cmkushnir / NMSModBuilder

No Man's Sky Mod Builder
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
53 stars 4 forks source link

hgpak #11

Closed czdvoika closed 1 year ago

czdvoika commented 1 year ago

Hi, is there any way to repackage ps4/switch/macos *.pak? It is different from the PC version, it has HGPAK.... in the header

czdvoika commented 1 year ago

i try localized games... (

cmkushnir commented 1 year ago

The app already supports both PSARC and HGPAK (mac) formats. It will auto-detect the type when reading, and you can choose the format when creating a new pak. There are 2 query scripts that come with the app that show how to convert a pak from one format to the other, as well as taking an existing pak in one format, making a small change, and repacking in the other format. However, currently it does not seem like the mac version supports loading mod pak's, and I think the switch version uses a different compression than the mac version. The app only supports the mac HGPAK format, not the switch HGPAK format which uses the oodle compression.

czdvoika commented 1 year ago

tnx for your time