cmer / gigabyte-z390-aorus-master-hackintosh

A guide to build your own Hackintosh based on Gigabyte Z390 Aorus Master
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BIOS Setting - Serial Port #75

Closed gajosr closed 4 years ago

gajosr commented 4 years ago

@cmer I have one question according to Bios settings and Super IO Configuration. Do you still have option to Disable Serial Port under F11c Bios version? I don't have it and as far as I know it's a bug in this bios version. I think that enabled serial port can be the reason for the longer OS startup time (but not sure).

gajosr commented 4 years ago

I've asked local Gigabyte support and they confirmed that there is no option to disable Serial Port under F11c BIOS but they promised to ask their central to add this in the next versions. Hope they will.