cmooref17 / ReservedItemSlotMods
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Issues about ReservedItemSlotCore and ReservedWeaponSlot #52

Open NakiriFox opened 1 month ago

NakiriFox commented 1 month ago

Sorry, my statement when I posted was not very clear :(

The following is the revised problem description👇

The main issue is: If the host has ReservedWeaponSlot installed, other players who have ReservedItemSlotCore but do not want to use ReservedWeaponSlot will also see a weapon slot on the right side of the screen.

cmooref17 commented 1 month ago

Sorry, just to be clear, are we talking about the lack of a hotkey that specifically toggles to the reserved weapon slot because they don't have the mod? Or just the fact that they can't toggle their reserved slots in general?

If you know these people, could you just have them install the reserved weapons slot mod? Or could you have them go into their config and enable toggling the reserved hotbar slots rather than swap to them while holding?

NakiriFox commented 1 month ago


NakiriFox commented 1 month ago

If you know these people, could you just have them install the reserved weapons slot mod? Or could you have them go into their config and enable toggling the reserved hotbar slots rather than swap to them while holding?

If I knew other players, of course this problem could be solved.

But if I were not the host, it would still bring a terrible gaming experience, and I couldn't completely avoid playing in a stranger's room. If a strange host installs ReservedWeaponSlot, this problem will plague players like me who do not want to use ReservedWeaponSlot.

cmooref17 commented 1 month ago

What are your thoughts on the Core mod adding hotkeys, such as alt+1, alt+2, etc, to swap/toggle to each reserved weapon slot, and maybe doing it this way would toggle that slot so you couldn't have to hold down alt to stay on that slot until you swap off that slot?

I'm all open for suggestions. I do understand how that could be frustrating.

NakiriFox commented 1 month ago

I think even if this issue doesn't happen, your proposal still attracts me a lot :)

NakiriFox commented 1 month ago

QQ_1721416182471 So is there a way to solve the situation indicated by the arrow? It can fundamentally solve the problem.

If this requires a lot of time, please forgive me for making this request.

In fact, in such this situation, I could switch to another Lobby to play the game. This issue is not actually serious.

cmooref17 commented 1 month ago

Okay, I might have misunderstood. So if you do not have the weapon slot mod installed, but the host does have it, it will normally give you that slot.

Were you not wanting to have that slot if you don't have the mod?

If this is the case, then it's not something I want to support, mainly because the reserved item slots are a part of the player's inventory, and the inventory should stay the same size across all clients as to not cause any errors or desynced items.

When I have time, I would like to think of a decent solution for this, though.