cmooref17 / ReservedItemSlotMods
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Terminal message looks wrong #24

Open xllifi opened 3 months ago

xllifi commented 3 months ago


изображение This is obviously not a bug but it just doesn't look like a finished message.

cmooref17 commented 3 months ago

My way of thinking about this, is that since I decided to make purchasing slots NOT enabled by default, many people wouldn't know it's an option they can enable. This is kinda like advertising that it is indeed an option for them in the config.

I agree, I don't exactly love the text there, but the screenshot you sent is from opening the terminal for the first time. Every time players open the terminal after that, they will not see that message anymore. (unless a mod does something to change it, idk)

But with all that said, if you have a solution that can satisfy the points I made, or if you think rewording the text would be better, share your thoughts here! Just because I made the mod does not mean that every decision/choices in this mod are perfect lol. I'm open to all suggestions! Maybe I could at least get rid of the strikethrough, and make the last part of the text more informative? I'm not sure.

lucho947 commented 3 months ago

I agree with xlifi, it looks terrible. I understand that you want to be sure that people are aware of the new option so I think it's fine if the message appears in default, but it would be nice if you added a option to remove the text in the config file, after all those who don't want the text in their terminals are already aware of the purchaseable slots option. I and many people don't want things that can make the game feel "modded" and want a more polished-looking game. The Too Many Emotes mod had a similar issue and ended up removing it. Of course wether you keep it like this or not it's your call, we didn't create this mod lol. Thx for the great mod <3! (Im a non-native speaker so sorry if I made some horrifying grammar mistakes hahaha)

Edit: In case the creator doesn't remove the text, does anyone know another mod that allows us to skip the "press help" page in the terminal?

kronflux commented 3 months ago

Yeah this sadly feels too spammy, and is not aesthetically pleasing. I think by now people are used to looking at configs, and should be aware of the available options when installing a mod. Advertising that an option exists is unnecessary. If the option is disabled, there should be no text added to the terminal. This should be the case with all options within all mods.

Alternatively, if you absolutely insist on keeping it there, please add a "Disable Terminal Messages" option, which you can also disable by default, so the default config still shows your message.

xllifi commented 3 months ago

Sorry, I missed this thread for like 9 days! My solution would be to change the text (see "Images") and add a config option to disable the message.


(appears if you are the host)
Buying Reserved Slots is currently disabled. You can enable it or hide the message in config. image (appears if you are not the host)
Buying Reserved Slots is disabled by host. You can hide the message in config. image (appears if buying slots is enabled)
Buying Reserved Slots is enabled. Type "Reserved" to purchase slots. image