This also demarcates the hierarchy within the app

cmelion commented 8 years ago

@pavanpodilla: absolutely! I was a big fan of the way we separated routes in SalesLink, where the route was co-located in the same file with the page/component and we just imported/required them into routes/index. Even if we don't go that far a top-level /routes folder is the way to go.

pavanpodila commented 8 years ago

Ya, I still use that idea in many of my projects. One convention I've adopted for route components is to have a XXXRouteComponent suffix. It also makes it easier to search in the IDE. Also if you want to promote a component to a route at some point, its a matter of renaming it to XXXRouteComponent

cmelion commented 8 years ago

I like the idea of .route, similarly I like .async and .async.route but XXXRouteComponent is pretty verbose.


It might be a good idea to make naming conventions a pluggable configuration.

cmelion commented 8 years ago

It seems to me that the long-names convention is an artifact of everything being dumped into the same directory in "toy" apps.

cmelion commented 8 years ago

I'm ok with the long-names for classes though.

cmelion commented 8 years ago

How about just naming it routes.ts and putting the file directly under app?

// src/app/routes.ts
import {Home} from './components/home';     // ./components/home/index.ts

export default [
        {path: '/', component: Home, name: 'Home'},
        // Async load a component using Webpack's require with es6-promise-loader
        { path: '/about', loader: () => require('./components/about')('About'), name: 'About' }
// src/app/index.ts
import {Component} from 'angular2/core';
import {RouteConfig, ROUTER_DIRECTIVES} from 'angular2/router';
import {FORM_PROVIDERS} from 'angular2/common';

import '../style/app.scss';

import {Api} from './services/api';         // ./services/api/index.ts
import routes from './routes';

 * App Component
 * Top Level Component
  selector: 'app', // <app></app>
  providers: [...FORM_PROVIDERS, Api],
  directives: [...ROUTER_DIRECTIVES],
  pipes: [],
  styles: [require('./style.scss')],
  template: require('./template.html')


export class App {
  url: string = '';

  constructor(public api: Api) {

The sub-generator can take an async param or have two separate sub-generators, one for sync and one for async routes?

The sync needs to add the component import to routes and a route-array item. The async just needs to add a route-array item.

pavanpodila commented 8 years ago

This works for top level routes. How about nested or child routes?

cmelion commented 8 years ago

Yeah, I was thinking about that, the components are nested, wouldn't just repeating the pattern on the child components work?

My reading of implies that it would, but sanity check me on that, ok?