cmlenius / gloomhaven-card-browser
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Consider adding more completed custom classes #51

Open ding493 opened 3 weeks ago

ding493 commented 3 weeks ago

Hiya, you probably know this, but your site is the absolute best resource for Gloomhaven-related content. Given the presence of Crimson Scales+, I’m writing to ask you to consider adding additional custom content. A new page has been created on Reddit which conveniently compiles these classes: I’ve approached the idea on the CCUG Discord server (I assume you’ve visited — same folks as Crimson Scales mostly) and there seems to be positive vibes about this idea. Truly, your site is a better place to learn about the top custom classes vs Reddit anyway. Thoughts? -Steve.

cmlenius commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks for the comment. I'll be honest, it looks like a ton of work that will only benefit a very very small portion of the community. For reference, less than 5% of activity is directed toward crimson scales & trail of ashes combined (btw i've never played the custom content, those 2 were popular enough and well structured that I decided to add them).

It requires compiling & compressing all the images into individual files with the correct naming & file format and creating JSON representations of all the ability cards including name, level, initiative, class of card, expansion.

      name: trample,
      expansion: Gloomhaven 2e,
      image: character-ability-cards/gloomhaven-2e/BR2/trample.jpeg,
      level: 1,
      initiative: 72

I'm not ruling it out but it frankly it would require someone else to compile all the data & assets in the correct format and then i can upload it and create the pages.

I am curious to know what tool you guys use to create the custom classes, has someone created an application for it or is it all photoshop on templates?

ding493 commented 3 weeks ago

Hiya. I appreciate your response. I especially appreciate the analytical approach — you’re right that it would be high effort compared to the percentage of use. But it’s also nice to know you’d be willing to add it if the assets were handed to you in a “ready to post” form. So, I’ll have to find a volunteer or else it won’t happen. I’ll get back to you. I’ll probably need you to share required image dimensions and anything else you can think of.

To answer your other questions, the community has created very detailed Photoshop (and Gimp) templates including the correct fonts and official icons (with permission). There may be “creator” apps like exist for Dominion cards (for example) but I’m not familiar with them.


ding493 commented 1 week ago

This comment doesn’t really move this project forward. Just a quick note that ChatGPT was able to successfully create the JSON from a sample card image file. Next I need to locate a tool to split a 5x7 card file into 35 individual cards, or get them pre-split from the designer.

cmlenius commented 1 week ago

I've used this to split grid of images before

ding493 commented 1 week ago

Oh, thanks for sharing. I found which worked nicely.

Next step is to compile a list of heroes who would quality and get designed approvals.