cmput301w19t22 / BookNet

CMPUT 301 Winter 2019 Group Project - Team 22
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Matt #72

Closed Madoshakalaka closed 5 years ago

Madoshakalaka commented 5 years ago

1. In database, in booklistings, the key for book listings are now UID + "-" + ISBN

in userbooks, keys are unchanged, they are already distinguished with the parent path of UID

2. to get current user info anywhere

info = CurrentUser.getInstance().blah

every blah (name/email/phone/profile) should be changed to the real users infomation upon login.

Currently only email and UID are changed upon login. Database side changes need to be made to record user profiles.

3 MockDataBase Removed

Everything read/write of database is now done through DatabaseManager DatabaseManager is now a singleton class.

4 Async database initiation task is called upon start of app to connect and read all the database data to private attributes. These data will get real time update once the database changes.

5 No more writeUserAccount in the DatabaseManager as login is taken care by firebase auth system

  1. database model change

BookListings UID-bookisbn ..

UserBooks UID ISBN ...

5. upon successful login FirebaseUser user = FirebaseAuth.getInstance().getCurrentUser() is saved to CurrentUser singleton class for future use

6. CurrentUser class changed to work with FirebaseUser

7. UserAccount class now doesn't need accountPassword field, removed.

8. writeBookListings() in DatabaseManager now called WriteToAllBookListings()

9. To do database read/write from everwhere

class SomeClass: private DatabaseManager manager = DatabaseManager();

//somewhere inside the class .... booklisting = manager.readBookWithISBN(isbn); ...