cmolinan / Awesome-Books

"Awesome books" is a simple interactive website that displays a list of books and allows you to add and remove books from that list. It is built with JavaScript for DOM manipulation and for managing data in objects.
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Awesome books: refactor to use JavaScript classes #2

Closed carlosmuerto closed 2 years ago

carlosmuerto commented 2 years ago

Awesome books: refactor to use JavaScript classes

Project requirements

  • Use JavaScript classes instead of objects and arrays.
    • You can use objects and arrays, but do it inside classes.
  • Create class methods to add and remove books.
  • Maintain all of the original functionality of the application (i.e. no bugs were introduced while refactoring).
  • Don't use any library or framework, use only plain JavaScript.
  • Add CSS styles to the application to make it match this wireframe:
  • You can use the styles of your choice (colors, fonts, backgrounds, etc.), but try to follow the general layout.
  • Concentrate on the general layout, rather than the details.