cmneal26 / Tech-Writing-Project

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Create Open API 3 Doc For Public API #28

Closed ghost closed 2 years ago

ghost commented 2 years ago

Add Open API Doc To Data Folder

By placing an open api doc for the public api we're doing the tutorial on in our project data folder, we can access that data via a template.

I'm not sure if we're going to use this particular open api doc (pending design and site decisions), but I need the practice creating documents of this format, so I'm going to create and add it to our project anyway.

I'll also add a reference to the data on the 'About' page so that you can use to see how I access the data.

After we have the data available, and we've confirmed our site design, we can worry about how to pass the right data into a template that has the appropriate structure for the API doc (or just access parts of it in the tutorial template).

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ghost commented 2 years ago