cmer / gigabyte-z390-aorus-master-hackintosh

A guide to build your own Hackintosh based on Gigabyte Z390 Aorus Master
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Dual monitor with RXVEGA64 not work #61

Closed rmackenney closed 4 years ago

rmackenney commented 4 years ago


I,am using the last EFI versión, on the very similar hardware. Everything works well! (catalina 10.15.4) First monitor (4K) connected using DP to the card. (Operating OK) Then when I connect a second monitor (HDMI HD), the screen goes black. I tried switching the 4K monitor to HDMI connection, and neither part. What I want is to use a 4K monitor with DP and an HD one with HDMI. Do you have any suggestion?

Thank you!

rmackenney commented 4 years ago

The solution was some changes in bios: 1) Disable CSM Support 2) Support SO: Windows8/10 WHQL...

Good look!

rmackenney commented 4 years ago

Sorry, one item more: iGPU: Disable