cmmid / covid-uk

Scenario analyses for COVID-19 outbreak in the United Kingdom
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Information on Model Run/Code Layout #5

Open kzscisoft opened 4 years ago

kzscisoft commented 4 years ago

I am part of a consortium which is developing other COVID models, we are looking to use this particular model as a way of cross-validating these.

I noticed some of the scripts are not actually used when running the main command and there are a few references to Dropbox files which have not been included. As such I was wondering if anyone working on this project could help me gain an understanding of the workflow/structure of the code. This information would prove very valuable when it comes to applying the model to our own data/parameters.

Thank you for your time,


coursera-ricardor commented 4 years ago

Some references are available in a closed issue.

I'm facing a problem with:

# Build C++ code
packageStartupMessage("Attaching C++ code...")
sourceCpp(paste0(cm_path_, "/model_v1/corona.cpp"), 
          rebuild  = cm_force_rebuild_,
          cacheDir = cm_build_dir_,
          verbose  = cm_build_verbose_)
sourceCpp(paste0(cm_path_, "/fit_v1/fit.cpp"),
          rebuild  = cm_force_rebuild_, 
          cacheDir = cm_build_dir_,
          verbose  = cm_build_verbose_)

In my windows with rtools when trying to compile covidm/model_v1/corona.cpp

In my case,I received a report for DR Congo, the geography it is quite peculiar and the infrastructure different than UK, Europe or America. Reviewing the code there is a section at the run_scenarios.R

#' set up paramaters
  | if(hirisk_prop_isolated > 0){
  | params <- params_set[[2]]
  | #assign population actually   isolated in high-risk
  | params$pop[[1]][["size"]] <- params$pop[[1]][["size"]] + (1-hirisk_prop_isolated)*params$pop[[2]][["size"]]
  | params$pop[[2]][["size"]] <- params$pop[[2]][["size"]]*(hirisk_prop_isolated)
  | } else {
  | params <- params_set[[1]]
  | }

So maybe it is possible to setup to consider:


Some of the cities require "River Crossing" no bridges and it is possible to view different exposure risks between countries, like:


or maybe run the model selecting some cities and not all the population in one big bucket, not possible to know in that pdf report.

name census_198 estimate20 calculatio annual_gro
Kinshasa 2 664 309 7273947 9463749 3.34
Lubumbashi 564 830 1283380 1786397 4.22
Mbuji-Mayi 486 235 1213726 1680991 4.16
Kananga 298 693 720362 1061181 4.96
Kisangani 317 581 682599 935977 4.02
Bukavu 167 950 471789 806940 6.94
Tshikapa 116 016 366503 587548 6.08
Kolwezi 416 122 456446 453147 -0.09
Likasi 213 862 367219 447449 2.5
Goma 77 908 249862 431342 7.06
Kikwit 149 296 294210 397737 3.84
Uvira 74 432 235136 378736 6.14
Bunia 59 598 230625 366126 5.95
Mbandaka 137 291 262814 345663 3.48
Matadi 138 798 245862 306053 2.78
Kabinda 24 789 126723 219154 7.09
Butembo 73 312 165333 217625 3.49
Mwene-Ditu 94 560 170786 195622 1.71
Isiro 78 268 147524 182900 2.72
Kindu 66 812 135534 172321 3.05

In some countries, the infrastructure could work like a shield for some communities, but in some cases the patients simply won't be able to reach a medical facility.
