cmgmyr / laravel-messenger

Simple user messaging package for Laravel
MIT License
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How are you using laravel-messenger? #55

Closed cmgmyr closed 3 years ago

cmgmyr commented 9 years ago

Please leave a comment explaining how you are using this package. How many users are you supporting? What type of features have you had to implement to extend the base functionality of this package?

*If you have any issues, please open up a new ticket. Please keep this thread for feedback only. Thanks!

mrgwilliam commented 9 years ago

Implementing it for a Unit Manager internal messaging system. We aim to support at most 150+ users. Currently only using base functionality. I'll update I add anything more. Thanks for this awesome package!

nuukcillo commented 9 years ago

We are using it for the same that mrgwilliam, but we are also implementating a notification system with other parts of the site. We have around 500 users in the site but the messenger is still in beta.

Pandahisham commented 9 years ago

we are implementing it in an in-school network , however , having seen laravel 5.1 shouldbroadcast , we are thinking about using to build a realtime messaging platform , have you given any thought about this ? there's a package called 'confer' that already does this but with pusher

mydnic commented 9 years ago

We are using it as a facebook-like private message system in a community website. Thanks for this package !

cmgmyr commented 9 years ago

Thank you all for the great feedback so far!

@Pandahisham in the new version I'm planning on using events, so you'll be able to hook into those pretty easily. You'll still have to handle the front end processing on your own. I don't think it makes sense (at least at this time) to do anything with Pusher, or other services, inside this package

Pandahisham commented 9 years ago

yap ! we will handle the frontend ourselfves , just give us a well documented package with hints to how it may work with say pusher or , leave the rest to us

IJack commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the nice package, works fine.

But I got an error when I make a migration:refresh after a time: Class "AddSoftdeletesToThreadTable" not found. The migration file with it class is in the migration folder. Don't know what I'm doing wrong

antonkomarev commented 9 years ago

@Pandahisham just check this repo. It's pretty good boilerplate to make this package work with Pusher

Pandahisham commented 9 years ago

@a-komarev and @cmgmyr thanks !! i may have to re-purpose that to though

talha08 commented 8 years ago

How can I run this in my project , I have no idea... .. I followed all the instructions but its not working :( I am using laravel 4.2 version ...anyone here to help me please!!

cmgmyr commented 8 years ago

@talha08 if you have a specific thing you need help with, please create a new issue ticket with more information. This isn't the correct issue for help. With Laravel 4, you should be using the 1.x version. I hope that helps.

FrankDupree commented 8 years ago

@cmgmyr Using it as a personal messaging system with the phphub china community forum. you could check it out here. Phphub++

Gummibeer commented 8 years ago

In a Game-Webinterface for an Arma3 Altis Life Server.

AS additional features I've added Markdown and a PHP side Twemoji Class that replaces some codes with the SVGs for the twemojis.

For me this is a very good package cause it just comes with the needed things and is easy customizable.

bgies commented 8 years ago

I'm not using it yet, but I'm planning on using it to support messaging between the website admins and the users... it seems very well suited for that

sger commented 8 years ago

Great package just created a demo app with Laravel 5.2

cmgmyr commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the demo @sger! I've been toying with the idea of making a live working demo that people can log in to, but just haven't had the time recently. Definitely on my to-do list though.

3traker commented 8 years ago

Great package just created a demo app with Laravel 5.2

404 :(

SAIBA0011 commented 8 years ago

I'm using it for a friends messaging system :) Planning on using this for a open forum type as well.

sger commented 8 years ago

@3traker @SAIBA0011 download the project here

3traker commented 8 years ago


xuan9230 commented 8 years ago

Hi, in my website there are two different kinds of users(multi auth), let's say "cop" and "thief" instead of one kind of "user". Can I still use this package? Thanks!

antonkomarev commented 8 years ago

@xuan9230 of course. You can extend Thread model or even write your own to fit your requirements. This package provides a structure which you can adapt for your needs.

xuan9230 commented 8 years ago

@a-komarev So I've noticed "user" appears a lot in several files (Thread, MessengerServiceProvider, Participant...) Should I change every single one of them? That seems to be such a huge workload...

cmgmyr commented 8 years ago

@xuan9230 nope, all you have to do is publish the config file and update the reference to the "user" model you want here. All of the references to your model will get mapped automatically. Also, if you have any questions/issues with the package, please open a new ticket so we can reserve this one for feedback related comments

xuan9230 commented 8 years ago

@cmgmyr thanks man! I will open a new ticket once I figured out the entire process:)

groundbreaker08 commented 8 years ago

@cmgmyr implementing it on our private network! :D Thank you for this package.

