cmroche / OctoPrint-HomeAssistant

Home Assistant plugin for OctoPrint, enabling MQTT discovery of you device and sensors
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Connect/Disconnect not working with OctoPrint 1.9.0 #101

Open sendorm opened 1 year ago

sendorm commented 1 year ago

The current version sends "off" and "on" to "octoPrint/hassControl/connect" topic. This does not work anymore.

But: Currently sending: to topic "octoPrint/hassControl/connect" -> "True", connects and "False" disconnects.

Can this be fixed. Thank you.

sendorm commented 1 year ago

I've managed to fix the issue by updating "homeassistant/switch/XXXXXX_CONNECT/config" to

{ "pl_off": "False", "pl_on": "True", }

formerly is was on and off.

elbotanico commented 1 year ago

Could you please guide me on how to update the information? I am experiencing the same issue and I am a bit unfamiliar with custom configurations. Where can I find the 'homeassistant/switch/XXXXXX_CONNECT/config'? Is it located in the config editor? Additionally, where should I insert the following information? { "pl_off": "False", "pl_on": "True" } Apologies for all the questions, but I'm trying to resolve the same problem. Thank you for your assistance.

sendorm commented 1 year ago

The answer I gave was related to mqtt config. You have to use a program like MQTT-Explorer and find the related message and compile a message as written above. But that solution turned out to be temporary.

The real solution is this: you have to login to your pi.

cd ./oprint/lib/python3.7/site-packages/octoprint_homeassistant (this depends on your python version, you can use find octoprint_homeassistant)

nano press ctrl+w and type: "pl_off": "off" check that this is inside switch change it to "pl_off": "False", "pl_on": "True",

ctrl+x and save.

Now you are good to go. Hopefully someone updates the code and this takes place.

elbotanico commented 1 year ago

This method worked like a charm. First, navigate to the directory in question. For me, the version was Python 3.9, so I used the following command to reach the directory:

"cd ./oprint/lib/python3.9/site-packages/octoprint_homeassistant"

Afterward, I utilized the command "nano" and conducted a search. In my particular scenario, the file appeared as shown in the image below after I made modifications to the values:


Subsequently, I executed a system reboot using the "sudo reboot" command. Upon trying the buttons in Home Assistant, everything functioned properly. I truly appreciate the time and knowledge you've shared to explain this process.

jneilliii commented 1 year ago

Just to confirm, this wasn't an issue in OctoPrint 1.8.7 but became a problem with 1.9.0? I have a potential PR ready to go with these changes in a version compatible method that won't break it for older versions if users haven't upgraded OctoPrint yet.

sendorm commented 1 year ago

This might also be a problem related solely depending on changes related to homeassistant. Both my updates were done on similar dates so I can't point out which one caused the issue.

I think (but this also needs confirmation) the changes will be compatible, it is just the way homeassistant handles switches. "off" was working before now they need "False".

jneilliii commented 1 year ago

Ah, so it's a home assistant change that broke it, so my octoprint version matching is unneeded. Not sure if there is a way to check HA versioning and then react accordingly.

sendorm commented 1 year ago

I am not certain but this change should not be affecting older versions of hass. If people with problem can write which version they have, we can pinpoint the culprit.

jneilliii commented 1 year ago

This fix definitely works in Home Assistant 2023.6.2, just tested my PR with the version compatibility stuff taken out.

sendorm commented 1 year ago

I meant up from which version is this fix needed. Somewhere around 2023.5 I think. Or octoprint 1.9.0 and above.

jneilliii commented 1 year ago

You're right, it does appear that it is an OctoPrint 1.9.0 issue maybe. I installed the original un-patched version in 1.8.7 and it works fine. My patch has been adjusted to take version into account and should be able to work for everybody.

jneilliii commented 1 year ago

Actually, I think this issue may have been introduced with the latest version of this plugin. The changes merged in this PR seems to have changed the logic.

sendorm commented 1 year ago

Great find, thanks for clearing things out.

sendorm commented 1 year ago

Will close when your pr is merged :)