cmolinan / Awesome-Books

"Awesome books" is a simple interactive website that displays a list of books and allows you to add and remove books from that list. It is built with JavaScript for DOM manipulation and for managing data in objects.
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Awesome books: a complete website with navigation #3

Closed carlosmuerto closed 2 years ago

carlosmuerto commented 2 years ago

Awesome books: a complete website with navigation

Project requirements

  • Modify the Awesome books application to have:
    • A Navigation bar.
    • Three content sections:
      1. Books list.
      2. Add book form.
      3. Contact info.
  • Use this wireframe as a guide:
  • Make sure that when you click on any of the links, the main area changes to display only one of the three content sections. (Hint: you can simply add and remove CSS classes to display or hide the content.)
  • To change the contents of the page, don't use any library or framework, use only plain JavaScript and CSS.