cmglez10 / ng-datatable

DataTable - Simple table component with sorting and pagination for Angular2
8 stars 5 forks source link

Finalize version 0.8.0 #4

Closed PascalHonegger closed 5 years ago

PascalHonegger commented 6 years ago

I hope you'll have the spare time to take a quick look at some additional changes:

  1. Updated README and CHANGELOG vor v0.8.0
  2. More NPM update to fix (most) security warnings
  3. Added "src/"-folder and tests to .npmignore, reducing published size

You should only have to pull my changes, install dependencies, build and publish the new version. I would appreciate a new npm release so my project can finally remove the rxjs-compat code :smile:. I tested this package in my quite large project by manually copying the compiled result into the node_modules folder without any issues, I therefore hope my changes are risk-free.