cmer / lg-tv-control-macos

Automatically wake/sleep and change the input of your LG TV when used as a monitor on macOS
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No Signal when Mac goes to sleep #52

Closed thesoloist-1 closed 1 month ago

thesoloist-1 commented 1 month ago


When I put my mac to sleep, the LG shows the No Signal and doesn't actually turn off. However when using the following command in terminal it does actually sleep: ~/bin/lgtv --name MyTV --ssl swInfo ~/bin/lgtv --name MyTV --ssl screenOff

Any ideas why the command works in terminal but doesn't work when I put my mac to sleep?

prowlmedia commented 1 month ago

Has it worked previously? Hammerspoon set up? My hammerspoon was hanging all the time. I reinstalled from their site AND had it running in the dock not just the top bar and it seems to be working

have a look in activity monitor

thesoloist-1 commented 1 month ago

ah, I didn't even have hammer spoon running. Seems to be working now! Thank you. There is one annoying feature i am facing now though. I have both my mac and my xbox connected to my LG. When I am on the xbox ipnut and my mac goes to sleep, it puts the LG to sleep as well. And if I am on the xbox input and my mac wakes up, it switches to the mac input. Would you by chance have any idea how to disable that?

thesoloist-1 commented 1 month ago

Ok I think i figured it out. I had a sleepwatcher launchagent conflicting with hammerspoon. Deleted that and now all seems to be working now.