Moussa112 commented 8 years ago

@cmgmyr Realy nice package you have here! Thanks a lot! I would like to use it in my project as some sort of private direct messaging service betweens users. But I can't seem to find a way to make it "private". I used to code provided in the controller to show only the threads you are participating in so that's cool but you can still go to the "messages" you are not participating in by changing the url like so for example: "messages/1". Is there a way provided in your package to make this secure? Thanks in advance!

cmgmyr commented 8 years ago

@Moussa112 thanks for using the package! There isn't anything built directly into this package for private one-to-one messaging, I left that up to the developer since there are multiple ways that you can implement it. Please take a look at #29 for some helpful info. I'm going to be writing up some additional information about how to do this soon.

cihadturhan commented 8 years ago

We implemented an internal messaging module in our private course website thanks to your package. Also, we made some modifications to send bulk messages to everyone.


cmgmyr commented 8 years ago

Thanks for sharing @cihadturhan, the site looks great! I really like the page layout too. How did you handle the bulk notifications? Just sending out one-to-one messages to everyone from an admin user?

Naveen95 commented 8 years ago

Any idea how much simultaneous connections it can manage ? planning to implement it on a project where tons of chats may take place.

cmgmyr commented 8 years ago

@Naveen95 that's really up to your server infrastructure. Laravel can handle many concurrent connections. If you want more of a real-time chat, you should probably look into other technologies instead of PHP. This really depends on your project and how you want to implement it.

naumanahmed19 commented 8 years ago

any working demo ?

cmgmyr commented 8 years ago

@naumanahmed19 unfortunately, nothing "official" at the moment, but if you look at my repos you'll see a number of tests in different versions of the framework that you can pull down and play with. They all come with migrations and seeds to get you up and running.

lankaen commented 8 years ago

@cmgmyr any idea how to developing realtime application using laravel 5.2 using sockets [ I tried vinelab/minion (built using but it's not working correctly in my laravel environment ]

rajjanorkar commented 8 years ago

My goal was to implement one to one messaging system using this package. I must say this is really awesome package, with little changes to example controller and created my own views and it's live in few hours.

We implemented it in

Thank you very much everyone who contributed to this repo, and keep up the good work.

yansusanto commented 8 years ago

I'm looking for a system where it's Admin -> many Users / one User and user -> Admin only. No messaging between users.

Does this package fit our requirement?

Thanks ;)

PS: Any real live demo would be good though

cmgmyr commented 8 years ago

@yanseo Yes, you can use this package for that. You'd have to build the rules around who can contact who though, but the base messaging functionality would still be the same.

watchwood commented 7 years ago

How easy would it be to send system generated messages to users with this package?

Promixius commented 7 years ago

Such functionallity is build into laravel

cmgmyr commented 7 years ago

@watchwood - like @Promixius stated, notifications would be better for this. You could use this package to accomplish something similar, but it's certainly not ideal (IMO)

h-azad commented 7 years ago

Does it compatible with Laravel 5.3 ??

cmgmyr commented 7 years ago

@sidor555 yes

h-azad commented 7 years ago

Hi... When I'm trying to migrate database it's showing. I already have a messages table in my database. I think this maybe a problem --> Cannot redeclare class CreateMessagesTable ..... So now what to do ??

cmgmyr commented 7 years ago

@sidor555 can you please open a new issue with more information?

reliq commented 7 years ago

We're using your package here and at

Thank you for an awesome package man!

:beers: cheers!

cmgmyr commented 7 years ago

Very cool @reliq, thanks for sharing!

asimshazad commented 7 years ago

Sorry @reliq ,i can't find this package on :(

reliq commented 7 years ago

Hey @asimshazad, we're basically it for the member chat feature on that site ( The feature isn't actually open to the public. The chat is currently only available to people with 'room requests'.

Rostom22 commented 7 years ago

Hi, can i add attached-file fonctionnality to this package ? thanks.