vegFrac description:
Percentage of grid cell that is covered by vegetation.This SHOULD be the sum of tree, grass, crop and shrub fractions.
grassFrac description:
Percentage of entire grid cell that is covered by natural grass.
grassFracC4 description:
Percentage of entire grid cell covered by C4 grass. | Percentage of entire grid cell that is covered by C3natural grass.
grassFrac is defined as fracture of grid cell covered by natural grass. That would exclude pasture.
For vegFrac however, pasture would be included in the grass fraction?
(Notice also the typo in the CMOR variable description of grassFracC4 and the differences between the CMOR variable description and the MIP variable description.)
vegFrac description: Percentage of grid cell that is covered by vegetation.This SHOULD be the sum of tree, grass, crop and shrub fractions.
grassFrac description: Percentage of entire grid cell that is covered by natural grass.
grassFracC4 description: Percentage of entire grid cell covered by C4 grass. | Percentage of entire grid cell that is covered by C3 natural grass.
grassFrac is defined as fracture of grid cell covered by natural grass. That would exclude pasture. For vegFrac however, pasture would be included in the grass fraction?
(Notice also the typo in the CMOR variable description of grassFracC4 and the differences between the CMOR variable description and the MIP variable description.)